of Major General Howe, and Brigadier General Pigott. This detachment embarked at Boston, and landed at Charlestown, where they were reinforced by another detachment, making the whole force about 3000 strong. This force when formed on the beach, advanced regularly to the charge. Colonel Prescott maintained his position under a heavy fire of cannon, and musquetry, supported by Colonel Stark of New Hampshire, and Captain Norton of Connecticut. General Warren, and General Pomeroy, joined the detachment at the approach of the enemy, and General Putnam with his accustomed bravery, and active intrepidity, traversed the field, giving life, spirit, animation, and courage, to the whole detachment. When the attack commenced, General Gage ordered the beautiful town of Charlestown to be fired; the order was obeyed, and in an instant of time, more than five hundred houses, and other buildings were wrapped in flames, exhibiting to the astonished view, an awful display of the vindictive malice of Britain, and the barbarous outrage of her savage war. Amidst the blaze of Charlestown, the murderous Britons advanced to the charge, with a firm and regular step, supported by a terrible explosion of musketry, and grape. The provincials, like the illustrious heroes of the plains of Abraham, reserved their fire until the enemy had advanced within twelve rods, when they received them with a well directed fire of musketry, which was murderous in its effects, and checked his pace; here commenced an incessant fire of musketry upon both sides; the enemy gave way, and fled in disorder. Stung with mortification at such shameful pusillanimity, the officers rallied them again, and advanced to the charge. Again the provincials reserved their fire, and received the enemy at the distance of 10 or 12 rod, and again opened their murderous fire, and again put them to flight. Stung again with mortification, the officers excliamed, "It is downright butchery to i lead on the troops against these lines." But General At this critical moment Gen. Clinton volunteered his 1 tionate losses, compared with those of the enemy engaged, or lost such a disproportionate number of officers. The loss in this action, as stated by Gen. Gage, consisted of 226 killed, 19 of whom were commissioned officers, including 1 lieut. colonel, 2 majors,* and 7 captains-70 officers wounded-total, 1054, including rank and file.This loss equalled the loss sustained by Gen. Wolfe upon the Plains of Abraham, at the capture of Quebec; but in the loss of officers, it stands as 19 to 13 killed, and as 70 to 66 wounded. When the vast disproportion is taken into consideration, between the objects obtained, viz. the carrying a redoubt which sprang up in a night, and the conquest of a city, which is justly estimated as the Gibralter of America, some just estimate may be formed of that firmness and valour the Americans displayed in the ever memorable battle of Bunker's Hill. The American loss in this action amounted to 139 killed, 278 wounded, 36 missing-total 453. The loss of Gen. Warren, Col. Gardner, Lieut. Col. Parker, and Majors Moore and McClaney, was severely felt by America, and cast a gloom over the nation; but their names will live with glory to the latest generation. The merits of Gen. Warren as a man, and a patriot, in the private circles of his friends; in the cabinet, as member of the provincial congress, or as president of that honorable body, or in the field as major general-all combined to give a lustre to his name, that is above all praise, and that exceeds the powers of my pen to express. Although the heroes of Bunker's Hill had triumphed over the enemy, even in their retreat, by that terrible carnage they had spread through her ranks, and that slaughter with which they had swept away so many of his officers of dis * Lieut. Col. Abercrombie, and Maj. Pitcairn, the first British murderer in the revolution. tinction; yet they saw before them the smoking ruins of Charlestown, and witnessed one of the finest towns of New-England laid in ashes by the wanton revenge of a merciless foe; such a scene, so unprovoked, and so unexpected from magnanimous Britain, kindled in the breasts of these noble sons of freedom, a spirit of indignation, which nothing but the distresses of the innocent sufferers, and the horrors of the scene, could possibly have inspired: an indignation, which spread like lightning through the colonies, and called for the most prompt and speedy revenge. Had it been the act of the savage, it might have been borne. Both parties proceeded to strengthen and fortify their frontiers, watch each others motions, and wait for the issue. of events. CHAPTER VIII. AMERICAN REVOLUTION CONTINUED. SECOND GENERAL CONGRESS.-APPOINTMENT OF GEN. GEORGE WASHINGTON AS COMMANDER IN CHIEF, &c. THE second General Congress, being regularly chosen, assembled at Philadelphia, and commenced their sittings on the 10th of May, 1775, and chose the Honourable Peyton Randolph, President, and Charles Thomson, Secretary, On this memorable morn, Colonel Allen summoned the fortress of Ticonderoga, " in the name of the Great Jehovah, and the Continental Congress," and the commanding officer obeyed his summons about 6 hours before Congress began to exist as a body. Congress having taken into their serious and deliberate consideration the state of the colonies, proceeded to address the Canadians in a stile well calculated to open their eyes, to a sense of that oppressive government, under which they groaned, and proffered an alliance, well calculated to promote mutual harmony, union, and interest. On the 2d of June, they interdicted all intercourse, or traffic with the enemy, by the following resolve. " Resolved, That no provision of any kind be furnished, or supplied, to, or for the use of the British army, or navy, in the Massachusetts-bay, or of any transport." On the 7th of June, Congress assumed the stile of the Twelve United Colonies, in the following resolve. Resolved, "That Thursday the 20th of July be observed throughout the twelve united colonies, as a day of public humiliation, fasting and prayer." Which became the appellation of the American confederacy. On the 8th of June, Major Skeen, of Skeensborough, arrived at Philadelphia from England, with a commission, |