| James Boswell - 1791 - عدد الصفحات: 564
...againft the crown." JoHNSON. " Sir, I perceive you are a vile Whig. — Why all this childifh jealoufy of the power of the crown ? The crown has not power enough. When I fay that all governments are alike, I confider that in no government power can be abufed long. Mankind... | |
 | 1831 - عدد الصفحات: 652
...pre* serve a balance against the crown.' — JOHNSON. ' Sir, I perceive ' you are a vile Whig. Why all this childish jealousy of the ' power of the crown ? The crown has not power enough." One of the old philosophers, Lord Bacon tells us, used to say that life and death were just the same... | |
 | James Boswell - 1807 - عدد الصفحات: 526
...to preserve a balance against the crown." JOHNSON. " Sir, I perceive you are a vile Whig. — WThy all this childish jealousy of the power of the crown...his people to a great degree, they will rise and cut offhis head. There is a remedy in human nature against tyranny, that will keep us safe under every... | |
 | James Boswell - 1817 - عدد الصفحات: 466
...against the crown." JOHNSON. " Sir, I perceive you are a vile Whig. — Why all tlmchildish jealou-y of the power of the crown ? The crown has not power...governments are alike, I consider that in no government \ There is no Preface to " The Rehearsal," as originally published. Dr. Johnsoo seems to have meant... | |
 | James Boswell - 1820 - عدد الصفحات: 442
...the crown." JOHNSON. " Sir, I perceive you are a vile Whig.— Why all this childish jealon>y of fhe power of the crown? The crown has not power enough....governments are alike, I consider that in no government J There is no Preface to " The Rehearsal," as originally published. Dr. Johnson seems to have meant... | |
 | James Boswell - 1821 - عدد الصفحات: 376
..."Sir, I perceive you are a vile Whig. — Why all this childish jealousy of the power of the vrown ? The crown has not power enough. When I say that all governments are alike, I consider that in «o government power can be abused long. Mankind 'will not bear it. If a sovereign oppresses his people... | |
 | James Boswell - 1827 - عدد الصفحات: 576
...as to preserve a balance against the crown." JOHNSON: "Sir, I perceive you are a vile Whig.— Why all this childish jealousy of the power of the crown...his people to a great degree, they will rise and cut oft' his head. There U a remedy in human nature against tyranny, that will keep us safe under every... | |
 | James Boswell - 1827 - عدد الصفحات: 624
...to preserve a balance against the crown." JOHNSON : " Sir, I perceive you are a vile Whig. — Why h all its interesting circumstances, and consolations...whatever can be recommended to young persons, wit decree, they will rise and cut ofl' his head. There is a remedy in human nature against tyranny, that... | |
 | James Boswell - 1833 - عدد الصفحات: 1184
...so as to preserve a balance against the crown." JOHNSON. "Sir, I perceive you are a vile whig 5. Why all this childish jealousy of the power of the crown....alike, I consider that in no government power can W abused long. Mankind will not bear it. If a sovereign oppresses his people to i great degree, they... | |
 | Monthly literary register - 1833 - عدد الصفحات: 442
...medley called " The Life of Johnson," has recorded the following saying of that dictatorial sage, " When I say that all governments are alike, I consider...power can be abused long. Mankind will not bear it.'' In fact, it is insufferable : and, in the present day of educated humanity, our common nature shudders... | |
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