Participation: The New Tyranny?Bill Cooke, Uma Kothari Bloomsbury Academic, 2001 - 207 من الصفحات This book is about participatory development's potential for tyranny, showing how it can lead to the unjust and illegitimate exercise of power. It is the first book-length treatment to address the gulf between the almost universally fashionable rhetoric of participation, which promises empowerment and appropriate development on the one hand, and what actually happens when consultants and activists promote and practise participatory development, on the other. |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-3 من 60
... decisions already made - in other words symbolizing good decision - making without influencing it . Even where ... decisions are usually influenced by other interests altogether . The simplistic assumption that better access to ...
... decision - making and debate rarely took place within committees ; when it did it was hotly disputed and the decisions rarely complied with . Decision- making was considered valid only when all those ( adults ) potentially affected by ...
... decisions are recommitted to . 3. Morality Ingroup members ' believe unquestioningly in the in- herent morality of their ingroup ' , inclining ' members to ignore the ethical or moral consequences of their decisions ' ( ibid .: 263 ) ...
The Case for Participation as Tyranny I | 1 |
Institutions Agency and the Limitations of Participatory | 36 |
Boxes Tables and Figures | 41 |
حقوق النشر | |
13 من الأقسام الأخرى غير ظاهرة