Constructing Race: Youth, Identity, and Popular Culture in South AfricaSUNY Press, 30/08/2001 - 156 من الصفحات As apartheid crumbled in South Africa, racial identity was thrown into question. Based on a year-long ethnographic study of a multiracial high school in Durban, this book explores how youth make meaning of the still powerful, yet changing, idea of race. In a world saturated with media images and global commodities, fashion and music become charged, polarized racial identifiers. As youth engage with this world, race simultaneously persists and falters, providing us with a glimpse into the future of race both within South Africa and throughout urban youth cultures worldwide. |
Rethinking Selves Identities and Change | 7 |
Historical Frames Apartheid Identity and Schooling | 19 |
Daily Life at Fernwood | 31 |
Shifting Ground The Changing Context of Race at Fernwood | 47 |
Creating Race The Role of Taste in Youths Production of Identities | 63 |
Borderwork Conflict and Connection | 79 |
The Texture of the Border Portraits of Individual Students | 95 |
The Futures of Race | 111 |
Negotiating Place Reflections on Method Theory and Being There | 119 |
Notes | 133 |
References | 139 |
151 | |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
African and coloured African girls African schools African students Amanda Anzaldúa apartheid argues bantustans becomes black students chapter Charmaine clothing clubs coloured and African coloured and Indian coloured girls coloured students commodities construct context dance defined dents desegregation Despite discourse discussed dynamics ethnic ethnographic example experiences fashion show feel Fern Fernwood students friends gangsta rap global popular grade 12 high school iden Indian students Jackie Johannesburg KwaZulu-Natal lives McCarthy Model Molefe multiracial musical taste Nikki particular Plessis popular culture population position practices prefects race racial borders racial groups racial identity racialized taste racism rainbow nation rave rave music relations rhythm and blues Routledge rugby schools in Durban segregated shift Shirley small number social South Africa space specific staff structures students at Fernwood teachers techno music tion township violence wear white girl white schools white students youth Zulu