CONSTITUTION. Recommendation of Congress of the Confederation, in 165 167 CONSTITUTION of the U. S. to Congress of the Confederation. Letter of 1787, transmitting the.... 187.188 CONSTITUTION of the U. S. to the several States, to be submitted to Con- 1787, transmitting the 189 CONSTITUTION of the U.S. Resolution of Congress of the Confederation, of 190 CONSTITUTION in certain contingencies, and for other purposes. General Laws providing the means of executing the 287 to support the. 15, 22, 288, 289 CONSTITUTION, when ratified by the States, to be published by the Secre- tary of State. Amendments to the 295 vention at Annapolis, September 14, 1786 161 CONVENTION which formed the Constitution recommended by Congress, in pointing deputies to the 167 CONVENTION, in 1787, transmitting the Constitution to Congress of the the 187 CONVENTIONS of the States. Resolution of Congress, of September 28, 1787, submitting the Constitution to- 189 CONVENTION that formed the Constitution. Boooks relating to the proceed- ings of the 453 COURT. (See Supreme Court of the U. S.) COURTS of the U. S., or State courts against a foreign Ambassador or his domestics to be utterly null and void, &c. Ali process or writs from the 289 COURTS of the U. S. An act to provide further remedial justice in the. 301 COURTS of the U. S. and of the several States. Little & Brown's edition of 302, 303 COURT of the U. S. from 1789 to 1851. Description of books of Reports of decisions of the Supreme... 466 CRANCH, Chief Justice of the Circuit Court of the U. S. for the District of Columbia. Letter of approbation from William... xiv 289 296 DALLAS, Vice President of the U. S., and President of the Senate. Dedica- tion to, and letter of approbation from George M. ix DALLAS, as Vice President of the U. S. Election of George M. 330 358 DAVIS, Speaker of the House of Representatives of the U. S. Letter of ap- probation from John W. xi DEATH of George Washington. Proceedings of the Government and fune- ral oration of Henry Lee on the 240-247 DEBATES in the two Houses of Congress from 1789 to 1851. Description of the books, newspapers, &c., containing the..... DECLARATION by the Congress, June 17, 1775, that, for the maintenance 203 DELAWARE, in 1787, appointing deputies to Convention to form the Consti- tution. Act of....... 177 DELAWARE. Chronological statement of the charters and constitutions of 408 territory, &c. Resolutions of the State of...... 415 appointment of..... ... DIGESTS of the Laws of the U. S. Description of the books of ... 167 DISTRICT of Columbia, established the permanent seat of the Government of the U. S. 449 DISTRICTS for election of Representatives in Congress. Provision for di- viding the States into.. 301 DOCUMENTS, Journals, and other sources of historical, political, statisti- 451 DOCUMENTS ordered to be printed by the Senate and House of Represent- 457-459 ELECTIONS under and by virtue of the Constitution, (analytical index)... 61, 62 March 1, 1792. An act relative to the 291 ELECTION of Electors of a President and Vice President, in case of vacan- 293 302 sions of the Constitution regarding the...... 28 291 ELECTORAL votes. Compensation to, and penalties of, persons appointed to deliver the .. 292 ELECTORAL votes. Compensation of persons appointed to deliver the.... 300 First term, George Washington and John Adams, commencing March 4, 315 Second term, George Washington and John Adams, commencing March 4, 316 Third term, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, commencing March 4, 1797 317 318 Fifth term, Thomas Jefferson and George Clinton, commencing March 4, 1805 319 1813... 321 Eighth term, James Monroe and Daniel D. Tompkins, commencing March 4, 1817....... 322 Ninth term, James Monroe and Daniel D. Tompkins, commencing March 4, 1821...... 323 Tenth terın, John Quincy Adams and John C. Calhoun, commencing March 325 ELECTORAL votes for President and Vice President of the U. S.-continued 326 Twelfth term, Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren, commencing March 4,1833. 327 Thirteenth term, Martin Van Buren and R. M. Johnson, commencing March 4, 1837.. 328 Fourteenth term, Wm. H. Harrison and John Tyler, commencing March 4, 1841... -329-331 Fifteenth term, James K. Polk and George M. Dallas, commencing March 4, 332 Sixteenth term, Zachary Taylor and M. Fillmore, commencing March 4, 1849 333 ELECTORS of President and Vice President, equal to the number of Senators 13 ELECTORS shall be equal to the number of Senators and Representatives to 291 ELECTORS of President and Vice President of the U. S. Enactments of the law for the government of the 291 ELECTORS of the President and Vice President in all the States. An act to es- tablish a uniform time for holding elections of... 302 college of 302 EVIDENCE in all tribunals and offices of the United States, and of the individual competent.... -302, 303 EXECUTIVE officers of the Government, from 1789 to 1851. Names, States, service, &c., of all the high.... EXTRADITION Treaties. Act giving effect to...... • 395 FAREWELL Address of George Washington, President of the U. S., September 215 "FIRST in War, First in Peace, and First in the hearts of his Countrymen," as applicable to George Washington. Origin of the words. 242 289 296 armament by land or water being fitted out in the U. S. against any. 296 FOREIGN State confined in any state prison in certain cases. The Judges of the 301 FUNERAL Procession and Oration of Henry Lee, in honor of Gen. George Wash- ington. -245-247 GEORGIA, in 1787, appointing deputies to Convention to form the Constitu- tion. Act of .... 179 GEORGIA. Chronological statement of the Charters and Constitutions of... 408 422 GERRY, Vice President of the U. S. Election of Elbridge... 321 probation from John B......... xiii GOVERNMENT of the Confederation to provide for its support, defence, &c. 131-139, 140-142-146-150, 151 GOVERNMENT under the Constitution of the U. S. Resolutions of Con- gress of the Confederation of September 13, 1788, providing for the com- ... 190 GOVERNMENT under the Constitution. Brief statement of the manner of commencing proceedings of the. 191 GOVERNMENT. George Washington's opinions of the principles and po- GOVERNMENT and providing the means of executing the Constitution, &c. 287 GOVERNMENTS of the several States and territories. Chronological state- ment of the Charters and formation of the... 405-449 An ordinance for the.... 423 GOVERNMENT of the U. S. in possession of the public offices. Description 451 301 HABEAS Corpus in all cases of foreigners confined in the U. S., &c. The 451 vernment. Description of the sources of... HOU DON'S statue of Washington at Richmond, Virginia. Remarks and cor- 205-200 HOUSE of Representatives of the U. S. Oaths of office to be taken by the Members and Clerk of the.... &c., of the Clerks of the |