LOVE POEMS. WOULD N'T YOU LIKE TO KNOW? I A MADRIGAL. I. KNOW a girl with teeth of pearl, Her sunny hair is wondrous fair, And wavy in its flow; Who made it less One little tress, Would n't you like to know? III. Her eyes are blue (celestial hue!). And dazzling in their glow; On whom they beam With melting gleam,Would n't you like to know? IV. Her lips are red and finely wed, Those dewy lips, — Her foot is small, and has a fall Beneath the rose, Would n't you like to know? VII. She has a name, the sweetest name That language can bestow; 'T would break the spell If I should tell, — Would n't you like to know? THE LOVER'S VISION. I. N my watching, or my dreaming, IN Came to me a blessed vision; II. By me sat a maiden fairer Than the Oda's king possesses; But I wrong her to compare her Happy, happy whom she blesses With her kisses and caresses! III. Golden hair, like sunlight streaming IV. Heart to heart we sat together; (Ah! to feel her bosom's beating!) V. Oft and oft I would be dreaming, Was it real? or but seeming? "DON THE OATH. ON'T forget me!" sighing sadly, Haply deeming I would gladly Ah! the siren! when did Beauty Heed the warning, "Don't forget!" By her eyes where love reposes; By her bosom, throne of blisses, Hiding from the wanton light, ` Pale with envy at the kisses That her bolder lips invite; By the hours so sweetly squandered By the poets, new and olden, |