The History of the Reign of Queen Anne, Digested Into Annals: Year the First[-eleventh. Being the Pacifick Year]., المجلد 11A. Roper ... and F. Coggan, 1713 |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Addreſs Affairs agreed Allies alſo Anſwer anſwer'd Army Batallions becauſe Bouchain Britain British cauſe Chriſtian Commiſſion Confederate Conference Count de Rechteren Court Crown Declaration defired Demands Denain Deputies Deſign Duke of Ormond Duke of Savoy Dunkirk Dutch Duty Earl of Strafford Elector Emperor Enemy faid fent firſt fome foon Footmen France French fuch Garrifon Hague Hanover High Mightineſſes Honour Houſe House of Hanover Inſtructions Intereſt juſt King Landrecy laſt likewife Lord Lord Mohun Lordſhip Majesty Majesty's March Mareſchal Maſter Meaſures Menager Minifters Moermont Moft molt Monfieur moſt muſt Negotiation neral Number obſerve occafion offer'd order'd Orders Parliament Peace Perſons Place pleas'd pleaſed Plenipotentiaries preſent Prince Eugene propoſed Proteftant Publick purpoſe Queen Queſtion Reaſon receiv'd refolv'd Reſolution reſpective return'd ſaid ſame Satisfaction Savoy ſay ſent ſet ſeveral ſhall ſhould Siege ſigning ſince ſome Spain ſtill Succeffion ſuch Suſpenſion of Arms theſe thoſe tion Town Treaty Troops uſe Utrecht whoſe
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 130 - ... the payments of a willing and obedient people, as well as all the glorious toils and hazards of the soldiery; when God, for our sins, permitted the spirit of...