African Aims and Attitudes: Selected DocumentsMartin Minogue, Judith Molloy CUP Archive, 26/09/1974 - 400 من الصفحات Political thought is an essential ingredient of politics and the study of political ideas is equally essential for the analysis of political systems. Although the study of African politics has expanded in past years, African political ideas have been relatively neglected. Yet a significant characteristic of African political activity is that those who exert the greatest influence in practical politics also take the lead in formulating those ideas that might be characterised as political thought. The relationship between African political thought and African political action is, in formal terms, a close one. In addition to the main introduction, which discusses the characteristics and significance of African political ideology, the editors have provided short introductions to each major section of documents, biographies of the authors quoted, and a substantial bibliography of works by individual Africans or non-Africans who have influenced thought, as well as of more general sources. With this book the reader will be able to understand readily the issues which are of the most fundamental concern in African politics, and the attitudes which inform the actions of those in crucial posts of political authority. |
Introduction | 1 |
Oginga Odinga | 37 |
Mamadou | 46 |
Sekou Touré | 52 |
Léopold Sédar Senghor | 62 |
Humanism in Zambia | 101 |
The Mulungushi Declaration | 109 |
After Mulungushi | 118 |
Negritude and Culture | 236 |
Negritude | 238 |
African Characteristics | 240 |
National Culture | 241 |
Culture and Political Leadership | 243 |
On National Culture | 247 |
Race Culture and Community | 251 |
THE STRUGGLE GOES ON A International Organisations | 254 |
Zambias Second National Development Plan | 124 |
The Kabwe Declaration | 127 |
Documents on Kenya 12 African Socialism in Kenya | 129 |
the OneParty State | 141 |
The Kenya Peoples Union | 145 |
Tom Mboya | 148 |
The Kenyan Bureaucracy | 153 |
The Common Mans Charter | 158 |
Kagisano A Policy for Harmony | 164 |
The Dakar Colloquium on African Socialism | 167 |
Nkrumah | 173 |
The African Revolution | 180 |
National Consciousness | 182 |
the Institutions 1 The Accra Conference 1958 | 191 |
The OAU Charter 1963 | 195 |
OAU Resolution on Border Disputes July 1964 199 4 OAU Resolution on NonAlignment February 1964 | 199 |
OAU Resolution on Regional Groupings August 1963 | 200 |
East and Central Africa | 201 |
Declaration by the Governments of East Africa June 1963 | 203 |
Nyereres Response | 205 |
The Treaty for East African Cooperation 1967 | 207 |
the Leaders 10 George Padmore | 209 |
Kwame Nkrumah | 212 |
Nnamdi Azikiwe | 216 |
Mamadou Dia | 218 |
Modibo Keita | 219 |
Sekou Touré | 221 |
с African Unity and African Culture 16 The First Congress of Negro Writers and Artists Paris 1956 | 225 |
The Second Congress of Negro Writers and Artists Rome 1959 | 227 |
Negritude | 230 |
The African Personality | 234 |
OAU Resolutions Addis Ababa 1963 | 255 |
OAU Resolutions Rabat 1972 | 259 |
The Khartoum Conference 1969 | 264 |
B Southern Africa 4 The Lusaka Manifesto | 267 |
Hastings Banda | 274 |
Seretse Khama | 275 |
Leabua Jonathan | 277 |
OAU Declaration on Dialogue | 278 |
Albert Luthuli | 280 |
Nelson Mandela | 287 |
Vambe | 294 |
The Zimbabwe African National Council | 296 |
The Pearce Commission | 300 |
Constitution of the Front for the Libera tion of Zimbabwe FROLIZI | 307 |
Namibia SouthWest Africa | 309 |
Portuguese Guinea | 311 |
Mozambique | 321 |
Neocolonialism 18 Mamadou Dia | 331 |
Kwame Nkrumah | 333 |
Frantz Fanon | 340 |
A A Afrifa | 346 |
K Acheampong | 351 |
J D Mobutu | 353 |
O Ojukwu | 356 |
The Coup | 361 |
Manifesto of the Ugandan Army | 364 |
Policy Statements | 366 |
Foreign Policy | 369 |
Kwame Nkrumah | 372 |
Bibliography | 396 |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
accept achieve action administration African National African Socialism African Unity agricultural apartheid areas armed struggle army Arusha Declaration believe capital capitalist Charter citizens co-operation colonial power Conference Congress Constitution continue Convention People's Party Council coup create culture democracy democratic domination economic elected ensure equality established European existence exploitation Extracts forces foreign freedom FRELIMO fundamental Ghana Government Guinea human ideology imperialism imperialist important independence individual industrial interests Kenya Kwame Nkrumah land leaders liberation movement living Mamadou Dia masses means military Ministers Mozambique Namibia national liberation nationalist negritude neo-colonialism Nigeria Nkrumah Obote organisation Panafricanism party peasants people's petty bourgeoisie political population Portuguese principles problems production race racial regime Republic responsibility revolution revolutionary Rhodesia rural sector Sekou Touré socialist South Africa TANU Tanzania territories traditional tribal Uganda United Nations workers Zambia Zimbabwe