MIRALDA: A TALE OF CUBA.1 I. N Cuba, when that lovely land IN Saw Tacon reigning in his glory, Was poor and fair, and gay and witty, Yet in Havana not a dame In satin had a fairer fame, Or owned a face one half so pretty. III. For years she plied her humble trade, (To sell cigars was her vocation,) And many a gay gallant had paid More pounds to please the handsome maid Than pence to buy his soul's salvation. IV. But though the maiden, like the sun, Save Pedro, her affianced lover; V. Pedro, a manly youth who bore VI. The handsome boatman she had learned The doubtful suit of men of fashion. Of these VII. a giddy, gaudy train, Strict devotees of wanton Pleasure— Gay Count Almonté sought to gain Miralda's love; but all in vain ; Her heart was still her Pedro's treasure. VIII. At last the Count, in sheer despair Of gaining aught by patient suing, Contrived the wretch ! a cunning snare, By wicked force to win and wear The prize that spurned his gentler wooing. IX. One day a dashing Captain came, Here, men, conduct the girl to prison!" X. "By whose authority?" she said; “The Governor's!" "Nay, then 't is folly To question more." She dropped her head, And followed where the Captain led, O'erwhelmed with deepest melancholy. XI. The prison seems a league or more To hand her down from the volanté ! "Ah! XII. coward!" cried the angry maid; "This scurvy trick! - if Tacon knew it, Your precious 'Captain,' I 'm afraid, Would miss, for once, his dress-parade! Release me, Count, or you may rue it!" XIII. "Nay," said the Count, "that may not be ; I cannot let you go at present; I'll lock you up awhile," said he ; "If you are lonely, send for me; I'll try to make your prison pleasant." XIV. Poor Pedro! guess the lad's dismay - 915233 XV. The man who wrote that "Love is blind" And found it ere the day was over. XVI. Clad in a friar's garb, he hies At night to where his love is hidden, XVII. What could he do? he pondered long Alas! the rich may do a wrong, And buy their quittance with a song, XVIII. "Yet Rumor whispered long ago, XIX. And, faith, the boatman kept his word; Which, when the Governor had heard, With righteous wrath his breast was stirred. "Swear, boy," he said, “to what you 've stated!" XX. He took the oath, and straight began XXI. Miralda too was standing near, To witness to his dark transgression ; "Know you, my lord, why you are here?" "Yes, Excellencia, it is clear That I must plead an indiscretion." XXII. "The uniform your servants wore In this affair, — how came they by it? Whose sword was that your Captain bore? The crime is grave." "Nay, I implore By act of yours been put upon her?" "No, Excellencia; all in vain Were bribes and threats her will to gain, — I here declare it on my honor!" XXIV. "Enough!" the Governor replied, And added, in a voice of thunder, "Go, bring a Priest!" What can betide? To shrive? to wed? who can decide? All stood and mused in silent wonder. |