IF MOTHERS-IN-LAW. F you ever should marry, (said Major McGarth, What the latter may be all conjecture defies: Sometimes rather worse! — she's a virulent scold. And find you have netted — a mother-in-law! "Dear Anna," she says, 66 as you clearly may see, Has always been used to depending on me ; Poor child!-though the gentlest that ever was known She could never be trusted a moment alone; Such sensitive nerves, and such delicate lungs!” Cries the stoutest of dames with the longest of tongues. "Like mother - like child; you remember the saw; I'm weakly myself," says your mother-in-law ! But your mother-in-law, you discover erelong, And so you surrender — what else can you do? And so (said the Major) pray, let me advise (Of widows, my boy, I am something afraid!) Who gives you the darling!— her hand and her love, With a sigh for her "dear sainted mother above!" From which the conclusion you safely may draw, She will never appear as your mother-in-law ! THE POET TO HIS GARRET. THRIC (FROM BÉRANger.) HRICE welcome the place where at twenty I sought A nest for myself and my darling grisette; Where I learned the queer lessons that Poverty taught, And with friendship and love banished care and regret. 'T was here that we managed our social affairs, Unheeding what dunces or sages might say; And here on the plaster in charcoal appear My laughing Lisette! would she only come back; Of hanging her shawl where the curtain should be; One notable day in those glorious years, As we sat in the midst of our feasting and fun, A shout from the people saluted our ears, 66 Napoleon is victor! — Marengo is won ! A new song of triumph at once we essayed, While cannon were blazing and booming away, "The free soil of France kings shall never invade !" Ah! life in a garret at twenty is gay! Away! - I must go lest my reason should reel ; All the lingering years I am destined to live ; SONNETS. SOMEWHERE. COMEWHERE. SOM somewhere a happy clime there is, A land that knows not unavailing woes, Where all the clashing elements of this Discordant scene are hushed in deep repose. Somewhere somewhere (ah me, that land to win!) Is some bright realm, beyond the farthest main, Till both are wretched. Ah, that happy shore ! I CHANGE NOT LOSS. DEEM to love and lose by love's decay Unto the larger. There may come a day, Shall, through the open portal, welcome there À LA PENSÉE. 'OME to me, dearest! O, I cannot bear COM These barren words of worship that to each Of soft caresses let our souls declare We linger prattling, kind Occasion slips, Is he whose mouth (again! O perfect kiss !) May thus unto thine own with rapture cling; For very joy of love content to live Unquestioning if Love have more to give! ABSENCE. ABSENT from thee, beloved, I am pent In utter solitude, where'er I be; My wonted pleasures give me small content Wanting the highest, — to be shared by thee. |