For the fancies, rare and golden, By all these my oath is given, ON UNREST. NE o'clock! and still I ponder Never lover weaker, fonder, Ill-content with saying, singing, Half in pleasure, half in sorrow, From the Past its buried bliss. Now I hear her fondly sighing, "Thus my darling I would smother!" ΙΟ On my cheek I feel the billow Of her glowing bosom beat, – Ah! 't is but the pulseless pillow! Shall I curse, or bless the cheat? Dreaming waking- I am weary; KISS me softly and speak to me low; Malice has ever a vigilant ear; What if Malice were lurking near? Kiss me softly and speak to me low. II. Kiss me softly and speak to me low; What if Envy should chance to hear? Kiss me softly and speak to me low. III. Kiss me softly and speak to me low; Trust me, darling, the time is near When we may love with never a fear; Kiss me, dear! Kiss me softly and speak to me low. TO LESBIA. "On s'embrasse a chaque instant, Puis encore !" I. GIVE me kisses! VICTOR HUGO. do not stay, Counting in that careful way; All the coins your lips can print Never will exhaust the mint; Measuring nectar by the drop; Give me kisses!-though their worth Far exceeds the gems of earth, Never pearls so rich and pure Kiss me, then, Every moment — and again ! V. Give me kisses! - Nay, 't is true I can pay you back, you know; Kiss me, then, Every moment — and again! MY SAXON BLONDE. THEY say the dark-eyed maids of Spain But Are passionate and fond; eyes of blue are tender and true; Give me my Saxon blonde ! An arch coquette is the bright brunette; Her love may last till the Summer is past, If bards of old the truth have told, But o'er the earth, since art had birth, Ah, well! —maybe, the truth to see, A lover is over fond; And I can't deny - nor will I try – DARLING, TELL ME YES. A SONG. I. NE little moment more, Maud; ΟΝ One little whisper more; I have a word to speak, Maud, I never breathed before. What can it be but love, Maud ? 'T is pleasant to your ear, Maud? II. The burden of my heart, Maud, And yours O darling! tell me yes! III. My eyes have told my love, Maud; And on my burning cheek |