صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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tice to mariners issued by
British Admiralty.


Consul General Skinner to June 23 Informs Department of no-
the Secretary of State

2517 Ambassador W. H. Page to July 23 Quotes note from Foreign

the Secretary of State

Office, July 22, which
states that neutral mer-
chant vessels must apply
through their diplomatic
representative for special
directions of the Admiral-
ty as to the north-about

1908 The Secretary of State to July 26 States Department under

Ambassador W. H. Page

stands requirement in Ad-
miralty notice of May 15
that neutral vessels bound
to North Sea by north-
about route must obtain
from Admiralty special
directions, applies only to
vessels sailing from Brit-
ish ports and not from
American or neutral ports.
Report whether this un-
derstanding is correct.

Ambassador W. H. Page to Aug. 17 Quotes note from Sir E.

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Ambassador W. H. Page to May 29 States Foreign Office
the Secretary of State


formed him May 27 that
eastern limit of danger
area of British mine field
off Belgian coast should
be defined as the meridian
of 3° 18' east instead of
3° 20' east as previously

193 The British Ambassador to July 1 Transmits copy of an Ad

the Secretary of State.


miralty notice to mari-
ners, relative to certain
mined areas in North


Ambassador W. H. Page to Jan. 25 British notification of mine

the Secretary of State


Ambassador W. H. Page to Feb. 15
the Secretary of State

1485 The Secretary of State to Feb. 19 the British Ambassador.


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Ambassador W. H. Page to Mar. 23
the Secretary of State


of the United States, for
the protection of Ameri-
can interests, reserves gen-
erally all of its rights in
the question of appropri-
ating certain portions of
the high seas for military
operations, to the exclu-
sion of the use of the
hostile area as a common
highway of commerce.

British notification of dan-
gerous area in the North

The Minister of Switzer- Mar. 23 Informs Department that

land in charge of Ger

man interests in Amer

ica, to the Secretary of

the German Government
gave notice of an exten-
sion of the submarine
blockade to the waters of
the Arctic Ocean.



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The Minister of Switzer- Mar. 24 Informs Department of re

land in charge of Ger

man interests in Amer

ceipt of telegram com-
pleting the German Gov-

ica, to the Secretary of

ernment's notice of the

blockade of the Arctic



Minister Egan to the Sec- Apr. 8 Quotes German warning to
retary of State (tele-


mariners published by

Foreign Office Aug. 8,


Consul General Skinner to Apr. 27 Reports notice issued by
the Secretary of State

British Admiralty extend-
ing dangerous area in the
North Sea.

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1659 Ambassador Gerard to the Feb. 22 Reports sinking of steamer Secretary of State (tele


Evelyn by mines.

1687 Ambassador Gerard to the Feb. 25 States Consular Agent, Bre


Secretary of State (tele


merhaven, reports Carib
sunk by mine Feb. 22.
Three of crew lost.

1685 Ambassador Gerard to the Feb. 25 States that Commander

Secretary of State (tele-


Gherardi has been informed that vessel Evelyn sank in latitude 53° 52′ north, longitude 6° 7' east.


80 The British Ambassador to Feb. 25 Informs him that the Brit-
the Secretary of State

J. No. The German Ambassador Mar. 1
to the Secretary of State.

ish Naval Officer who
boarded the Evelyn gave
no instructions of any
kind to the Master of that

States that the American

vessels Evelyn and Carib
were lost in North Sea
because, contrary to direc-
tions given in the Nach-
richten für Seefahrer, they
ran along the East Frie-
sian Islands by direction
of a British warship.

1728 Ambassador Gerard to the Mar. 2 Reports that statements ob

Secretary of State.

tained by Naval Attaché



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J. Nr. The German Ambassador Mar. 26 States that investigation of
B 4884 to the Secretary of State.

Evelyn and Carib casual-
ties show that the vessels
had on board Dutch, not
German pilots. Those
pilots according to in-
quiries made are not com-
petent to navigate Ger-
man waters. Repeats the
course recommended in
the Nachrichten für See-
fahrer No. 3161/14, north
around Scotland to the
guiding buoys of Lis-
tertief offers the least

661 Ambassador Gerard to the Apr. 12 Incloses translation of a Secretary of State.

note received from Ger-
man Foreign Office rela-
tive to the sinking of the
American vessels Evelyn
and Carib.

Case of the "Greenbriar."

Consul General Listoe to Apr. 3
the Secretary of State

States Consul Fee, Bremen,
reports steamship Green-
briar sunk Apr. 2, ap-
parently mine explosion
near North Friesian Island




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