صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

that with proper encouragement from home, the West Indies could be amply supplied with all sorts of fish, at moderate prices, from Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Gaspé*.

It is certain that the fisheries of the United States, by the encouragement given to them by their government, increase to a great degree, although they labour under many disadvantages from the local situation of their country: while the British fishery, with the advantage of carrying on the fishing on their own coasts, declines every year, for want, it is presumed, of adequate encouragement from the mother country, and from the interference of the citizens of the United States, in a variety of shapes.

I have in my possession a very important document, shewing the amount of the provisions and lumber imported into our West India colonies, in the years 1804, 1805, and 1806, and distinguishing the countries whence imported. By compar

* See appendix.-Memorial, and petition, of the merchants and other inhabitants of New Brunswick; also, petition of the merchants and inhabitants of Halifax, Nova Scotia, and memorial referred to therein.

ing the amount of these importations with the whole produce of our North American colonies, we shall be able to judge how far these colonies are likely to supply the wants of our West India islands.

The average importation of the West Indies, for the three years, ending 1806, was as follows:

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Making a total of


[blocks in formation]

Making a total of


[blocks in formation]

942,122 38,354,312 101,330

Other countries


[blocks in formation]

* An attentive perusal of the preceding statements will shew how much the West India islands are at present beholden to the United States for their supplies. In some articles, such as bread, flour, and rice, the States have a decided advantage: these are of a superior quality; besides, their vicinity lessens the expence of carriage. These articles might, no doubt, be carried in British bottoms, instead of American; but they will probably be always furnished cheaper from the States than from our provinces, even supposing the quantity could be procured. This may be the case in the course of a few years, though, at present,

* For a more detailed account of the imports to the West Indies, see appendix.

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