صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني









(3) prepare, in consultation with other interested organization and bodies, a long-range comprehensive

plan for energy utilization to foster improvement in the efficiency of energy production and utilization, reduction

of its adverse environmental impacts, conservation of energy resources for future generations, reduction of excessive energy demands, and development of technological capabilities to produce alternative clean energy. (c) Congress authorizes and directs that, to the fullest 10 extent possible—



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(1) the policies, regulations, and public laws of the United States shall be interpreted and administered in accordance with the policies set forth in this Act; and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government shall

(A) utilize a systematic, interdisciplinary approach which will insure the integrated use of both physical and social sciences in producing, conserving, and utilizing the Nation's energy resources;

(B) submit to the Council on Energy Policy established by this Act for comment all legislative recommendations and reports, to the extent that such recommendations and reports deal with or have

a bearing on energy matters;

(C) gather data and information; develop analytical techniques for use in the management, conservation, use and development of energy re

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sources and makes such data available to the Council

on Energy Policy for inclusion in the annual energy

report required by this Act;

(D) recognize the worldwide and long-range character of energy concerns and, where consistent with the foreign policy of the United States, lend appropriate support to initiatives, resolutions, and programs designed to foster international cooperation in anticipating and solving energy-related problems;

(E) include in every recommendation or report to Congress on proposals for legislation and other major Federal actions having a significant affect on energy availability or use a detailed statement by the responsible official on whether such a proposal or action is consistent with the long-range plan formulated by the Council on Energy Policy pursuant to this Act. If such proposal or action is not consistent with such plan, the statement shall also contain a detailed justification for the proposal or action;

(F) include, at the direction and pursuant to guidelines promulgated by the Council on Energy Policy, an energy resource statement by the respon

sible official, as well as any other Federal agency






designated by the Council, on the affect of the pro

posed activity on the Nation's overall energy



5 SEC. 3. (a) There shall be created in the Executive 6 Office of the President a Council on Energy Policy (here7 inafter referred to as the "Council"). The Council shall be 8 composed of three members who shall be appointed by the 9 President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. 10 The members of the Council shall serve for five-year terms except that of the three such members first appointed one 12 shall be appointed for a two-year term and one for a four



year term, as designated by the President at the time of ap14 pointment. The President shall designate one of the members 15 of the Council to serve as Chairman. Each member shall be a 16 person who as a result of this training, experience, and attain17 ment, is well qualified to analyze and interpret energy trends 18 and information of all kinds; to appraise programs and activ19 ities of the Federal Government in the light of energy needs 20 of the Nation; to be conscious of and responsive to the en21 vironmental, social, cultural, economic, scientific, and esthetic 22 needs and interests of the Nation; and to formulate a national 23 energy plan and recommend national policies with respect to 24 wise energy management. No more than two members of 25 the Council shall be appointed from the same political party.

[blocks in formation]

2 SEC. 4. (a) To carry out the purposes stated in section

3 2 of this Act the Council shall serve as the principal adviser


to the President and the Congress on energy policy exercis5 ing leadership in formulating Government policy concerning 6 domestic and international energy issues.

7 (b) The Council shall make recommendations to the 8 President and the Congress for resolving conflicting energy 9 policies of Federal agencies.


(c) The Council shall develop within eighteen months 11 from the date of enactment of this Act and annually update


a long-range comprehensive plan for energy utilization in the 13 United States to carry out the purposes as stated in section 2


of this Act which shall provide guidance to Federal, State, 15 and local agencies and nongovernmental entities concerned 16 with energy in the United States.



(d) The Council shall promptly review all legislative 18 recommendations and reports to Congress and their accom19 panying energy resource statements of Federal agencies, to the extent that such recommendations and reports have 21 a bearing on energy matters. The Council, if it disapproves 22 such an agency report or recommendation shall state in 23 writing to Congress and the involved Federal agency its reasons therefor.



(e) The Council shall keep Congress fully and currently


1 informed of all of its activities and neither the Council nor its

2 employees may refuse to testify before or submit information


to either House of Congress or any duly authorized committee 4 thereof.


(f) The Council may hold public hearings when there is 6 substantial public interest in matters before it.



7 (g) The Council, within six months after enactment of 8 this Act after public notice and opportunity for comment, 9 shall promulgate guidelines for the preparation of energy resource statements by other Federal agencies. Such guide11 lines shall be implemented by all Federal agencies within six months after promulgation by the Council. Such guide13 lines are to be designed to avoid duplication of effort, dis14 tinguish between regulatory and nonregulatory activities, 15 contain criteria for determining when an activity is a major 16 Federal activity, and specify the content and nature of the 17 analysis to be required in the energy resource statements. 18 (h) In carrying out its collection, analysis, and inter19 pretation of energy statistics function, the Council shall as 20 quickly as possible, after appropriate study, promulgate 21 guidelines after notice and opportunity for comment for the 22 collection and initial analysis of energy data by other Fed23 eral agencies to make such data compatible, useful, and 24 comprehensive. Where relevant data is not now available or reliable and beyond the authority of other agencies to


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