LIP-SERVICE. Ju I. ULIA once and once again, Heedless of her lover's pain, Mocked his burning passion: II. Then his kisses fell like dew (Just where Love would choose 'em) On her mouth,— and through and through Thrilled her glowing bosom ; Till she felt nor uttered she Whisper of negation "Mere lip-service" still may be Perfect adoration! FAIRY TALES, LEGENDS, AND APOLOGUES. FATHER PUMPKIN; OR, ALWAYS IN LUCK. AN ARABIAN TALE. I. IN Cairo once there dwelt a worthy man, Toilsome and frugal, but extremely poor; II. "Allah is Allah; and, we all agree, From this day forth to make their calling mine." III. "Dog of an Arab!" cried his pious spouse, 66 'So, you would steal to better your estate, And hasten Allah's vengeance! Shame! arouse ! Why sit you there repining at your fate? |