Riches for All: The California Gold Rush and the World

الغلاف الأمامي
Kenneth N. Owens
U of Nebraska Press, 01‏/01‏/2002 - 367 من الصفحات
An event of international significance, the California gold rush created a more diverse, metropolitan society than the world had ever known. In Riches for All, leading scholars reexamine the gold rush, evaluating its trajectory and legacy within a global context of religion and race, economics, technology, law, and culture.

The opportunity for instant wealth directly influenced a dynamic range of peoples, including Mormon military veterans, California Indian workers, both slave and free African Americans, Chinese village farmers, skilled Mexican miners, and Chilean merchants. Riches for All gives attention to the varying motivations and experiences of these groups and to their struggles with both racial and religious bigotry. Emphasizing gold rush social history, some contributors examine the roles and influence of women, workers, law-breakers, and law-enforcers. Others consider the long-term impact of this episode on California and the American West and on subsequent gold rushes in Pacific Rim countries and the Klondike.

With lively and incisive strokes, these historians sketch the most broadly contextualized and nuanced portrait of the California gold rush to date.

من داخل الكتاب


Mormon Beginnings of the California
The Worldwide
The FortyNiners
California Indians and the Gold Rush
Mexicans and the Hunt
Being Chinese in the California
Do You Think Ill Lug Trunks? African Americans
Disorder Crime and Punishment in the California Gold Rush
Where Have All the Young Men Gone? The Social Legacy
Women Work and the End of
Later Gold Rushes of the Pacific Basin
The Search for Mass
From California to the Klondike
Sacramento and the Gold Rush Legacy after
حقوق النشر

طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات

عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة

نبذة عن المؤلف (2002)

Kenneth N. Owens is a professor emeritus of history and ethnic studies at California State University, Sacramento. He is the editor of The Wreck of the Sv. Nikolai and John Sutter and a Wider West, both available in Bison Books editions.

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