صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

lency General Washington, accompanied with the warmest and most grateful acknowledgments to Count De Rochambeau, Count De Grasse, with all the officers in the ser vice of his most christian majesty. Ministers at the altar, of all denominations, caught the sacred flame, and the temples of Almighty God resounded with gratitude and praise to his great name, throughout United America.

On the 4th of November Congress honoured the Chevalier De La Luzerne with their attendance at the Roman Catholic chapel, where the following address was delivered by Monsieur De Bandole, chaplain to the French embassy.

"Gentlemen-A numerous people, assembled to render thanks to Almighty God for his mercies, is one of the most affecting objects, and worthy the attention of the Supreme Being. While camps resound with triumphal actions; whole nations rejoice in victory and glory, the most honourable office the minister of the altar can fill, is to be the organ by which public gratitude is conveyed to the Omnipotent. Those miracles which he once sought for his chosen people, are renewed in our favour, and it would be equally ungrateful, and impious not to acknowledge that the event which lately confounded our enemies, and frustrated their designs, was the wonderful work of that God, who guards our liberties. And who but He could so combine the events that led to such success? We have seen our enemies push forward amidst perils almost innumerable, amidst objects almost insurmountable, to the spot which was designed to witness their disgrace; yet they eagerly sought it as the theatre of their triumph! Blind as they were, they bore hunger, thirst, and inclement skies; poured out their blood in battle against brave republicans, and crossed immense regions to confine themselves in another Jericho; whose walls were fated to fall down before another Joshua. It is He whose voice commands the winds, the seas, and the seasons; who formed a junction on the same day, and the same hour, between a formidable fleet from the south, and an army rushing from the north like an impetuous torrent. Who but He, in whose hands are the hearts of men, could have inspired the allied troops with the friendship, the confidence, the tenderness of brothers! How is it that two nations, once divided, jealous, inimical, and nursed in reciprocal prejudices, are now become so cordially united as to form but one! Worldlings would say it is the wisdom, the virtue, and moderation of our chiefs; it is a great national interest that has performed this prodigy. They will say, that to the skill of the generals, to the courage of the troops, to the activity of the whole army, we must attribute this splendid success. Ah! they are ignorant that the combining of so many fortunate circumstances, is an emanation from the All-perfect Mind; that courage, that skill, that activity bear the sacred impression of Him who is divine. For how many favours have we not to thank Him during the present year?

"Your union, which was at first supported by justice alone, has been consolidated by your courage, and the knot which ties you has become indissoluble, by the accession of all the states, and the unanimous voice of all the confederates. You present to the universe the noble sight of a society, which, founded in equality and justice, secures to the individuals who compose it, the utmost happiness that can be derived from human institutions. This advantage, which so many other nations have been unable to procure, even after ages of effort and misery, is granted by Divine Providence to the United States; and His adorable decrees have marked the present moment for the completion of that memorable happy revolution, which has taken place in this extensive continent. These large states are at once wrested from the foe. The rapacious soldier has been compelled to take refuge behind his ramparts, and oppression has vanished like those phantoms which are dispelled by the morning ray. On this solemn occasion we might renew our thanks to the God of battles, for the success he has granted to your allies, and your friends, by land and sea, through the other parts of the globe. But let'us not recall those events which too clearly prove how much the hearts of our enemies have been obdurated. Let us prostrate ourselves at the altar, and implore the God of mercy to suspend his vengeance, to spare them in his wrath, to inspire them with sentiments of justice and moderation, to terminate their obstinacy and error, and to ordain that your victories be followed with peace and tranquillity. Let us intreat Him to continue to shed on the councils of the king, your ally, that spirit of wisdom, of justice, and of courage, which has rendered his reign so glorious. Let us beseech Him to maintain in each of the states that intelligence, by which the United States are inspired. Let us return Him thanks that a faction, whose rebellion he has corrected, and now deprived of support, is annihilated. Let us offer Him pure hearts, unsoiled by private hatred, or public dissension; and let us with one voice pour forth to the Lord that hymn of praise, by which christians celebrate their gratitude and His glory."

I have given this extract at large, because it is the pureest expression of that civil and religious gratitude that glowed in the American breast at that most eventful period, that has appeared.

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I PASSED over the operations of the southern war, in their chronological order, that the great and interesting subject of the last chapter might be continued unbroken to its final consummation; also the operations of the traitor Arnold at New-London, &c. because I would not foul such splendid events with so infamous a name, nor tarnish the achievements of the illustrious allies with such infamous deeds. We will now carry forward the operations of the south.

We noticed in a former chapter, the strong position Gen. Greene took among the high hills of Santee, after his affair with Lord Rawdon, near Camden; we will now notice a few extracts from Gen. Greene's letters to his friend, which will disclose clearly, the character of the southern war.

While before Ninety-Six, Gen. Greene wrote thus to Col. Davies, May 23d--"The animosity between the whigs, and tories of this state, renders their situation truly deplorable. There is not a day that passes, but there are more or less who fall a sacrifice to this savage disposition. The whigs seem determined to extirpate the tories, and the tories the whigs. Some thousands have fallen in this way, in this quarter, and the evil rages with more violence than ever. If a stop cannot be put to these massacres, the country will be depopulated, as neither whig nor tory can live."

Gen. Greene wrote in the same stile to Col. Perkins, on the 5th of June." The inhabitants near Parker's Ford, on the Saluda, are in great distress from the savage couduct of a party of men belonging to Col. Hammond's regiment; this party plunders without mercy, and murders the defenceless people just as private pique, prejudice, or personal resentment dictate. Principles of humanity as well as policy require, that proper measures should be immediately taken to restrain these abuses, heal differences, and unite the people as much as possible." &c.

In June a general exchange of prisoners for the southera states was agreed upon and carried into effect, including the militia, on both sides; the American prisoners were not suffered to remain in the southern states; but sent into Virginia, and Pennsylvania. At the same time Lt. Col. Balfour, British commandant at Charleston, issued the following order. -" As many persons lately exchanged as prisoners of war, and others who have long chose to reside in the colonies now in rebellion, have, notwithstanding such their absence, wives and families still remaining here, the weight of which, on all accounts, it is equally impolitic, as inconsistent, should longer be suffered to rest on the government established here, and the resources of it. The commandant is therefore pleased to direct, that all such women and children, and others as above described, should quit this town, and province, on or before the first day of August next ensuing, of which regulation all such persons are hereby ordered to take notice, and to remove themselves accordingly." This order was promptly carried into execution, and fairly opens the way for the following narrative.

"The whig ladies, while they resided at Charleston, shewed an amazing fortitude, as well as the strongest attachment to the cause of their country, and gloried in the appellation of rebel ladies. Neither soothing persuasion, nor menacing hints, nor their own natural turn for gaiety, and amusement, could prevail on them to grace the ball, or assembly with their presence, to oblige the

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