صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

CLASS No. 13.



Sec. 1. DIGEST of all such Acts of Congress as concern the United States at large; all existing Treaties, &c., by William Graydon, in 1813.

Sec. 2. DIGEST of the Laws of the United States, including an abstract of the Judicial Decisions relating to the Constitutional and Statutory Law, with Notes explanatory and historical, by Thomas F. Gordon. Printed in 1827.

Sec. 3. AN ABRIDGMENT of the Acts of Congress now in force, excepting those of a private and local application, with notes of Decisions, giving construction to the same, in the Supreme Court of the United States, by Edward Ingersoll. Printed in 1825.

Sec. 4. DIGEST of the Laws of the United States including the Treaties with Foreign Powers, and an abstract of the Judicial Decisions relating to the Constitutional and Statutory Law. By Thomas F. Gordon, printed in 1844.

CLASS No. 14.


Sec. 1. GENERAL INDEX to the Laws of the United States of America, from March 4, 1789, to March 3, 1827, including all Treaties entered into between those periods; in which the principles involved in acts for the relief of individuals, or of a private or local nature, are arranged under general heads, to which such principles appropriately belong: arranged to the edition commenced by Bioren, Duane & Weightman, in 1815, and subsequently continued by Davis & Force, and William A. Davis. [This is the most complete and useful index of the laws, up to March 3, 1827, extant; and it would add to the public convenience if a similar one were made of the laws from that period up to the present time.]

Sec. 2. INDEX to the Executive Communications made to the House of Representatives, from March 4, 1789, to March 3, 1817: first, by a reference, in alphabetical order, to the printed and also to the manuscript reports, according to the subject-matter; second, by a reference to the same matter, arranged under the head of the department whence it came. Also, an

Sec. 3. INDEX to all the printed Reports of Committees, alphabetically arranged, from March 4, 1789, to March 3, 1817: printed in 1824.

Sec. 4. INDEX to the Executive Communications and Reports of Committees made to the House of Representatives, from December 3, 1817, to March 3, 1823: printed in 1823.

Sec. 5. A DIGESTED INDEX to the Executive Documents (that is, al documents ordered to be printed) and Reports of Committees of the House of Representatives, from March 3, 1823, to March 3, 1831, inclusive: printed in 1832.

Sec. 6. A DIGESTED INDEX to the Executive Documents and Reports of Committees of the House of Representatives, from March 4, 1831, to March 3 1839, inclusive.

Sec. 7. INDEX, or alphabetical list of Private Claims which have been before the SENATE, from December 4, 1815, to March 3, 1849, with the proceedings of the Senate thereon: showing the names of the claimants; the nature or object of each claim; at what session, and in what manner, it was brought before the Senate; to what committee it was referred; the nature of the report, and (where special reports were made) the number of the report, if printed, and, if not, the date of the report; the number of the bill, distinguishing between Senate and House bills; the manner in which the claim was disposed of by the Senate; and, in cases where it passed both Houses, the date of the act of Congress: the whole compiled from the journals of the Senate, and by reference, when necessary. to the journals of the House of Representatives, the reports of committees, the bills of the two Houses, and the laws of the United States. Prepared by orders of the Senate of April 9, 1840, February 27, 1841, and February 8, 1849.

CLASS No. 15.


1. By ALEXANDER JAMES DALLAS, from February term, 1790, to August term, 1800, inclusive.

2. By WILLIAM CRANCH, from August term, 1801, to February term, 1815, inclusive.

3. By HENRY WHEATON, from February term, 1816, to January term, 1827, inclusive.

4. By RICHARD PETERS, jun., from January term, 1828, to January term, 1842, inclusive.

5. By BENJAMIN C. HOWARD, from January term, 1843, to January term, 1851, inclusive.

6. Condensed Reports of cases in the Supreme Court of the United States, containing the whole series of the decisions of the court from its organization to the commencement of Peters' Reports, at January term, 1827, with copious notes and parallel cases in the Supreme and Circuit Courts of the United States.

CLASS No. 16.


1. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES, Resolutions of Congress under the Confederation, Treaties, Proclamations, and other documents, having operation and respect to the Public Lands: collected, digested, and arranged, pursuant to the act of Congress, approved April 27, 1810, by Albert Gallatin, Secretary of the Treasury: revised, completed, and printed, under the act of January 20, 1817.

['This is a valuable treatise and compilation of charters, treaties, grants, cessions, compacts, resolutions, acts relating to the early history, acquisition, regulation, and disposition of the public lands, and evidence of the nature and exten. of private land claims.]

2. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES, Resolutions of Congress under the Confederation, Treaties, Proclamations, Spanish Regulations, and other documents, respecting the Public Lands: compiled, in obedience to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the United States of March 1, 1826, by M. St. C. Clarke, and printed by order of the House of Representatives of February 19, 1827: in one volume.

3. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES, Treaties, Regulations, and other documents, respecting the Public Lands; with the Opinions of the Courts of the United States in relation thereto, from 1826 to 1833: by M. St. C. Clarke, under a resolution of the House of Representatives of March 1, 1833.

4. DOCUMENTS, LEGISLATIVE AND EXECUTIVE, of the Congress of the United States, in relation to the Public Lands, from March 4, 1789, to June 15, 1824, in five volumes: compiled under the resolutions of the Senate of February 26, 1833, and January 3, 1834. Printed by Duff Green.

5. GENERAL PUBLIC ACTS OF CONGRESS respecting the sale and disposition of the Public Lands; with Instructions issued from time to time by the Secretary of the Treasury and Commissioner of the General Land Office, and Official Opinions of the Attorney-Generaln questions arising under the land laws; in two parts, or volumes:

Part 1 contains the laws from March 4, 1789, to July 9, 1838. Part 2 contains the instructions and pinions, from March 4, 1789, to August 17, 1838.

Prepared and printed under the resolation of the Senate of February 28, 1837.

CLASS No. 17.


1. A SELECTION OF ALL THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES in force, relative to commercial subjects, with marginal notes and references, classed under separate heads, viz.: Acts for collection of duties on imports and tonnage; Table of tonnage duty and fees of office; Registering, recording, enrolling, and licensing of ships or vessels; Mediterranean passports; Quarantine and health; Remission of fines, penalties, and forfeitures; Fisheries; Naturalization; Restriction of trade with an enemy; Letters of marque and reprisal; Salvage; Slave trade; Consuls and vice-consuls; Seamen in the merchants' service; Sea letters; British licenses; and for regulating foreign coins, &c.: by John Brice: 1814.

2. COMMERCIAL REGULATIONS OF THE FOREIGN COUNTRIES with which the United States have commercial intercourse: collected, digested, and printed, under the direction of the President of the United States, conformably to a resolution of the Senate of March 3, 1817.

3. A DIGEST OF THE COMMERCIAL REGULATIONS OF THE DIFFERENT FOREIGN NATIONS with which the United States have intercourse: in compliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives of January 2:, 1823.

4. JONES'S DIGEST: being a particular and detailed account of the duties

performed by the various officers belonging to the custom-house departments of the United States; together with a description of some of the principal books and documents in general use in the several offices of the custom-house, with the usual routine through which merchants and captains must pass on entering vessels and merchandise, &c.: by Andrew A. Jones, in 1835.

5. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE ON THE COMMERCIAL RELATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES WITH FOREIGN NATIONS: comparative tariffs of the United States and other nations; tabular statements of the domestic exports of the United States; duties on importation of the staple or principal productions of the United States into foreign countries; navigation; and British tariff, corn-laws, &c.: prepared in compliance with the resolutions of the House of Representatives of Sept. 3, 1841, and January 31, 1842.

6. TARIFFS, from 1789 to 1833, with the votes in each House of Congress thereon, arranged according to States.

7. A COLLECTION OF THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES relating to revenue, navigation, and commerce and light-houses, including treaties with foreign powers, up to March 4, 1843: compiled for the Treasury Depar*ment of the United States, by Thomas F. Gordon: 1844.

8. A DIGEST of the existing commercial regulations of foreign countries with which the United States have intercourse: prepared under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, in compliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives of March 3, 1831. Printed in 1833, in 3 volumes octavo.

9. A STATISTICAL VIEW OF THE COMMERCE OF THE UNITED STATES: its connection with agriculture and manufactures; and an account of the public debt, revenues, and expenditures of the United States; with a brief review of the trade, agriculture, and manufactures of the Colonies, previous to their independence; and a table illustrative of the principles and objects of the work: by Timothy Pitkin; 1817.

10. A DICTIONARY, practical, theoretical, and historical, of commerce and commercial navigation; in 2 volumes: by J. R. McCulloch: 1840.

CLASS No. 18.


1. THE "BLUE BOOK," or Biennial Register of all officers and agents, civil, military and naval, in the service of the United States. Compiled by the Secretary of State, as required by the resolution of Congress, approved April 27, 1816. The printers of the Laws, printers to Congress, the allowances to each, allowances to contractors for carrying the mail, were directed to be included in the Biennial Register by the resolution of July 14, 1832.

2. WAIT'S STATE PAPERS and public documents of the United States, from March 4, 1789, to August 1, 1818. [These are believed to have been included in toño State Papers in the series on Foreign Relations.]

3. CONTESTED ELECTIONS in Congress of Senators and Representatives, from 1789 to 1834, inclusive, compiled by M. St. Clair Clarke and David A. Hall, and printed by order of the House of Representatives.

4. REPORT OF THE TRIAL OF JAMES H. PECK, Judge of the United States Court for the District of Missouri, on an impeachment. 1833.

5. LEGISLATIVE AND DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF THE BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, including the original Bank of North America. By M. St. Clair Clarke and David A. Hall.

6. REPORT OF COMMITTEE of the House of Representatives, with documents relative to the conduct of GENERAL JAMES WILKINSON, February 26, 1811.

7. TREATIES WITH THE SEVERAL INDIAN TRIBES, from 1778 to 1837, compiled under the direction of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1837.

8. REPORTS ON THE FINANCES of the United States from 1790 to 1836; with the reports of Alexander Hamilton on Public Credit, a National Bank, Manufactures and the Mint. In 3 volumes octavo.

9. THE PENSION LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES, including sundry resolutions of Congress, from 1776 to 1833, executed at the War Department, with the opinions of the Attorneys General of the United States, and the rules and regulations adopted by the Secretary of War, relative to the execution of those Laws: 1833.

10. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES RELATIVE TO THE NAVY AND MARINE CORPS to March 3, 1841; with acts and resolutions, granting medals, swords, and votes of thanks, &c., private acts, a table of appropriations and expenditures for the Naval Service from 1791 to 1840 inclusive; also a synopsis of Legislation of Congress on Naval Affairs during the Revolutionary war: 1841. 11. RESOLUTIONS, LAWS AND ORDINANCES RELATING TO THE PAY, HALF-PAY, COMMUTATION OF HALF-PAY, BOUNTY LANDS AND OTHER PROMISES made by Congress to the officers and soldiers of the Revolution; to the settlement of accounts between the United States and the several States, and to the funding of the revolutionary Debt: 1838. Compiled by W. S. Franklin, Clerk, under resolution of the House of Representatives of April 11,


12. STATEMENT OF THE ARTS AND MANUFACTURES OF THE UNITED STATES for 1810, by Tench Coxe, under direction of Albert Gallatin, Secretary of the Treasury, in obedience to a resolution of Congress of March 19,


13. TABLES OF THE CENSUS of the United States for 1790, 1800, 1810, 1820, 1830, 1840.

14. COMPENDIUM OF THE 6th CENSUS for 1840, exhibiting the population, wealth, and resources of the country, the aggregate value and produce, and number of persons employed in Mines, Agriculture, Commerce, Manufactures, &c., with an abstract of each preceding census, and the apportionment of Representatives under the same: 1841.

15. STATISTICAL VIEW OF THE POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES, FROM 1790 TO 1830, inclusive, published in accordance with the resolutions of the Senate of the United States of February 26, 1333, and March 31, 1834.

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