صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

The said resolution was then agreed to, as amended.

The following motion, submitted by Mr. Prince, was considered and agreed to:

Resolved, That the Committee on Naval Affairs be instructed to inquire whether any, and what further provisions, by law, may be necessary in respect to the temporary disposal and support, the necessary expenses, and final removal from the territory of the United States, of any Africans that have been or may hereafter be landed on said territory.

The following motion, submitted by Mr. Eaton, was considered and agreed to:

Resolved, That the Committee on Finance inquire into the expediency of extending the right of debenture, to goods, wares, and merchandise imported into the Island of Key West, Florida, from any other than a foreign port or place, and which at the time of their importation may be entitled to the privilege of debenture.

The Senate proceeded to consider the resolution, yesterday reported by the Committee on the Judiciary, for the distribution of Jefferson's Manual, Executive Journal, and Treasury Reports, printed by order of the Senate; and, On motion by Mr. Berrien,

It was amended, by directing five copies of each of said works to be deposited in the Library of Congress.

The resolution was then agreed to, as amended.

The two bills yesterday brought from the House of Representatives, for concurrence, were severally read the second time, and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and

Ordered, That they be referred to the Committee on Finance.

On motion by Mr. Berrien,

Ordered, That the Committee on the Judiciary be discharged from the further consideration of the resolution of yesterday, on amending the acts regulating the Navy and Privateer pension fund, and that it be referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.

The bill for the relief of sundry Revolutionary officers and soldiers, and for other purposes; and the bill for the relief of sundry officers, soldiers, and widows, were severally read the second time, and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and

Ordered, That they be referred to the Committee on Pensions.

The bill restricting the location of certain land claims, in the Territory of Arkansas, and for other purposes; and the bill for the relief of sundry citizens of the United States who have lost property by the depredations of certain Indian tribes, having been reported by the committee correctly engrossed, were severally read the third time; and

Resolved, That said bills pass, and that their respective titles be as aforesaid,

Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives in said bills.

The bill making an appropriation for the erection of a breakwater, near the island of Nantucket; and the bill to establish a port of entry at St. Marks, in Florida, were severally read the second time, and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and

Ordered, That they be referred to the Committee on Commerce.

The bill to authorize the legal representatives of the Marquis de Maison Rouge, and those claiming under him, to institute a suit against the United

States, and for other purposes, was read the second time, and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

The bill to authorize the purchase of a site and the erection of barracks, in the vicnity of New Orleans, was read the second time, and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.

The bill authorizing the establishment of an arsenal at or near Pensacola, was read the second time, and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and,

On motion by Mr. Johnston, of Louisiana, Ordered, That it lie on the table.

The bill to encourage the discovery and working of certain Copper Mines, supposed to be on the South side of Lake Superior, was read the second time, and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the resolution amendatory of a joint resolution, passed 3d of March, 1819, together with the amendment proposed thereto by Mr. Knight; and the said amendment having been disagreed to, and no amendment made, the said resolution was reported to the Senate; and,

On the question, "Shall this solution be engrossed and read a third time?"

It was determined in the affirmative.
The Senate then adjourned.


The President communicated a letter from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting an abstract of the expenditures of the various appropriations for the contingent expenses of the Navy, from the 1st October, 1827, to the 30th September, 1828, prepared in compliance with the act of 3d March, 1809, "further to amend the several acts for the establishment of the Treasury, War, and Navy Departments;" and

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.

The President communicated the memorial of the merchants, traders, and other citizens of Baltimore, praying that a duty of ten per cent. may be imposed on sales at auction; and

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Finance.

The bill to provide for the distribution of a part of the revenues of the United States among the several States, was read the second time, and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and,

On motion by Mr. Dickerson,

Ordered, That it lie on the table, and be printed.

The resolution amendatory of a joint resolution, passed 3d of March, 1819, having been reported by the committee correctly engrossed, was read the third time; and

Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.

Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives in said resolution.

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill explanatory of an act, entitled "An act to reduce and fix the military peace establishment of the United States," passed March 2d, 1821; and no amendment having been proposed, it was reported to the Senate; and

On the question, "Shall this bill be engrossed and read a third time?" It was determined in the affirmative.

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill for the relief of John Smith T., and Wilson P. Hunt; and,

On motion by Mr. Benton,

Ordered, That it be postponed to, and made the order of the day for, the first Monday in January next.

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill to authorize the President of the United States to cause the reserved Lead Mines, in the State of Missouri, to be exposed to public sale, and for other purposes, together with the amendment reported thereto by the Committee on Public Lands; the said amendment having been agreed to, the bill was reported to the Senate; and the amendment being concurred in,

On the question, "Shall this bill be engrossed and read a third time?"

It was determined in the affirmative.

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill confirming the reports of the Register and Receiver of the Land Office for the district of St. Stephens, in the State of Alabama, and for other purposes; and no amendment having been proposed, it was reported to the Senate; and,

On the question, "Shall this bill be engrossed and read a third time?"

It was determined in the affirmative.

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill providing for the printing and binding sixty thousand copies of the abstract of Infantry Tactics; including Exercises and Manoeuvres of Light Infantry and Riflemen, and for other purposes; and the blank in the second section having been filled with fourteen thousand seven hundred and ninety, the bill was reported to the Senate amended accordingly; and he amendment being concurred in,

On the question, "Shall this bill be engrossed and read a third time?" It was determined in the affirmative.

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill to authorize the President of the United States to cause the reserved Salt Springs in the State of Missouri, to be exposed to public sale; and no amendment having been proposed, it was reported to the Senate; and,

On the question, "Shall this bill be engrossed and read a third time?" It was determined in the affirmative.

A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Clarke, their Clerk:

Mr. President: The House of Representatives have passed bills and a joint resolution, of the following titles, in which they request the concurrence of the Senate, viz:

"An act allowing an additional drawback on sugar refined in the United States, and exported therefrom;"

"An act for the relief of Thomas Cutts;"

"An act for the relief of Daniel Goodwin, Executor of Benjamin Goodwin, deceased;"

"An act to preserve from injury and waste, the School lands in the Territory of Arkansas;"

"An act to authorize the erection of military storehouses in New Orleans, and the city of New York, for the use of the Army of the United States;" and a

"Resolution for the distribution of certain committee rooms. ""

The said bills and resolution were severally read; and
Ordered, That they pass to a second reading.

The bill, entitled "An act for the relief of Daniel Goodwin, executor of Benjamin Goodwin, deceased," and the bill, entitled "An act to preserve from injury and waste, the School lands in the Territory of Arkansas;" were severally read the second time, by unanimous consent, and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and

Ordered, That the first mentioned bill be referred to the Committee of Claims; and that the second mentioned bill be referred to the Committee on Public Lands.

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill for the relief of Nathaniel Patten; and,

On motion by Mr. Johnson, of Kentucky,

Ordered, That it be postponed to, and made the order of the day for Monday next.

The bill for the relief of John Culbertson, and for the payment of an Interpreter for the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern district of Louisiana, was read the second time, and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and no amendment having been proposed, it was reported to the Senate; and,

On the question, "Shall this bill be engrossed and read a third time?” It was determined in the affirmative.

The bill to amend an act, entitled "An act for the better organization of the medical department of the Navy," approved 24th May, 1828, was read the second time, and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and no amendment having been proposed, it was reported to the Senate; and, On the question, Shall this bill be engrossed and read a third time?" It was determined in the affirmative.

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill for the relief of Henry Case; and,

On motion by Mr. Noble,

Ordered, That it lie on the table.

On motion by Mr. Ruggles,

Ordered, That Gabriel Godfroy have leave to withdraw his petition, presented to the Senate at the last session.

On motion by Mr. Johnson, of Kentucky,

Ordered, That Thomas Buford have leave to withdraw his petition, presented to the Senate at the last session.

Mr. Barnard presented the memorial of a number of the citizens of Philadelphia, praying that a duty may be imposed on sales at auction; and Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Finance, and printed. On motion by Mr. Branch,

Resolved, That when the Senate adjourns, it be to Monday next.
After the consideration of Executive business,

The Senate adjourned.


The Vice-President of the United States attended.

Mr. Smith, of Maryland, presented the memorial of sundry importing merchants of the City of Baltimore, praying that the additional duties which accrued on articles of merchandise imported by them into the port of

Baltimore, under the operations of the tariff law of May last, may be remit ted; and

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Finance.

On motion by Mr. Smith, of Maryland,

Ordered, That the petition of Peter A. Guestier, of Maryland, presented at the last session, be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Mr. Kane presented the petition of Ward Eldred, of Greene county, in Illinois, praying that his claim to a quarter section of military bounty land in that State, may be confirmed; and

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Public Lands.

Mr. Hendricks presented the petition of Philip C. Pierce, praying that his title to the quarter section of land in Indiana on which he resides, may be confirmed; and

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Public Lands.

Mr. Johnson, of Kentucky, presented the memorial of the inhabitants of the Territory of Michigan, praying that the road from Detroit to Saginaw may be opened; and

Ordered, That it be referred to the Select Committee on Roads and Canals. Mr. Johnson, of Kentucky, laid on the table, a paper in support of the claim of the sureties of Amos Edwards, former Collector of the sixth collection district of Kentucky, for relief; and

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

On motion by Mr. Benton,

Ordered, That fifteen hundred additional copies of the communications of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, of the 9th and 11th instant, be printed for the use of the Senate; and

Mr. Benton laid on the table a letter from the Receiver of the Land Office at Fort Wayne, to be connected with said communications.

On motion by Mr. Eaton,

Ordered, That the memorial of the Corporation of Georgetown, in relation to the Washington bridge, presented at the last session, be referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia.

Mr. Smith, of Maryland, presented the memorial of the President and Directors of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, praying for the aid of the United States, in the construction of said road, by a subscription to the stock of said Company; and

Ordered, That it be referred to the Select Committee on Roads and Canals. Mr. Chambers presented the petitions of Henry Rice, and others, praying for the remission of the duties paid by them on certain goods imported into Castine, during the occupancy thereof by the enemy during the late war; and Ordered, That they be referred to the Committee on Finance.

On motion by Mr. King,

Ordered, That the Committee on Public Lands be discharged from the consideration of the petition of Elihu Hall Bay, and others; and that it be referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims.

On motion by Mr. Berrien,

Ordered, That the Committee on the Judiciary be discharged from the consideration of the petition of William Kelly, Attorney of John Smith T.; and that it be referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims.

Mr. Berrien, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the petition of John C. Herbert, made a report, accompanied by the following resolution:

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