While old POLYPHEMUS, until he was dead, It's bad for the stomach, and ruins the eyes; Don't impose upon sailors with land-lubber tricks, ORPHEUS AND EURYDICE. SIR IR ORPHEUS, whom the poets have sung Was, you may remember, a famous musician, Is really more than is known to me, And it's clear Sir Orpheus never could own a move the stones But whatever it was, to 66 But alas for the joys of this mutable life! Sir Orpheus lost his beautiful wife, Eurydice, — who vanished one day A place where Greeks and Romans dwell A region that in the deepest shade is, Now, having a heart uncommonly stout, Sir Orpheus did n't go whining about, Nor marry another, as you would, no doubt, But made up his mind to fiddle her out! But near the gate he had to wait, For there in state old Cerberus sate. A three-headed dog, as cruel as Fate, Guarding the entrance early and late; A beast so sagacious, and very voracious, So uncommonly sharp and extremely rapacious, That it really may be doubted whether He'd have his match, should a common tether Unite three aldermen's heads together! But Orpheus, not in the least afraid, He quite succeeded in overreaching And now our musical champion, Orpheus, Having given the janitor over to Morpheus, Went groping around among the ladies Who throng the dismal halls of Hades, Calling aloud To the shady crowd, In a voice as shrill as a martial fife, On earth or below, Such wonderful feats in the musical line? E'en Tantalus ceased from trying to sip The cup that flies from his arid lip; Ixion, too, the magic could feel, And, for a moment, blocked his wheel; Poor Sisyphus, doomed to tumble and toss The notable stone that gathers no moss, Let go his burden, and turned to hear The charming sounds that ravished his ear; And even the Furies, those terrible shrews Whom no one before could ever amuse, -- Those strong-bodied ladies with strong-minded views And still Sir Orpheus chanted his song, "Eurydice!— Eurydice!" He cried as loud as loud could be ; Kept it up till the lady heard, And came with joy to meet her lord. For the lady was gone, And had left him standing there all alone! Till he was clear of the sacred ground, MORAL. Young women! beware, for goodness' sake, And played the deuce with grandmother Eve! Young men ! it's a critical thing to go JUPITER AND DANAË: OR, HOW TO WIN A WOMAN. IMPERIAL Jove, who, with wonderful art, Was one of those suitors that always prevail, Once made an assault on so flinty a heart, That he feared for a while he was destined to fail. A beautiful maiden, Miss Danaë by name, The Olympian lover endeavored to win; But she peeped from the casement whenever he came, Exclaiming, "You 're handsome, but cannot come in ! " With sweet adulation he tickled her ear; But still at her window she quietly sat, And said, though his speeches were pleasant to hear, She'd always been used to such homage as that! Then he spoke, in a fervid and rapturous strain, Then he begged her in mercy to pity his case, She was only a maiden, and not a physician! |