TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1829. Mr. Silsbee presented the petition of sundry merchants, and others, residing in the district of Newburyport, Massachusetts, praying that a drawback of duties may be allowed on the exportation of cordage manufactured from foreign hemp, and spirits distilled from foreign molasses; and Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. Benton presented the petition of Auguste Choteau, and others, praying that further time be allowed for filing certain land claims in Missouri; and that a clause in an act of the last session of Congress, invalidating patents on such claims, may be modified, and limited to patents founded on adverse claims of anterior date only; and Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims. Mr. Hayne presented the memorial of a number of the inhabitants of the city of Charleston, in South Carolina, praying that the transportation and opening of the mail on the Sabbath may be prohibited; and Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. Mr. Woodbury presented the petition of Benjamin Boardman, praying for a pension in consideration of revolutionary services; and Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Pensions. Mr. Berrien, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the bill to provide for the legal adjudication and settlement of the claims to land therein mentioned; reported it without amendment. Agreeably to notice given, Mr. Chambers asked and obtained leave to bring in a bill for the relief of the heirs of John Gwynn; which was read; and Ordered, That it pass to a second reading. The following motion, submitted by Mr. Hendricks, was considered and agreed to: Resolved, That the Committee on Public Lands be instructed to inquire into the expediency of attaching to the proper land districts, the lands recently purchased from the Potawatamie Indians, at the treaty of the St. Joseph's. The following motion, submitted by Mr. Williams, was considered and agreed to: Resolved, That the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads, be instructed to inquire into the expediency of establishing a post route from Benton to Vicksburg, in the State of Mississippi. The Senate proceeded to consider the report of the Committee on the Judiciary, on the memorial of the representatives of John Donnell, deceased; and, in concurrence therewith, Resolved, That the prayer of the memorialists ought not to be granted. The bill providing for the final settlement of the claims of certain States therein mentioned, for interest on their advances during the late war; and The bill entitled "An act explanatory of An act to continue a copy-right to John Rowlett;"" were severally read the second time, and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and Ordered, That they be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. The bill entitled "An act for the relief of Gabriel Godfroy, and John Baptiste Beaugrand," was read the second time, and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Public Lands. The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill to allow a salary to the Marshal of the Eastern District of Virginia; and no amendment having been proposed, it was reported to the Senate; and, On the question, "Shall this bill be engrossed, and read a third time?" It was determined in the affirmative. The bill to allow a salary to the Collector of the Customs at the port of Norfolk and Portsmouth, was read the second time, and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and, On motion by Mr. Berrien, Ordered, That it lie on the table. The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill to provide for the distribution of a part of the revenues of the United States among the several States; and, On motion by Mr. Dickerson, The Senate adjourned. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1829. The Vice-President communicated a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of the report of the Director of the Mint, giving the result of assays of foreign coins made at that institution during the past year; and Ordered, That it be printed. The Vice-President communicated a memorial of I. L. Skinner, Editor and proprietor of a periodical work, called "The American Journal of Improvements in the Useful Arts, and Mirror of the Patent Office," praying for the patronage of Congress, by a suitable subscription to said work; and Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on the Library of Congress. Mr. Silsbee presented the petition of Ephraim Lock, praying that the Collector of the port of Boston may be directed to grant the debenture on ten bales of Russia sheeting, exported from that place to Trinidad, by Robert G. Shaw, in November, 1826; and Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. Webster presented the memorial of several importing merchants of Boston, praying for a remission of the additional duties imposed by the act of May last, "in alteration of the several acts imposing duties on imports," on the importations made by them prior to the 30th of September last; and Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Finance, and printed. On motion by Mr. Ruggles, Ordered, That the Committee of Claims be discharged from the consideration of the memorial of James Leander Cathcart, and that it be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. Johnson, of Kentucky, presented the petition of Eliza Hickman, widow of Captain Pascal Hickman, who was killed in battle on the 22d January, 1813, at the river Raisin, praying to be paid for eight rifles, the property of her late husband, which were captured by the enemy on that occasion; and Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of Claims. Mr. Berrien presented a report of a committee to whom were referred certain resolutions of the States of South Carolina and Ohio, accompanied by resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Georgia, on the subject of State rights, and the delegated powers of the General Government; and Ordered, That the report and resolutions be printed. The following written messages were received from the President of the United States, by Mr. John Adams, his Secretary: To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States: WASHINGTON, 14th January, 1829. I transmit to Congress a report from the Director of the Mint, with the annual statement exhibiting the operations of that institution during the year 1828. To the Senate of the United States: JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. WASHINGTON, 14th January, 1829. I transmit herewith to the Senate, a report from the Secretary of State, with supplemental returns of free taxable inhabitants, not freeholders, in certain States and Territories of the United States, which returns have been received since my message to the Senate of the 9th December last. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. Ordered, That said messages be printed. Mr Hayne presented the memorial of John M. Gamble, stating that in the late war he was appointed by Commodore Porter to the command of an armed ship attached to the squadron in the South Seas; and that, on the 13th of July, 1813, he fell in with, and captured an armed ship of the enemy, of superior force, called the "Seringapatam," and for which achievement he has not received any pecuniary reward; and praying that a reasonable compensation may be made to him; and Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs. On motion by Mr. Kane, The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill authorizing the laying off a town on Bean river, in the State of Illinois, and for other purposes; and the blanks having been filled, first, with one; second, with five; third, with twenty-five; fourth, with fifteen; and fifth, with ten; the bill was further amended, and reported to the Senate; and the amendments being concurred in, On the question, "Shall this bill be engrossed and read a third time?” It was determined in the affirmative. The bill for the relief of the heirs of John Gwynn, was read the second time, and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. The bill for the relief of the securities of Amos Edwards, was read the second time, and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and no amendment having been proposed, it was reported to the Senate; and, On motion by Mr. Prince, Ordered, That it lie on the table. The bill to allow a salary to the Marshal of the Eastern District of Virginia, having been reported by the committee correctly engrossed, it was read the third time; and Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives in said bill. The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill to provide for the legal adjudication and settlement of the claims to land therein mentioned; and no amendment having been proposed, it was reported to the Senate; and, On motion by Mr. Smith, of South Carolina, Ordered, That it be postponed to, and made the order of the day for, Wednesday next. The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill to provide for the distribution of a part of the revenues of the United States among the several States; and, On motion by Mr. Branch, The Senate adjourned. THURSDAY, JANUary 15, 1829. Mr. Marks presented a memorial signed by upwards of 300 of the merchants and traders of the City of Philadelphia, praying that no law may be passed by Congress, reducing the duties on teas; or, if it shall be deemed expedient to pass such a law, that it may not be operative before the year 1831; and Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Finance. Agreeably to notice given, Mr. Silsbee asked and obtained leave to bring in a bill for the relief of Payson Perrin; which was read; and Ordered, That it pass to a second reading. Mr. Noble presented resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, instructing the Senators, and requesting the Representatives from that State in Congress, to use their united exertions to procure a sale of all the lands belonging to the United States on the margin of, and contigu'ous to, the contemplated canal to unite the waters of Lake Erie with those of the Wabash; and Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Public Lands. Mr. Hendricks, from the Select Committee on Roads and Canals, to whom the subject was referred by a resolution of the Senate of the 23d ultimo, reported a bill for the construction of the Cumberland Road, westwardly of Zanesville; which was read; and Ordered, That it pass to a second reading. Mr. Marks, from the Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of Nathaniel Mothershead, made a report, accompanied by a bill for his relief. The bill was read; and Ordered, That it pass to a second reading, and that the report be printed. The following motion, submitted by Mr. White, was considered and agreed to: Resolved, That the Secretary of War be, and he hereby is, required to report to the Senate, the names and places of residence, of all the Superintendents and Agents of Indian Affairs within the United States and their Territories; and, also, of the Sub-agents; stating to what nation, or tribe, each individual is Superintendent, Agent, or Sub-agent, together with the salary or compensation allowed to each. The bill authorizing the laying off a town on Bean river, in the State of Illinois, and for other purposes, having been reported by the committee correctly engrossed, it was read the third time; and Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives in said bill. The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill to provide for the distribution of a part of the revenues of the United States among the several States; and, On motion by Mr. Dickerson, Resolved, That it be referred to a Select Committee, to consist of five members, to consider and report thereon. Ordered, That Mr. Dickerson, Mr. Branch, Mr. Bell, Mr. Hayne, and Mr. Sanford, be the committee. After the consideration of Executive business, The Vice-President communicated a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report from the Treasurer, showing the amount of public money in the Bank of the United States and its branches, at the end of each quarter of the year, from 1817 to 1828, inclusive; prepared in obedience to a resolution of the Senate, of the 30th ultimo; and Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Finance, and printed. Mr. Iredell, from the committee, reported that they had examined and found duly enrolled, "An act allowing an additional drawback on sugar refined in the United States, and exported therefrom;" "An act to establish a port of entry at Magnolia, in Florida;" "An act to authorize the citizens of the Territories of Arkansas and Florida to elect their officers, and for other purposes;" and "An act for altering the times for holding the sessions of the Circuit Court of the United States for the district of Georgia, at the places provided by law." A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Clarke, their Clerk: Mr. President: The Speaker of the House of Representatives having signed four enrolled bills, I am directed to bring them to the Senate, for the signature of their President. The House of Representatives have passed the bill from the Senate, entitled "An act to amend an act, entitled "An act for the better organization of the Medical Department of the Navy," approved 24th May, 1828." The Vice-President signed the four enrolled bills last reported to have been examined; and they were delivered to the committee to be laid before the President of the United States. Mr. Barton, from the Committee on Private Land Claims, to whom was referred a memorial of the Legislature of Missouri on the subject, reported a bill for the final adjustment of private land claims in Missouri; which was read; and Ordered, That it pass to a second reading. On motion by Mr. Johnston, of Louisiana, Ordered, That the report of the Secretary of War, of the 12th instant, on the subject of the survey and estimate for improving the harbor of St. Marks, be printed. Mr. Chandler presented the petition of James Thomas, late a Quartermaster General in the Army, and subsequently a Contractor for supplying the troops with rations, praying that his accounts may be settled upon principles of equity; and Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of Claims. Mr. Bell presented the petition of Moses Elliot, praying to be authorized to renew a patent heretofore granted to him for his invention of the "Tubb Winnowing Mill;" and Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. On motion by Mr. Hayne, Resolved, That when the Senate adjourns, it be to Monday next. |