CARRIER. (See title "Bailees.") on bill of lading, &c. for loss of goods, 159. commencement of declaration, 13, 17-287. 2. for torts to personal property, 319 to 378. 2. incorporeal, 400 to 410. 4. on statutes, 410. that plaintiff was a thief, 551. that plaintiff was guilty of perjury, 552. that plaintiff was insolvent, 554. that 3d person was author of slander, and deft. only repeater, 554. replication de injuria, 676, 7. CASSETUR BILLA VEL BREVE, CATTLE. (See title "Fences.") case for dogs injuring of, 287. trover for, 370. trespass for chasing of, specially or generally, 424, 425, 6. for seizing of, 425, 6. for converting of, 424, 5, 6. CEPIT IN ALIO LOCO.-(See title "Replevin.") plea of, 558. CHASING SHEEP, &c.-(See title "Cattle.") trespass for, 424, 5. CHECKS ON BANKERS, declarations on (see " Chitty on Bills," Index, title "Precedents.") COLOUR GIVEN in pleading, 604. in general, to 34 (and see tit." Declaration.") in covenant, 10, 18, 241. in debt, 9, 13, 20-184. of pleas in general, in abatement, 458 to 467. of replications in general, 641, 2. assumpsit for, 71. of a prisoner to custody of marshal, 193, 4. COMMON COUNTS, in assumpsit (see particulars in Analytical Table,) 35 to 109. COMMON, RIGHTS OF, declarations respecting of pasture, case for disturbance of, by putting on cattle, 400. by building, &c. 402. of turbary, case for injury to, 403. avowries and cognizances respecting prescriptive right of common of pasture, 566. pleas in trespass respecting common of fishery, 611. common of pasture prescriptive by freeholder, 612, common of estovers, &c. 617. by copyholder, 613. pur cause de vicinage, 615. pleas in bar of, in replevin to avowries damage-feasant, denial of defendant's right of common, 688. replications in trespass, denying the defendant's right of common, 698. the like in replevin, 717. COMMON, TENANCY IN, pleaded, 261. COPARCENARY, estate in pleaded, 260.. COPYHOLD ESTATE, assumpsit for price of, 37. fines on admission to, assumpsit for, 46. estate in fee of copyhold, by grant, 255, 6, 7-278, 9--565, 613, 625. surrender to use of will, death, presentment thereof, and admittance, 278. COPYHOLDER, avowry by, or his tenant, for distress damage-feasant, 565. seisia in fee of, in trespass to real property, 255,6,7, 278, 565, 615, 623. his right of way pleaded, 623. COPYRIGHT.-(See titles " Patent," and "Print.") of book, case for infringing of, 362. CORPORATIONS, declarations against, 28. seisin in fee of, 251. note i. COVENANT, statement of lessees, 242. to pay rent, 242. COVENANT-(continued.) to repair, &c. 245. to stand seised to uses pleaded, 266. præcipe and capias, and declaration thereon in, 9, 10. commencements of, 10, 13, 18, 241. conclusions of, 244, 249. on lease, lessor against lessee for non-payment of rent, 241. on apprentice deeds, 282. pleas in non est factum, 544. payment, 544. performance, 544. licence, 544. pleaded, 266. COVERING MARES. assumpsit for use of stallion, 56. COVERTURE.-(See titles "Husband and Wife," and "Feme Covert.") plea in abatement of plaintiff's coverture, 462. the like of defendant's coverture, 462. plea of in bar in assumpsit, 472. the like in debt, 514. replication in abatement, denying the coverture, 638. COUNTRY, conclusions to replications, 642, 689. rejoinders, 706. COUNTY COURT, declarations in, 24. do. in replevin, 412. customary right of common in respect of a copyhold, 623. · special statements of in assumpsit, an action brought, and plaintiff obliged to pay costs, 128. consequence of attorney's neglect, a nonsuit, 134, 5. consequence of breach of warranty, 140. loss of use of chattel bailed, 146, 155. against carrier, plaintiff obliged to hire another conveyance, 159. injury to reputation, imprisonment, &c. 301. loss of place by a servant, 310, 11. in trespass for an assault, 419. DAMAGE-FEASANT. avowries for distress for, 564 to 568. DAUGHTERS, &c. case for debauching of, 315. the like in trespass, 422. trespass for battery of child, 422. DEATH, declaration where one of plaintiffs died after issuing writ, 15, 18. of party seised of a copyhold, 278. possessed of a term, 281. of principal before return of ca. sa. pleaded, 537. DEBAUCHING DAUGHTERS.-(See "Daughters.") 315, 422. count for, of cattle or goods, &c. 426. DEBT, precipe and capias, and declarations thereon in, 8, 9. declarations in (see title " Declarations.") beginnings and conclusions of, 13, 16, 17, 19, 184 to 187, on simple contracts, &c., 185. common counts, 185 to 188. subject matter of debt (stated as in Assumpsit, see Analytical Table.) on awards, 188. |