INDEX. THE ANALYTICAL INDEX OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES WILL ABRIDGMENTS and Digests of the Laws of the U. S. Description of ACTS, Records, and Judicial Proceedings of one State in every other State, 465 290-294 ACTS of the several States for appointment of Deputies to Convention to form the Constitution of the U. S. 167 S. ADAMS, President of the U. S., March 4, 1797. Inaugural Address of John 270 First election of John 315 ADAMS, Vice President, in Senate of the U. S. Attendance of John. ...... 336 chief of the army, June 16, 1775 201 ADDRESS of the President of Congress to George Washington, August 26, 203 ADDRESS of George Washington in reply to the same..... 204 ADDRESS of George Washington to Congress, on resigning his commission as commander-in-chief of the army, December 23, 1783 208 Inaugural....... 211 ADDRESS of George Washington to the people of the U. S., September 17, 1796. Farewell 215 ALABAMA. Chronological statement of the formation of the government of 431 AMENDMENTS of the Constitution of the U. S. .. 25 AMENDMENTS of the Constitution of the U. S. by the States. Dates of rati- fication of first ten 34 AMENDMENTS of the Constitution of the U. S. Same of the eleventh and twelfth 36 AMENDMENTS of the Constitution, when ratified by the States, to be pub- lished by the Secretary of State 295 tion. Proceedings of the commissioners at...... 61 APPOINTMENT of George Washington to be commander-in-chief of the army, June 15, 1775..... ... 201 APPOINTMENT of George Washington to be lieutenant-general and com- 231-239 to the Sixth Census 300 ARKANSAS. Chronological statement of the formation of the governinent of 434 whom the U. S. are at peace. An act to prevent.... 296 -231-239 ARMY of the United Colonies, June 15, 1775. George Washington elected commander-in-chief of the 201 ARMY of the United Colonies fixed at $500 per month. Pay and expenses 201 ARMY of the U. S., December 23, 1783. Resignation by George Washington 208 service, &c., of the 402 AUDIENCE in Congress granted to George Washington, commander-in-chief, August 25, 1783 203 AUDIENCE in Congress, December 20, 1783. George Washington, com- 205 State in every other State, Territory, &c... -290-294 BERRIEN, Senator of the U. S. Letter of approbation from John Macp... xvii cellaneous..... BOOKS in Congress Library. Description of selection of certain.... CALHOUN, Vice President of the U. S. First election of John C............ 324 CALHOUN, Vice President of the U. S. Second election of J. C....... 326 CALHOUN, Vice President, in Senate of the U. S. Attendance of J. C. 340-342 CALIFORNIA. Chronological statement of the formation of the government of 437 ing to the several States to... 421 CEDED by the States, should be disposed of for the common benefit of the U. S., CEDED to the U. S., and dates of cession. Names of States by which Western 422 CENSUS. Apportionment of Representatives among the several States ac- cording to the Sixth....... 300 CENSUSES U. S., and fix number of Representatives. Act for taking Seventh, and subsequent...... 305 CESSION of the North-Western and Western Territory to the U. S. by certain States. Proceedings which led to the..... 414 CESSION of its Western or Vacant Lands to the U. S. Act of New York for the 419 xxxviii CHARTERS of the original States. Chronological statement of the 407, 408 of the several States and Territories of the U. S....... 405-446 every. xxiii CLERK of the House of Representatives of the U. S. Oaths to be taken by the...... CLERKS of the Supreme Court of the U. S. from 1789 to 1851. Names, &c. 388 393 CLINTON, Vice President of the U. S. Election of George.... 319, 320 purposes. 299 COLONIAL and Revolutionary Documentary History. Books relating to the.. 452 &c., January 21, 1786. 160 COMMERCE. Proceedings of Convention at Annapolis appointed for said pur- pose, September 14, 1786.... 161 COMMERCE. Resolution of Congress, of February 21, 1787, calling the Conven- tion which formed the Constitution... 166 COMMERCE. Acts of the several States for the appointment of deputies to said 167 COMMERCE. The Constitution declares that "The Congress shall have power COMMERCIAL Regulations. Description of books containing Tariff and Revenue Laws, &c. 467 COMMITTEES of Congress to administer Oaths. Authority for the Chair- man of....... 294, 295 COMMUNICATIONS to the author and compiler in relation to this work ix-xxi COMPENSATION to the President and Vice President of the U. S. An act 293 COMPENSATION to persons appointed to deliver the Electoral votes of Pre- sident, &c., 1792... 292 COMPENSATION to do. do. do., 1825 300 CO FEDERATION, showing the inefficiency of that government, and lead- ang to the adoption of the Constitution. Proceedings of the Congress of the 129 CONFEDERATION. The formation of a Convention to frame the Constitu- 166 CONFEDERATION. The Articles of..... 483 CONFEDERATION, until March 1, 1781. Dates of ratification by the States, and cause of the delay of Maryland to ratify the Articles of ... 406-415 120 CONGRESS of the Confederation, and resolutions of that body, showing the 131-139, 140-142-146-150, 151 CONGRESS of the Confederation appointing a Committee to represent the Resolution of. 154 CONGRESS of the Confederation in 1787, recommending the Convention which formed the Constitution. Proceedings of. 164 189 CONGRESS of the Confederation of September 13, 1788, providing for com- CONGRESS of July 2, 1776, that THE UNITED COLONIES ARE, AND OF RIGHT 195 Representatives of the U. S. in... 195 CONGRESS, for promulgating the Declaration of Independence. Resolu- tion of. 200 CONGRESS of the Confederation, of June 17, 1775, declaring that they would 203 CONGRESS, on August 26, 1763, to George Washington, on the termination of the war, and his reply. Address of the President of....... ... 203, 204 CONGRESS, of December 20, 1783, admitting George Washington, com- 205 CONGRESS, of December 20, 1783, that a public entertainment be given to 205 208 292 CONGRESS. Provision for dividing States into districts for the election of Representatives in. 159-301 CONGRESS, from March 4, 1789, to March 3, 1851. Commencement and ter- mination of, and number of days in each session of 336-345 346-384 Names of Representatives in....... 386 CONGRESS to admit "New States" into the Union. Remarks on the right and discretionary power of 408 CONGRESS of the Confederation. Books relating to the proceedings of the.. 453 CONGRESS from 1789 to 1851. Description of the Books, Newspapers, &c., containing the Debates in 459 CONGRESS Library. Description of selection of certain books in...... 472 stitution. Act of.. 184 CONNECTICUT. Chronological statement of the Charters and Constitutions of......... 407 CONNECTICUT ceded western lands to U. S., September 14, 1786, and May 30, 1800. 422 CONSTITUTION. Introductory remarks, on duty of every citizen to under- stand the...... xxiii CONSTITUTION of the United States of America. The. 1 CONSTITUTION by the States. Dates of ratification of the 24 CONSTITUTION of the U. S. Articles in addition to, and amendments of, the 25 CONSTITUTION by the States. Dates of ratification of the first ten amend- ments of the.. 34 CONSTITUTION by the States. Dates of ratification of eleventh and twelfth amendments of the 36 CONSTITUTION and amendments. An analytical index of the 38 which led to the adoption and ratification of the 129 161 |