صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

(b) Organization of a Modern Army. By Henry
S. Breckinridge. [$240].


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Enlistment for the Farm. By John Dewey.


(c) Food Economy in Wartime. By L. J. Hen-
derson. [$260]

[blocks in formation]




[blocks in formation]

(c) The Difficulties of Peace. By Kirsopp Lake.

[§316] ...


(d) A League to Enforce Peace. By A. Law-
rence Lowell. [§331]...


(e) We Cannot Dispense with Force. By Charles
W. Eliot. [§332]..







It is often very important for the searcher to find the precise date of events with which he has to deal. A list from Library of Congress, The United States at War, is reprinted in Handbook §1. See short list of aids in §32 below. The following lists will be found serviceable for the period antecedent to the war, and particularly for military, civil and diplomatic occurrences during the war.

American Journal of International Law. (N. Y., Baker, Voorhis; quarterly since 1909.) Each number contains a list of significant events for the preceding months.

American Library Annual. (Since 1911; N. Y., Bowker, 1912

[blocks in formation]

ceded by the Annual Literary Index, 1892-1904, and Annual Library Index, 1905-1910.) Contains an index to dates of current events, covering the years 1895 to 1914, which is continued by Information (cited below).

American Year Book. (Since 1910; N. Y., Appleton, 1911


At the

end of each volume is a chronology of public events. Boston Transcript. Publishes at frequent intervals a cumulative chronology. Independent. (N. Y. weekly.) Current summaries of International events. Information, A Continuous Cyclopedia and Digest of Current Events. [1915 to 1917.] (N. Y., Cumulative Digest Corporation, 1915-1917.) Issued monthly, and cumulated quarterly and annually; continued from July, 1917, under title Business Digest, which is issued weekly and cumulated quarterly.

Library of Congress. (H. B. B. Meyer, compiler.) The United States at War. (Wash., Govt. Print. Office, 1917.) The chronology at pages 8-13 reprinted in Handbook of the War, §1.

Matteson, David M. Epitome of United States History. (In Vol. XL of American Statesmen Series, Boston, etc. (Houghton, Mifflin, 1917.) Extends through election of 1916; and includes diplomatic data. New York Times Current History-The European War. In each number beginning with Vol. II appears a brief classified summary of events. Use also the indexes that are prefixed to the volumes.

Ploetz, Carl. Ploetz's Manual of Universal History from the Dawn of Civilization to the Outbreak of the Great War of 1914. (Trans, and enlarged by W. H. Tillinghast, Boston, etc., Houghton, Mifflin, 1915.) Earlier editions called Ploetz's Epitome; extends into 1914; well indexed.

Political Science Quarterly. (Boston, Ginn, quarterly since 1886.) Record of political events printed formerly half-yearly; now as an annual supplement.

(23 pp.,

Providence Journal. A Few Lines of Recent American History. Providence Journal, June 11, 1917.) Includes events specially noted in the newspaper which issues it.

Putnam, George P.

Putnam's Handbook of Universal History. (N. Y., Putnam, 1914.) Chronology of various countries in parallel columns; extends to August, 1914.

World's Work. (Garden City, Doubleday, Page; Vol. XVIII, 135-136, Sept., 1914.) Contains a chronology of the diplomacy that led to war. [1]

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