Routledge Encyclopedia of International Political Economy: Entries P-ZR. J. Barry Jones Taylor & Francis, 2001 - 1818 من الصفحات This important new work is the first comprehensive reference to the rapidly developing field of international political economy [IPE]. Featuring over 1200 A-Z entries, the coverage encompasses the full range of issues, concepts, and institutions associated with IPE in its various forms. Comprehensively cross-referenced and indexed, each entry provides suggestions for further reading along with guides to more specialized sources. Selected entries include: * African Development Bank * benign neglect * Black Monday * casino capitalism * debt management * efficiency * floating exchange rates * General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade [GATT] *information society/economy * Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries [OPEC] * Microsoft * multinational corporations, definitions * NATO * patents * rent-seeking * Schellin, Thomas *tax havens * trusts * Value-Added Tax [VAT] * zero-sum games * and many more. |
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عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
actors agreements analysis argued behaviour Cambridge capital capitalist central century commodities competition concept costs culture demand developing countries domestic dominant economic economists effects European example exchange exports firms Fordism free trade Further reading global groups growth important income increase individual industry institutions interest international political economy international trade investment issues Keynesian labour liberal London Marx MARXISM-LENINISM Marxist ment modern monetary neo-classical neo-liberal nomic organization outcomes Oxford periphery post-Fordism problems production profits rational choice theory References and further regime regional regulation regulation theory relations rent seeking Ricardo role sector social socialist society Soviet strategy structural structuralist subsidies supply-side economics surplus surplus value tariff tax havens theory tion tional trade blocs trade policy transnational UNCTAD Union United Nations University Press wage Weber welfare World Bank world-systems world-systems theory