صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Worcester, Massachusetts, December 1, 1925, under Act of March 3, 1897.

Psychology Direct 3-29-27 14706


I am filled with gratitude as I record the circumstances which paved the way for my study of Congo. Mr. Carl Akeley acted as a friend, disinterestedly, broad-mindedly, generously. Mr. Richard Sparks, impelled by the conviction that Congo was potentially a scientific prize, made it his business to create opportunity for the study of her mentality and to discover someone who would eagerly utilize it.

In my experience the friendliness and generosity of Mr. Ben Burbridge are unexcelled. Without reserve or hampering limitations he placed Congo at my disposal for study. Sharing my interest in the discovery of facts about her mental constitution he eagerly coöperated in the work and aided me. His Akeley camera and his experience and skill enabled us to secure valuable records of her performance in various psychological experiments. I find it impossible adequately to express my appreciation of his kindness and my admiration of his attitude toward our work.

Congo owes much to Mr. and Mrs. James Burbridge, for they have given her a wonderfully beautiful and comfortable home in Florida, and their intelligent and sympathetic care has kept her healthful and contented. To me, a stranger on a strange mission, they were no less kind. Their genuine interest, ready coöperation, and hospitality made my laborious weeks with Congo seem like a Florida holiday.

To the five friends who thus helped me to make an exploratory journey into the mind of the gorilla I am deeply obligated.

For aid cheerfully rendered I am indebted also to my colleagues Raymond Dodge and Harold C. Bingham, to my research assistant Margaret S. Child, and to my wife. Miss Child, Mrs. Yerkes and my secretary, Mrs. Morford, helped especially with the manuscript and proofs.

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