صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

ter customs and amusements--people not so liable
to suffer from cold in Canada as in England-ac-
counted for-winter air extremely dry-its effects
resemble those of the Siroc wind-greatest degree
of cold, and medium temperature, of December
and January-winter roads-how formed-a pont
-the St. Lawrence freezing over, opposite to
Quebec-the winter method of passing the St.
Lawrence in canoes


[blocks in formation]


thereof the long continuance of winter may re-
tard the improvement of Canada, but not pre-
vent it-comparison between Russia and Canada
-and between the Neva and the St. Lawrence-
effect of winter on the habits of the people


The constitution of Canada-the legislative council
-the house of assembly-observations on the pro-
priety of having given to Canada a representative
form of government-complaints of the Canadians
-unfounded-civil list of Canada-disposition of

the mass of the people




Canadian tenures-en fief-en roture-the seigneu-

ries-grants or concessions of land-townships

held in free and common soccage-grantees bound

to have a certain number of settlers on their lands

in a given time-the boundaries of Canada-ex-
tract from the definitive treaty of peace with Ame-
rica-situation of the river St. Croix-Bay of Pas-


samaquoddy-sovereignty of the islands therein
disputed-river Ponobscot - route from Nova
Scotia to Quebec-in the grants of townships the
crown makes certain reserves-roads leading from
Canada to the United States-numbers of Ame-
ricans settled on the townships-reflections there-
on-policy of the mother country in her manage-
ment of colonies




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[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
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