Gen. Howe, while at Boston, sent four transports, under the command of Capt. Maitland, to Georgia, to obtain a quantity rice; but the Georgians rose in arms, and with the assistance of the South-Carolinians, burnt the vessels, captured the crews, and thus defeated the enterprise, as well as the expectations of Gen. Howe. Congress had now under their command a naval force consisting of two ships, two brigs, and a sloop, carrying a force of about 200 marines, under the command of Commodore Ezekiel Hopkins. On the 17th of February, this fleet sailed from Cape Henlopen, and in 15 days came to anchor off the island of Abacco, lying near New-Providence. From this station the marines were embarked on board several small transports, and made a descent upon the island of New-Providence on the 2d of March, which they took with but little opposition, and carried off from the fort 40 cannon, 15 brass mortars, &c. together with the governor, lieut. governor, and one counsellor of the island. On the 4th of April, the fleet fell in with, and took a British schooner, near the east end of Long-Island, and on the 5th they took a bomb brig, laden with arms and military stores, which was to them a most valuable prize. On the 6th, part of the fleet engaged the British ship Glasgow, of 20 guns, in a severe action, which continued from half past two in the afternoon, until night parted the combatants, and the next morning the Glasgow took advantage of the wind, and joined the fleet at Newport. Commodore Hopkins stood in for New-London, where he deposited his stores taken on the the cruize, by order of Congress. T CHAPTER X. REVOLUTION CONTINUED.-GENERAL PREPARATIONS IN ENGLAND TO CARRY FORWARD THE WAR. PARLIAMENTARY DISCUSSIONS, &c. PENDING these operations in America, the battles of Lexington and Bunker's Hill, together with the appointment of General Washington as commander in chief of the American armies, had reached England, as well as the addresses and petitions of Congress, that have been noticed, all which produced very serious impressions upon the people, and upon government; but the king and the ministry were obstinately bent on war. The sentiments of the lower class of people were strongly expressed by that reluctance they shewed at enlisting into the service, which so much embarrassed ministers that they were constrained to the alternative of withdrawing the garrison from the fortress of Gibraltar, to fill their ranks in America, and of supplying their place in garrison by detachments from Hanover. Their next dependence was on parliament, which commenced its sittings on the 26th of October. The king, in his speech to parliament, reproached the American colonies with ambitious views, and as aiming at independence; and added--" I have received the most friendly offers of foriegn assistance; and if I shall make any treaties, they shall be laid before you. I have in testimony of my affections for my people, sent to the garrisons of Gibraltar and Port Mahon, a part of my electoral troops, that a larger number of the established forces of this kingdom may be applied to the maintenance of its authority. When the deluded multitude against whom this force will be employed, shall become sensible of their error, I shall be ready to receive the misled with tenderness and mercy. I shall give authority to certain persons to grant general, 176 or particular pardons, and indemnities, in such manner, and to such persons as they shall think fit, and to receive any province which may be disposed to return to its allegiance," &c. Such was the spirited opposition to this speech, that the debates spun out through the night. The madness and folly of that war into which ministers had involved the country, were pourtrayed in the most glowing colours, as well as the necessity, and immediate expediency of clos ing the expensive and sanguinary scene, by treating with America upon such terms as would restore her to her former standing in her relations with the mother country; but all to no effect, the die was cast, and although Lord North acknowledged that he had been deceived in American affairs, yet " to recede will be ruin and disgrace." At five o'clock in the morning, the motion of the opposition to amend the motion for an address to his majesty in answer to his speech, was negatived by 278, to 108; and the address was carried forward without further opposition. In the House of Lords the opposition was equally spirited; but ministers prevailed, with about the same majority. as in the House of Commons; yet nineteen peers signed, and entered their protest against prosecuting the American war, in which they animadverted with great severity upon the measures of ministers, in employing foreign troops, &c. The legality of the question of introducing foreign troops into Great-Britain, or any of her dependencies, became serious, as a national, constitutional question; but it was overruled in both houses by decided majorities. : These points being settled, Parliament now saw their way clear to go all lengths with ministers in prosecuting. the war with vigour. It was now proposed in a committee of supply, that the naval establishment of sailors, and marines, should be augmented to 28,000 men, and the number of ships of war to eighty, upon the American station; and the land forces also to consist of 25,000, of the selected troops in the service. To counteract this, the enormous expences of the troops stationed at Boston, were arrayed in order, together with the slight impression they had been able to make upon the American forces. Next William Penn was introduced, to shew by his testimony to ministers the true character, and situation of America. On the 10th of November, the Duke of Richmond procured an examination of William Penn before the House of Lords; the substance of which is as follows-" That Congress was in the highest veneration imaginable, by all ranks, and orders of men, That he believed implicit obedience was paid to their resolutions through all the provinces. That in Pennsylvania 20,000 effective men had voluntarily enrolled themselves to enter into active service, if necessity required, and that among them were persons of the most respectable character in the province. That he presumed the major part were in flourishing situations. That beside these 20,000, there were 4000 minute men, whose duty was pointed out by their description; they were to be ready for service at a minute's warning. That the Pennsylvanians understood perfectly the art of making gun-powder; that they had made that, and saltpetre, and that the art of casting cannon had been carried to great perfection. That small arms had been made to as great a degree of perfection as could be imagined. That the Americans were equally expert with the Europeans in ship-building. That he was sure the language of Congress expressed the sense of the American people in general. That the petition he had presented to the king, had been considered as an olive branch, and that he had been complimented by his friends as the messenger of VOL. III. 23 peace. That he imagined the Americans, who placed much reliance on the petition, would be driven to desperation, by its refusal. That he imagined that sooner than yield to what they supposed to be the unjust claims of Great-Britain, the Americans would take the resolution of calling in foreign aid; and that in his opinion the neglect with which the last petition was treated, would induce the Americans to resign all hopes of pacific negociations," &c. When William Penn had withdrawn, the Duke of Richmond moved "that the matter of the American petition affords ground for the conciliation of the unhappy differences subsisting between the mother country and the colonies, and that it is necessary that immediate steps should be taken for the attainment of so desirable an object." A warm, and animated debate ensued, and the question was taken and lost, 86 to 33. When the subject of supplies came up before Parliament, and they found that the taxes in America were not likely to ease the burthens of the nation, as had been contemplated, under their system of coercive measures, the weight about to come on their purses made them pause, and reflect, more than all the principles of injustice and corrupt policy that had been urged home to their consciences. When ministers therefore, talked of abandoning their system of taxes, Parliament declared they would abandon their system of supplies. To meet this, ministers were obliged to resume the plan of American taxes; and then the gentlemen were ready to grant supplies, even with a land tax of 4s. upon the pound, equal to one fifth of its value. When the bill prohibiting all further intercourse with America was introduced, it opened a fresh debate, which was conducted with great warmth, and spirit. In the course of this animated debate, it was urged, that the |