صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

D. Cook allowed a penfion,


T. Campbell.


An Act for the Relief of David Cook and Thos

Section 1.


mas Campbell.



it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of United States of America, in Congress afsfembled, That David Cook, a captain of artillery in the late war, and who, being shot through the body at the battle of Monmouth, is rendered incapable to obtain his livelihood by labor, shall be placed on the pension-lift of the United States, and shall be entitled to one-third of his monthly pay, as a captain of artillery: Provided, That he return into the treafury-office, a fum equivalent to two-thirds of his commutation of half-pay, being the proportion of his penfion to the amount of his commutation.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That Thomas Campbell be placed on the penfion-lift, and that the half-pay of a captain of infantry be allowed to the faid Thomas Campbell, who has been fo injured by repeated wounds in the service of his country, that he is unable to fupport himself by labor: Provided, That he return into the treasury-office a fum equivalent to the whole of his commutation of half-pay.

of the House of Representatives.

JOHN ADAMS, Vice-President of the United
States, and President of the Senate.

APPROVED, December fixteenth, 1791:

President of the United States.

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An Act making Appropriations for the Support
of Government for the Year one thousand feven
hundred and ninety-two.

Section 1.

E it enacted by the Senate and

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Houfe of Representatives of the


United States of America, in Congress affembled, That for the fervice of the year one thousand Specificapseven hundred and ninety-two, and the fup- propriaport of the civil list of the United States, in- 1792. cluding the incidental and contingent expenfes of the several departments and offices thereof, there fhall be appropriated a fum of money not exceeding three hundred and twenty-nine thou☐☐ fand, fix hundred and fifty-three dollars, and Civil lit. fifty-fix cents; that is to say,

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For the compenfations granted by law to the compenfa Prefident of the United States, the Vice-Prefi- president dent, Chief Justice, Afsociate Judges, and Atprefident, torney General, fifty-three thousand dollars. judges and

and vice.


For the like compenfations to the District general; Judges, nineteen thousand eight hundred dol- district lars.


of Senate

officers and

For the like compenfations to the members members of the Senate and House of Representatives, and Houfe and the officers and attendants of the two of RepreHouses, estimated on a feffions of fix months fentatives, continuance, and including the travelling ex- attendants penfes of the members, one hundred and twenty-nine thousand, seven hundred and thirty dollars.

Secretary and officers

For the like compenfations to the Secretary of the treaand officers of the several departments of the fury, clerks Treafury of the United States, including clerks "dants, and and attendants, and the falaries of the respec- loan offi

and atten


tions to fe


tive loan-officers, fixty thousand three hundred


CompenfaFor the like compenfations to the Secretary eretary of and officers of the department of State, fix thoufand three hundred dollars.

flate and c'liters,


For the like compenfations to the Secretary of war and and officers of the department of War, nine officers, thousand fix hundred dollars.

Board com

Gerks, &c.

For the like compenfations to the members millioners, of the Board of Commiffioners, for the fettlement of the accounts between the United States and the individual states, including clerks and attendants, thirteen thousand one hundred dollars.

Governors, For the like compenfations to the Goverjudges and other off nors, Judges and other officers of the Western cers of W. Territory of the United States, including con


tingencies, eleven thousand dollars.

For the payment of the annual grant to B. Steuben. Baron Steuben, pursuant to an act of Congress, two thousand five hundred dollars.



civil lift,

For the payment of fundry penfions granted by the late government, two thousand feven hundred and fixty-seven dollars, and feventythree cents.

For defraying all other incidental and conexpenfes of tingent expenses of the civil list establishment, &c. and the including firewood, stationary, together with two houses the printing work, and all other contingent

of Congrefs &c.

expenfes of the two Houses of Congrefs, rent and office-expenfes of the three several departments, namely, Treasury, State, War, and of the General Board of Commissioners, twentyone thousand five hundred and fifty-five dol lars, and eighty-three cents.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the


compenfation to the door-keepers of the two To the door
Houses, for fervices which have been hereto- keepers,
fore rendered, or may be rendered in the recess
of Congress for the year one thousand feven
hundred and ninety-two, and certified by the
Prefident of the Senate or Speaker of the House
of Representatives, in manner required by law,
for like services during feffions, shall be dif-
charged out of the money herein before appro-
priated for the contingent expenses of the two
Houses of Congrefs.


civil lift,

of courts,

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That for discharging certain liquidated claims upon the For liquiUnited States, for making good deficiencies in claims, de ormer appropriations for the support of the ficiencies in civil lift-establishment, and for aiding the fund payment of appropriated for the payment of certain officers officers &c. of the courts, jurors and witnesses, and for the & ten cutestablishment of ten cutters, there shall be appropriated a fum of money not exceeding one hundred and ninety-feven thousand, one hundred and nineteen dollars, and forty-nine cents; that is to say,


For difcharging a balance due on a liquidated claim of his most Christian Majesty against Balance the United States, for fupplies during the late due his war, nine thousand and twenty dollars, and majefty. fixty-eight cents.


Claim of

For payment of the principal and interest on a liquidated claim of Oliver Pollock, late com- o. Pollock. mercial agent of the United States, at NewOrleans, for fupplies of clothing, arms and military stores, during the late war, one hundred and eight thousand, fix hundred and five dollars, and two cents: Provided, That the faid monies be not paid to the faid Oliver PolVOL. II.


Deficiencies of civil lift.

For fundry expenfes.

lock, without the confent of the agents of the court of Spain.

For making good deficiencies in the last ap. propriations for the compenfations to fundry officers of the civil list-establishment, five thoufand four hundred and feventy-one dollars.

For defraying fundry authorized expenses to the commiffioners of loans in the several states, twenty-one thousand dollars.

For defraying a balance of certain liquidated and contingent expenses in the treafury-department, two thousand eight hundred dollars.

For defraying the additional expenses of the enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States, nineteen thousand feven hundred and feventy-two dollars and seventy-nine cents.

For making good a deficiency in former appropriations, to difcharge the expenses to clerks, jurors and witnesses in the courts of the United States, five thousand dollars.

For the maintenance and repair of lighthouses, beacons, pics, stakes and buoys, fixteen thousand dollars.

For the expense of keeping prifoners committed under the authority of the United States, four thousand dollars.

For the expense of clerks and books in arranging the public securities, two thousand four hundred and fifty dollars.

For the purchase of hydrometers for the ufe of the officers in the execution of the laws of revenue, one thousand dollars.

For the farther expense of building and equip

ping ten cutters, two thousand dollars.

Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That for

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