صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

CONSTITUTION. Recommendation of Congress of the Confederation, in
1787. for appointment of deputies to the Convention which formed the .....
CONSTITUTION of the U. S. Acts of the several States for the appoint-
ment of deputies to the Convention for forming a, viz.



[blocks in formation]

CONSTITUTION of the U. S. to Congress of the Confederation. Letter of
George Washington, and resolutions of the Convention of September 17,

1787, transmitting the....


CONSTITUTION of the U. S. to the several States, to be submitted to Con-
ventions thereof. Resolution of Congress of Confederation, September 28,

1787, transmitting the


CONSTITUTION of the U.S. Resolution of Congress of the Confederation, of
September 13, 1788, for commencing proceedings under the.....


CONSTITUTION in certain contingencies, and for other purposes. General

Laws providing the means of executing the
CONSTITUTION of the U. S. is to be taken. (See Oath.) By whom the oath


to support the.

15, 22, 288, 289

CONSTITUTION, when ratified by the States, to be published by the Secre-

tary of State. Amendments to the
CONVENTION at Annapolis, September, 1786. Proceedings of the... 161
CONVENTION at Philadelphia to form a Constitution, recommended by Con-


vention at Annapolis, September 14, 1786


CONVENTION which formed the Constitution recommended by Congress, in
1787, as a means to remedy the defects in the Articles of Confederation. 165
CONVENTION to form the Constitution. Acts of the several States for ap-

pointing deputies to the


CONVENTION, in 1787, transmitting the Constitution to Congress of the
Confederation, and suggesting measures for commencing proceedings
under the Constitution. Letter of George Washington, and resolutions of



CONVENTIONS of the States. Resolution of Congress, of September 28,

1787, submitting the Constitution to-


CONVENTION that formed the Constitution. Boooks relating to the proceed-

ings of the


COURT. (See Supreme Court of the U. S.)

COURTS of the U. S., or State courts against a foreign Ambassador or his

domestics to be utterly null and void, &c. Ali process or writs from the 289

COURTS of the U. S. An act to provide further remedial justice in the.
[This act empowers the U. S. judges to grant the writ of habeas corpus,
and to discharge foreigners confined in the prison of a State, in certain


COURTS of the U. S. and of the several States. Little & Brown's edition of
the Laws of the U. S. declared to be evidence in all the tribunals, offices,

302, 303

COURT of the U. S. from 1789 to 1851. Description of books of Reports of

decisions of the Supreme...


CRANCH, Chief Justice of the Circuit Court of the U. S. for the District of

Columbia. Letter of approbation from William...
CRIMES against the U. S., providing for the protection of foreign Ambassa-
dors and their domestics. An act for the punishment of certain....
CRIMES against the U. S., &c., for preserving their neutrality. An act in
addition to an act for the punishment of certain




DALLAS, Vice President of the U. S., and President of the Senate. Dedica-

tion to, and letter of approbation from George M.


DALLAS, as Vice President of the U. S. Election of George M.
DALLAS, Vice President, in the Senate of the U. S. Attendance of George M. 332
DALLAS, as Senator of the U. S. Term of service of George M.



DAVIS, Speaker of the House of Representatives of the U. S. Letter of ap-

probation from John W.


DEATH of George Washington. Proceedings of the Government and fune-

ral oration of Henry Lee on the


DEBATES in the two Houses of Congress from 1789 to 1851. Description of

the books, newspapers, &c., containing the.....
DECLARATION of Independence, from June 8 to July 4, 1776. Proceedings
in Congress of the United Colonies respecting the
DECLARATION of Independence, by the Representatives of the U. S. in

[blocks in formation]

DECLARATION by the Congress, June 17, 1775, that, for the maintenance
and preservation of American liberty, they would maintain, assist, and
adhere to, George Washington, as commander-in-chief, with their lives
and fortunes.


DELAWARE, in 1787, appointing deputies to Convention to form the Consti-

tution. Act of.......


DELAWARE. Chronological statement of the charters and constitutions of 408
DELAWARE, declaring the common right of all the States to the western

territory, &c. Resolutions of the State of......
DEPUTIES to the Convention who signed the Constitution. Names of...... 23
DEPUTIES to Convention to form the Constitution. Acts of the States for


appointment of.....


DIGESTS of the Laws of the U. S. Description of the books of

... 167

DISTRICT of Columbia, established the permanent seat of the Government

of the U. S.


DISTRICTS for election of Representatives in Congress. Provision for di-

viding the States into..


DOCUMENTS, Journals, and other sources of historical, political, statisti-
cal, and other information regarding the legislative, executive, and judi-
cial action of the Government, in the public offices at the Seat of Govern-
ment. Description of.....


DOCUMENTS ordered to be printed by the Senate and House of Represent-
atives of the U. S. from 1789 to 1851. Remarks descriptive of the re-


ELECTIONS under and by virtue of the Constitution, (analytical index)... 61, 62
ELECTION of a President and Vice President of the U. S., &c., approved

March 1, 1792. An act relative to the


ELECTION of Electors of a President and Vice President, in case of vacan-
cies in those offices by casualty, &c. Provision for the.....
ELECTIONS for Electors of President and Vice President in all the States.
An act to establish a uniform time for holding....
ELECTORAL votes for President and Vice President of the U. S. Provi-



sions of the Constitution regarding the......
ELECTORAL votes for President and Vice President of the U. S. Regula-
tions, by law, for the giving, making lists of, transmitting to the Seat of
Government, opening, and counting the



ELECTORAL votes. Compensation to, and penalties of, persons appointed

to deliver the

.. 292

ELECTORAL votes. Compensation of persons appointed to deliver the.... 300
ELECTORAL votes for President and Vice President of the U. S., viz.:

First term, George Washington and John Adams, commencing March 4,


Second term, George Washington and John Adams, commencing March 4,


Third term, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, commencing March 4, 1797 317
Fourth term, Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr, elected by the House of
Representatives, commencing March 4, 1801.


Fifth term, Thomas Jefferson and George Clinton, commencing March 4, 1805 319
Sixth term, James Madison and George Clinton, commencing March 4, 1809 320
Seventh term, James Madison and Elbridge Gerry, commencing March 4,



Eighth term, James Monroe and Daniel D. Tompkins, commencing March 4,



Ninth term, James Monroe and Daniel D. Tompkins, commencing March 4,



Tenth terın, John Quincy Adams and John C. Calhoun, commencing March
4, 1825


ELECTORAL votes for President and Vice President of the U. S.-continued
Eleventh term, Andrew Jackson and John C. Calhoun, commencing March
4, 1829


Twelfth term, Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren, commencing March



Thirteenth term, Martin Van Buren and R. M. Johnson, commencing March

4, 1837..


Fourteenth term, Wm. H. Harrison and John Tyler, commencing March

4, 1841...


Fifteenth term, James K. Polk and George M. Dallas, commencing March 4,


Sixteenth term, Zachary Taylor and M. Fillmore, commencing March 4, 1849 333

ELECTORS of President and Vice President, equal to the number of Senators
and Representatives in Congress from each State. Each State shall appoint
a number of.


ELECTORS shall be equal to the number of Senators and Representatives to
which the States may be entitled at the time when the President and Vice
President should come into office. The....


ELECTORS of President and Vice President of the U. S. Enactments of the law

for the government of the


ELECTORS of the President and Vice President in all the States. An act to es-

tablish a uniform time for holding elections of...
ELECTORS. Each State may, by law, provide for filling vacancies in the


college of


EVIDENCE in all tribunals and offices of the United States, and of the individual
States. Little & Brown's edition of the Laws of the U. S. declared to be


-302, 303

EXECUTIVE officers of the Government, from 1789 to 1851. Names, States,

service, &c., of all the high....

EXTRADITION Treaties. Act giving effect to......

• 395

FAREWELL Address of George Washington, President of the U. S., September
17, 1796


"FIRST in War, First in Peace, and First in the hearts of his Countrymen," as

applicable to George Washington. Origin of the words.
FLORIDA. Chronological statement of the formation of the Government of 436
FOREIGN Ambassadors and their Domestics. An act for the protection of
FOREIGN Powers. An act to preserve the neutrality of the U. S., with
FOREIGN Nation with whom the U. S. are at peace. An act to prevent any




armament by land or water being fitted out in the U. S. against any. 296

FOREIGN State confined in any state prison in certain cases. The Judges of the
U. S. Courts empowered to grant the writ of Habeas Corpus, and to discharge
the citizens of any.


FUNERAL Procession and Oration of Henry Lee, in honor of Gen. George Wash-



GEORGIA, in 1787, appointing deputies to Convention to form the Constitu-

tion. Act of ....


GEORGIA. Chronological statement of the Charters and Constitutions of... 408
GEORGIA ceded western lands to the U. S. April 24, 1802


GERRY, Vice President of the U. S. Election of Elbridge...
GERRY, Vice President, in the Senate of the U. S. Attendance of Elbridge 340
GIBSON, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Letter of ap-


probation from John B.........


GOVERNMENT of the Confederation to provide for its support, defence, &c.
Reports of committees and Resolutions of Congress exhibiting the ineffi-
ciency of the....

131-139, 140-142-146-150, 151

GOVERNMENT under the Constitution of the U. S. Resolutions of Con-

gress of the Confederation of September 13, 1788, providing for the com-
mencement of the...

... 190

GOVERNMENT under the Constitution. Brief statement of the manner of

commencing proceedings of the.


GOVERNMENT. George Washington's opinions of the principles and po-

[blocks in formation]

GOVERNMENT and providing the means of executing the Constitution, &c.
General Laws relating to the continued organization of the.....


GOVERNMENTS of the several States and territories. Chronological state-

ment of the Charters and formation of the...
GOVERNMENT of the territory of the U. S. north-west of the river Ohio.


An ordinance for the....


GOVERNMENT of the U. S. in possession of the public offices. Description
of the sources of information regarding the Legislative, Executive and
Judicial action of the



HABEAS Corpus in all cases of foreigners confined in the U. S., &c. The
judges of the U. S. Courts authorized to grant writs of........
HARRISON, as President of the U. S Election of William Henry..... 829-331
HISTORICAL and other information in the public offices at the seat of Go-


vernment. Description of the sources of...

HOU DON'S statue of Washington at Richmond, Virginia. Remarks and cor-
respondence relative to


HOUSE of Representatives of the U. S. Oaths of office to be taken by the

Members and Clerk of the....
22, 288-281
HOUSE of Representatives, from 1789 to 1851. Names of Speakers of the 386-387
HOUSE of Representatives of the U. S., from 1789 to 1851. Names, service,

&c., of the Clerks of the
HOUSE of Representatives of the U. S. Description of the Journals of the 452-456
HOUSE of Representatives of the U. S., from 1789 to 1851. Remarks descrip-
tive of the documents printed by order of the
457, 458, 459

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