EPIGRAMS. THE EXPLANATION. 'HARLES, discoursing rather freely CH Of the unimportant part Which (he said) our clever women "Ah! the sex you undervalue"; Cried his lovely cousin Jane. "No, indeed!" responded Charley, “Pray allow me to explain; Such a paragon is woman, That, you see, it must be true She is always vastly better Than the best that she can do!" FAMILY QUARRELS. "A FOOL," said Jeanette, ❝ is a creature I hate!" "But hating," quoth John, "is immoral; Besides, my dear girl, it's a terrible fate To be found in a family quarrel !” TEACHING BY EXAMPLE. "WHAT is the 'Poet's License,' say?" Asked rose-lipped Anna of a poet. "Now give me an example, pray, That when I see one I may know it." that is all!" A COMMON ALTERNATIVE. "SAY, what's to be done with this window, dear Jack? The cold rushes through it at every crack." Quoth John: "I know little of carpenter-craft, But I think, my dear wife, you will have to go through The very same process that other folks do, That is, you must list or submit to the draught!” A PLAIN CASE. WHEN Tutor Thompson goes to bed, WH That very moment, it is said, The cautious man puts out the light, Mrs. Thompson's face! |