And Journal of Genetic Psychology Editors CARL MURCHISON, Clark University Bird T. Baldwin, State University of Iowa; William H. Burnham, Clark University; Cyril Burt, University of London; Ed. Claparède, University of Geneva; Edmund S. Conklin, University of Oregon; Arnold Gesell, Yale University; William Healy, Judge Baker Foundation, Boston; Walter S. Hunter, Clark University; Truman L. Kelley, Stanford University; K. S. Lashley, Institute for Juvenile Research, Chicago; Henri Piéron, University of Paris; Sante de Sanctis, University of Rome; William Stern, University of Hamburg; Calvin P. Stone, Stanford University; Lewis M. Terman, Stanford University; Godfrey Thomson, University of Edinburgh; E. L. Thorndike, Columbia University; John B. Watson, New York City; Helen Thompson Woolley, Columbia University. Quarterly. Published in March, June, September, and Submit all manuscripts and send all communications to THE PEDAGOGICAL SEMINARY AND CLARK UNIVERSITY Worcester, Massachusetts, U. S. A. BIRD T. BALDWIN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA WILLIAM H. BURNHAM CLARK UNIVERSITY CYRIL BURT UNIVERSITY OF LONDON ED. CLAPAREDE UNIVERSITE DE GENEVE EDMUND S. CONKLIN UNIVERSITY OF OREGON ARNOLD GESELL YALE UNIVERSITY WILLIAM HEALY JUDGE BAKER FOUNDATION, BOSTON CLARK UNIVERSITY TRUMAN L. KELLEY K. S. LASHLEY INSTITUTE FOR JUVENILE RESEARCH, CHICAGO UNIVERSITE DE PARIS SANTE DE SANCTIS R. UNIVERSITA DI ROMA WILLIAM STERN CALVIN P. STONE STANFORD UNIVERSITY GODFREY THOMSON UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH E. L. THORNDIKE JOHN B. WATSON NEW YORK CITY HELEN THOMPSON WOOLLEY COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY WORCESTER, MASS. COPYRIGHT, 1927, BY CLARK UNIVERSITY Entered as second-class matter December 1, 1925, at the post office at Worcester, Mass., under Act of March 3, 1897 GENETIC PSYCHOLOGY MONOGRAPHS Bi-monthly, beginning with January. Devoted to child behavior, differential and genetic psychology. Each number a complete research. Six hundred pages per volume. Per annum $7.00, single numbers $2.00. Complete sets at $7.00 per volume, plus transportation. VOLUME I No. 1. Performance Tests for Children of Pre-School Age No. 2. An Experimental Study of the Eidetic Type Heinrich Klüver Nos. 3 and 4. A Study of Natio-Racial Mental Differences No. 5. A Psychological Study of Juvenile Delinquency by J. W. Bridges and K. M. Banham Bridges No. 6. The Influence of Puberty Praecox on Mental $2.00 $2.00 $3.00 Cloth $3.50 $2.00 Growth Arnold Gesell VOLUME II Nos. 1 and 2. The Mind of a Gorilla Robert M. Yerkes No. 3. The Role of Eye-Muscles and Mouth-Muscles in the Expression of the Emotions Knight Dunlap Raymond R. Willoughby No. 4. Family Similiarities in Mental-Test Abilities. Submit all manuscripts and send all communications to GENETIC PSYCHOLOGY MONOGRAPHS Worcester, Massachusetts, U. S. A. $2.00 $3.00 $2.00 $2.00 |