advice and assistance, indeed of your conduct and direction of the war, is all I can urge, and that is a sufficient justification to myself and the world. I hope it will be so considered by yourself. Mr. McHenry will have the honor to consult you upon the organization of the army, and upon every thing relating to it. With the highest respect, I have the honor to be, sir, your most obedient and most humble servant, JOHN ADAMS. Mount Vernon, July 13, 1798. DEAR SIR, I had the honor, on the evening of the 11th instant, to receive from the hands of the Secretary of War your favor of the 7th, announcing that you had, with the advice and consent of the Senate, appointed me lieutenant-general and commander-in-chief of all the armies raised or to be raised for the service of the United States. I cannot express how greatly affected I am at this new proof of public confidence, and the highly flattering manner in which you have been pleased to make the communication; at the same time I must not conceal from you my earnest wish, that the choice had fallen on a man less declined in years, and better qualified to encounter the usual vicissitudes of war. You know, sir, what calculations I had made relative to the probable course of events on my retiring from office, ana the determination I had consoled myself with, of closing the remnant of my days in my present peaceful abode. You will, therefore, be at no loss to conceive and appreciate the sensations I must have experiencea, to bring my mind to any conclusion that would pledge me, at so late a period of life, to leave scenes I sincerely love, to enter upon the boundless field of public action, incessant trouble, and high responsibility. It was not possible for me to remain ignorant of, or indifferent to, recent transactions. The conduct of the Directory of France towards our country, their insidious hostilities to its government, their various practices to withdraw the affections of the people from it, the evident tendency of their arts and those of their agents to countenance and invigorate opposition, their disregard of solemn treaties and the laws of nations, their war upon our defenceless commerce, their treatment of our minister of peace, and their demands, amounting to tribute, could not fail to excite in me corresponding sentiments with those which my countrymen have so generally expressed in their affectionate addresses to you. Believe me, sir, no one can more cordially approve of the wise and prudent measures of your administration. They ought to inspire universal confidence, and will, no doubt, combined with the state of things, call from Congress such laws and means as will enable you to meet the full force and extent of the crisis. Satisfied, therefore, that you have sincerely wished and endeavoured to avert war, and exhausted to the last drop the cup of reconciliation, we can with pure hearts appeal to Heaven for the justice of our cause, and may confidently trust the final result to that kind Providence, which has heretofore and so often signally favored the people of these United States. Thinking in this manner, and feeling how incumbent it is upon every person of every description to contribute at all times to his country's welfare, and especially in a moment like the present, when every thing we hold dear is so seriously threatened, I have finally determined to accept the commission of commander-in-chief of the armies of the United States; with the reserve only, that I shall not be called into the field until the army is in a situation to require my presence, or it becomes indispensable by the urgency of circumstances. In making this reservation, I beg to be understood, that I do not mean to withhold any assistance to arrange and organize the army, which you may think I can afford. I take the liberty also to mention, that I must decline having my acceptance considered as drawing after it any immediate charge upon the public, and that I cannot receive any emoluments annexed to the appointment, before entering into a situation to incur expense. The Secretary of War being anxious to return to the seat of government, I have detained him no longer than was necessary to a full communication upon the several points he had in charge. With very great respect and consideration, I have the honor to be, &c. GEORGE WASHINGTON. 1 TO THE MEMORY OF GEORGE WASHINGTON, BORN FEBRUARY 22, 1732.-DIED AT MOUNT VERNON, DECEMBER 14, 1799. THE illustrious Washington having filled the measure of his country's glory and exalted his own political and military fame and private character far above the standard of excellence attained by the greatest man of modern or ancient times; and having, on every occasion, performed his duty to his country, not only with that fidelity and devotion which became a good citizen, but with that wisdom, affection, and paternal solicitude which have obtained for him, by the unanimous voice of mankind, the title of "Father of his Country," was called, on the 14th December, 1799, by the ALMIGHTY FATHER OF HEAVEN, we hope, to the enjoyment of that rich reward which is reserved for those who act well their part on earth. The universal gloom which pervaded the hearts of his countrymen on that solemn occasion, seems so far to have commingled with the veneration for his character which has been transmitted to posterity, as to inspire in the patriot's heart an indescribable awe in approaching the mementos of his glory, around which there is a halo so brilliant and penetrating as to reach the inmost intelligence of man, and to purify the moral and intellectual being, by the contemplation of every attribute that was excellent and noble in human nature. It is salutary to remember the outpourings of affection and sorrow on the departure of those whose virtues and goodness have endeared them to our hearts, it elevates the finer feelings of our nature, as the presence of innocence promotes the contemplation of that angelical virtue. The sons and daughters of America mourned the loss their country had sustained in the death of their Washington, with a cause of sorrow which no other people, in any case, to the same extent could plead; their government, in unison with the feelings of the people, demonstrated that grief in measures of respect and veneration worthy of a nation's affection and a nation's gratitude, and long-long-may the remembrance of those deep and sincere effusions of affection and gratitude continue to warm the hearts of the American people. There let the memory of Washington be enshrined, and his private virtues and patriotic ardor will continue to animate this people to the remotest generation. It is proposed to conclude this chapter by consecrating the proceedings and measures of the Government on that memorable occasion TO THE MEMORY OF GEORGE WASHINGTON. |