صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

An act for the preservation and repair of the Cumberland Road.

An act to authorize the President of the United States to cause the reserved lead mines in the State of Missouri, to be exposed at public sale, and for other purposes.

An act for the relief of Thomas Hunt.

An act for the relief of Charles A. Burnett.

An act providing for ceding to the State of South Carolina the jurisdiction over, and the title to, a certain tract of land called Mount Dearborn, in the said State.

An act making additional appropriations for completing and repairing piers, for the improvement of certain harbors, and of the navigation of certain rivers.

An act to authorize the President of the United States to cause the reserved
Salt Springs, in the State of Missouri, to be exposed to public sale.
An act concerning the government and discipline of the Penitentiary, in the
District of Columbia.

An act for the relief of the legal representatives of John Guest, deceased.
An act for the relief of William R. Maddox.

An act for the relief of Joshua Foltz.

Resolution amendatory of a joint resolution passed 3d of March, 1829. Resolution in relation to the survey and laying out a military road in the State of Maine.




Acts passed, list of,

Adams, John Quincy, votes for, as President of the United States,
Adams, Seth, petition of, presented,

[ocr errors]

Adhere, House of Representatives, to disagreement to amend
ments of Senate on bill to authorize a treaty with the
Winnebago and other Indian tribes, for the purchase
of the lead mine country,

[ocr errors]

Alabama, memorials and resolutions of the Legislature of, presented, viz:
1. For the extension of the Judiciary System,

2. For survey of a route of a canal between Tennes-
see and Coosa rivers,

3. For a postponement of the sales, and a change in the
manner of selling the public lands; and a grant of
pre-emption rights to occupants,

4. For further relief to purchasers of public lands,
5. For a grant of the unsold lands, for the purposes of
internal improvement and education,

6. Protest against the tariff of duties laid in 1828,
Alabama, petition of inhabitants of, for a road, presented,

memorial of the Commissioners of the Academy of
Dallas county, in, presented,

bill reported,

Alexandria, D. C., memorial of citizens, for the removal of a
Justice of the Peace, presented,

American Convention for abolishing slavery, petition of, presented,
















[blocks in formation]


Baker, John, petition of, presented,

discharged, and referred to President U. States,
Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, memorial of, presented,

report and bill,

Baltimore, leave to withdraw the petition of owners of ships sunk

for the defence of,

Baltimore, memorial of the city of, (to deepen the harbor,) pre-



Banta, Peter W., petition of, presented,

Barker, William, petition of the heirs of, presented,

Barnard, Mr., attended,

Bartlett, David, leave to withdraw petition,











19, 196

Barton, Mr., attended,

Bateman, Mr., resignation of, communicated,

Bay, Elihu Hall, petition of, referred,

bill reported,

Bayly, Mountjoy, petition of, presented,

bill reported,

Belding, Jonathan, petition of, presented,

report adverse,

leave to withdraw,

Belknap, Seth, petition of the representatives of, presented,

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Berry, John and Thomas L., memorial of, presented,

Beyer, G. T. petition of, presented,

[blocks in formation]

Biddle, R., administrator of J. Wilkins, leave to withdraw his

Bissell, Nathaniel C., petition of, presented,

[blocks in formation]

Booth, Louisa, widow of Captain B. W. Booth, petition of pre-

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

credentials of, presented,
attended and qualified,

Buckland, Aaron, petition of, presented,


Buford, Thomas, leave to withdraw his petition,

Burk, George, petition of, presented,

report adverse,

Burnet, Mr., credentials and oath of,

Buzzard, William, letter from, relative to the road to Frederick,
Maryland, communicated,






81, 85

52, 197


Academy in Alabama.-See Valley Creek.

Alabama, authorizing the relinquishment of the sixteenth sections granted
for the use of schools in the State of, and the entry of lands in
lieu thereof, S. 32.

2 r. and ref. 38, rep. 44, 49, 3 r. and p. 52.

Alden, Judah, for the relief of

1 r. 128, 2 r. and ref. 130, rep. 143.

American Journal of Improvements, &c.-See Useful Arts, &c.
Appropriation for the erection of a breakwater near the Island of Nantuck-
et, making an, S. 22.

1 r. 35, 2 r. and ref. 39.

Appropriations for building light-houses and beacons, and placing buoys,
and for improving harbors, and directing surveys, H. R.

2 r. and ref. 141, rep. 165, 3 r. and p. 167, 170, ex. 171, s. 174,
p. 192, ap 193.

Appropriations for carrying into effect certain treaties with the Indian tribes,
and for holding a treaty with the Potawatamies, H. R.
2 r. and ref. 158, rep. 3 r. and p. 165, 170, ex. 175, s. 176,
p. 192, ap. 193.

Appropriations for certain fortifications of the United States, for the year
1829, making additional, H. R.

2 r. and ref. 140, rep. 143, 149, 3 r. and p. 151, ex. 167, s. 170,
p. 192, ap. 193.

Appropriations for completing certain roads, and for making examinations
and surveys, S. 98.

2 r. 145, 3 r. and p. 147, 171, ex. and s. 176, p. 178, ap. 179.
Appropriations for continuing the road from Detroit to Chicago, for com-
pleting and repairing piers, for the improvement of cer-
tain harbors, and for making examinations and surveys,
making, H. R.

2 r. and ref. 140, rep. 144, 152, 3 r. and p. 173, 176, ex. 178,
s. 180, p. 192, ap. 193.

Appropriations for the erection and completion of certain barracks and
quarters, and for other purposes, H. R.

2 r. and ref. 141, rep. 150, 3 r. and p. 151, 170, 172, 174, ex.
175, s. 176, p. 192, ap. 193.

Appropriations for the Indian Department, for the year 1829, making, H.R.
2 r. and ref. 140, rep. 145, 149, 3 r. and p. 151, 170, 171, ex.
175, s. 176, p. 192, ap. 193.

Appropriations for the military service of the United States, for the year
1829, making additional, H. R.

2 r. and ref. 140, rep. 3 r. and p. 164, 170, ex. 171, s. 174, p.
192, ap. 193.

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