Participation: The New Tyranny?Bill Cooke, Uma Kothari Bloomsbury Academic, 2001 - 207 من الصفحات This book is about participatory development's potential for tyranny, showing how it can lead to the unjust and illegitimate exercise of power. It is the first book-length treatment to address the gulf between the almost universally fashionable rhetoric of participation, which promises empowerment and appropriate development on the one hand, and what actually happens when consultants and activists promote and practise participatory development, on the other. |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-3 من 56
... planning and its spread from NGOs into public sector development bureaucracies . The critical point is that what is taken as ' people's knowledge ' is itself constructed in the context of planning and reflects the social relationships ...
... plans ) is a construct of the planning context , behind which is concealed a complex micro - politics of knowledge production and use . I will briefly comment on four aspects of this : first , the shaping of knowledge by local relations ...
... planning process , driven by a shared interest in producing a plan for concrete action , invariably suppresses difference in favour of consensus , and prioritizes action over detailed design . Staff who try to be too participatory ...
The Case for Participation as Tyranny I | 1 |
Institutions Agency and the Limitations of Participatory | 36 |
Boxes Tables and Figures | 41 |
حقوق النشر | |
13 من الأقسام الأخرى غير ظاهرة