One really shivers, And fairly quivers, To think of the treatment of Grey and Rivers And Hastings and Vaughn and other good livers, From the Kingdom of England to Kingdom-Come! Two little White Roses both nipt in the bud! And silly Queen Anne, what sorrow it cost her (And served her right!) for daring to foster Just gave her a portion of -- something or other Ah Richard! you 're going it quite too fast; Will topple down, And you'll be done uncommonly brown! My daring Dick, And RICHMOND, a prince, and a regular brick, On Bosworth field the armies to-night Are pitching their tents in each other's sight; But e'en in his sleep He cannot keep The past or the future out of his head. Each mangled corse Of all he had slain, — or, what was worse, He woke from his dream, And shouted aloud for "another horse!" Perhaps you may think, my little dear, I mean to say that, against his habit, With very bad whiskey on going to bed. But see! the murky night is gone! The Morn is up, and the Fight is on! The Knights are engaging, the warfare is waging, Will he save his crown? There's a crack in it now!-- he's beginning to bleed! (At a moment like this 't is a terrible need!) The day is lost! - and the day is won! And RICHMOND is King! and RICHARD's a corse! MORAL. Remember, my boy, that moral enormities And, while you 're about it, I'd very much rather Don't learn to be cruel, pray let me advise, If you ever should marry, remember to wed Of a widow whose husband is recently dead! If you'd shun in your naps those horrible Incubi, Beware what you eat, and be careful what drink you buy ; Or else you may see, in your sleep's perturbations, Who'll be very apt to disturb your nutations OTHELLO, THE MOOR. OMANCES of late are so wretchedly poor, Here goes for the old one: - Othello, the Moor; A warrior of note, and by no means a boor, Though the skin on his face Was as black as the ace Of spades; or (a simile nearer the case) That's the German idea; But how he could be a Regular negro don't seem very clear; A great while ago, Put a sentiment forth which we all must agree to: Think it nearer the truth To take the opinion of young Mr. Booth, A grim-looking fellow Of a color compounded of lamp-black and yellow. Now Captain Othello, a true son of Mars, In a neighborly way, On Signor Brabantio, one of the men Was invited to tell Of all that befell Himself and his friends while campaigning so well, He ran it quite through, (I would n't be bail it was all of it true) Recounting, with ardor, such trophies and glories, Among Ottoman rebels and Cyprian tories, Not omitting a parcel of cock-and-bull stories, - By brilliant romancers, who picture in gold What, in its own hue, you 'd be shocked to behold. Now Captain Othello, who never had known a At hearing her say, Of all men in the world he'd the charmingest way The dickens were in 't, If he could n't have read her as easy as print; |