them, and in which they were determined to take no part. The disposition of the Canadians being thus afcertained, a project was formed for the invafion of that province, which, as no danger was apprehended, was protected by a very inconsiderable force. General Montgomery, with an army not exceeding 3000 men, being appointed to conduct this expedition, immediately proceeded to St. John's, fituated on the banks of Lake Champlain, before which he encamped on the 17th of September 1775. After a very gallant defence, that important fortress was furrendered on the 2d of November; Chamblée being also in the mean time captured by a separate detachment. General Montgomery now pressed on to Montreal, which being deemed incapable of refistance, General Carleton quitted it with precipitation one day, and the American General entered it in triumph the next. Nearly at the time that these transactions took place, Ticonderoga and Crown Point were furprised by an irregular band, hastily collected, of Green-Mountain-men, and other inland settlers, under the command of a bold partisan, styled by his followers Colonel Allen: and on the other fide Colonel Arnold, an officer of distinguished courage and activity in the service of the Congress, after fuffering incredible hardships in traversing a rude and pathless wilderness during a march of thirtyone days, afcending by the Kennebeck, and descending scending by the Chaundiere, at length reached Point Levi, on the fouthern bank of the St. Laurence, where he expected the arrival of Montgomery. General Carleton was now reduced to a very critical fituation. Immediately on the evacuation of Montreal, he was conveyed in a boat with muffled paddles down the river to Quebeca precaution very neceffary, as the Americans had by surprising exertions made themselves masters of the navigation of the St. Laurence. The Governor now made every poffible preparation for a vigorous defence, On the 1st December, General Montgomery joined Colonel Arnold before Quebec, the garrison of which confifted, including provincials and marines, of about one thousand fix hundred men. Notwithstanding the extreme severity of the season in this inclement climate, General Montgomery immediately began erecting his batteries, which, by a perfect novelty in military science, being composed of snow and water, foon became folid ice. But finding his artillery make little impreffion, he determined on a general affault; this was attempted in two different quarters of the town, the several divifions being commanded by Colonel Arnold and the General in person. In the first onset General Montgomery, leading on his men with undaunted resolution, was killed by a discharge of grape shot; and his troops falling into immediate disorder, were repulsed : pulsed with much slaughter. On the other fide Colonel Arnold, by great exertions of courage, forced the first barrier; but before he could attempt the second, the whole strength of the garrison, in consequence of the catastrophe in the opposite quarter, was collected against him. Colonel Arnold himself received a dangerous wound in the leg by a musquet ball, and was compelled to retire to the camp. The Americans of this division, being now attacked both in front and rear, were, after a brave resistance, at length obliged to lay down their arms, and furrender themselves prifoners of war. This was a very complete victory on the part of the Governor, whose skill and courage on this occasion merited every eulogium. Nevertheless, to fortune was he in a great degree indebted for his fuccefs, the fall of the American commander being absolutely decisive of the event. The character of General Montgomery, judging from the uniform tenor of his conduct throughout this memorable expedition, and from the united testimony of all America in his favor, could not eafily be estimated too highly. To the courage of the foldier he joined the military skill of the general, and the virtues of the man. He is said to have poffefsed a mind highly cultivated, and a person and address easy, graceful, and manly. He was of the number of those favored and exalted few, "whom both MINERVAS call their own." When When his body was taken up, his features were not in the least distorted, but his countenance appeared regular, placid, and serene. He was interred with all military and funereal honors by the Governor, who had the magnanimity to esteem and acknowledge superior exellence even in an enemy. What appears most astonishing is, that Colonel Arnold, with the shattered remains of his troops, now far inferior in number to the garrifon, was yet able to continue the blockade of the city, and to reduce it to great distress for the want of provifions. It is necessary to cast a tranfient view at the state of affairs at this period in the principal provinces of the Continent. Lord Dunmore, Governor of Virginia, had adopted the resolution, in consequence of the disputes long fubfifting between him and the people, and which rose by de-. grees to the greatest violence, to take refuge on board the Fowey man of war, in the month of June; to which he strangely attempted to transfer the fittings of the Affembly-a requifition with which the Legiflative Body absolutely refused compliance. His Lordship being divested of his authority, carried on a fort of predatory war againft the Province, proclaimed martial law, and immediate emancipation to all negroes and indented servants able and willing to bear arms in his Majefty's service-a measure which caused the greatest irritation irritation and resentment, without being produc tive of any adequate advantage. At length an event took place, which completed the alienation of the Virginians from the English Government. A demand was made by the shipping in the Bay of Chesapeak, to the inhabitants of the town of Norfolk, for provifions and other supplies for his Majefty's service; which being peremptorily refufed, a heavy cannonade was commenced againft the town, the richest and most flourishing in the province, and in a few hours it was reduced to ashes-the lofs being estimated at three hundred thousand pounds. In the adjacent country of Maryland the wisdom and moderation of Governor Eden prevented these fatal extremities; and, when the British Government was at length entirely superseded, he retired from the province, carrying with him the esteem and admiration of every party, and almost of every individual. In the Carolinas, lord William Campbell and Governor Martin, adopting the policy of Lord Dunmore, were also compelled to withdraw for fafety on board the King's ships lying off the coast. In Pennsylvania, a military afsociation was established throughout the province; and a fimilar spirit indicating itself in different modes, pervaded the whole chain of Colonies from the frozen deferts of Nova Scotia to the burning fands of Florida. In the Massachusetts Bay, the town of Falmouth, |