PROUT PATET PER RECORDUM-(continued.) to a private statute, 270. to a writ and return, 354. assumpsit for good-will of, and business, 38. against publican for not making title to lease, &c. 166, 7. the like against vendee of lease, &c. for not completing purchase, &c. 168. PUIS DARREIN CONTINUANCE, pleas of release not at the assizes, 724. at the assizes, 724. PUR CAUSE DE VICINAGE, plea of common, of pasture of, 615, 6. PURCHASE, assumpsit by purchaser against vendor for not conveying, &c. 165. QUÆ EST EADEM, statement of, 573, 599. QUANTUM MERUIT COUNT, in assumpsit, form of the count in general, 36, statements of different debts, 37 to 109, (see the Analytical Table.) in debt, [Table.) statements of different debts, 185, 6, (same as in Assumpsit, see Analyt. declarations in debt, qui tam, and observations, 238 to 240. plea of nil debet in, 507. RECORD-(see title "Reference.") reference to in a declaration, (see "Prout Patet," &c.) 191, 193. verification by, in a replication, 673. RECORDARI FACIAS LOQUELAM, RECOVERY, FORMER-(see title "Judgment recovered.”) RECOVERY SUFFERED, pleaded, with deed to lead uses of, 272. RECTOR, seisin of for life, pleaded, 252, 392, 3. title by succession pleaded, 263, 342, 3. case by, against executors of deceased, for dilapidations, 392, 5. statement of in covenant, 242. REFERENCE, to policy of insurance, and memoranda, 111. to award, 190. to lease, 243. to record, 191, 193, 230, 232. to private statute, 270. REJOINDERS, in general, 706. in assumpsit, 706 to 712. (see title" Assumpsit.") in debt, 712, 3, (see title "Debt.") replication in replevin, 714 to 717, (see title " Replevin.”) in trespass, 718, 9, (see title "Trespass.") RELEASE-(see title "Lease and Release.") lease and release pleaded, 268. release of actions pleaded, 487, 8. denial of release, 652. rejoinder fairly obtained, 710. REMAINDER in fee in a copyhold, pleaded, 259. RENT-(see titles "Use and Occupation," " Debt," and " Covenant.") of a house and land, 38. for double rent, 42. of pasture land and eatage of grass, 43. for agistment of cattle, 55. for unfurnished lodgings, 43, 4. on a lease or demise, 223, 4. RENT-(continued.) use and occupation, 224. double value for holding over, 234, 5. set-off for, plea of, 492, 495. riens in arrere, 534. avowries and cognizances for, 560 to 564, (see title "Replevin.") REPAIRS-(see titles "Landlord and Tenant," and "Covenant.") declarations in, in K. B. or C. P., 411, 2. in the county court, 412, 3. avowries, cognizances, and pleas to declarations in. general forms, non cepit, 557. commencement of an avowry, 556. of a cognizance, 557. of an avowry by one deft. and a cognizance by the other, 557. plea in bar, property in defendant or a stranger, 558. cepit in alio loco, with avowry for return, 558, plea that deft. had cattle in locus in quo, but took them elsewhere, 559. for rent, commencement of a plea in bar to an avowry, 678. of the like to an avowry and cognizance, 678. conclusion of, to the country, 679. with a verification, 679. to an avowry and cognizance, 679. to avowries, &c. for rent, traverse of the demise, 679. no rent in arrear, 679. defendant not bailiff, 680. payment of rent to ground landlord, 680. eviction, 682. to avowries, &c. for damage-feasant, traverse of freeholder's title, 682. traverse of demise to defendant, 682, S. demise by defendant to plaintiff, 683. REPLEVIN-(continued.) that the cattle escaped through defect of defendant's fences, 683. plaintiff having right of common, &c. 685. that plaintiff had right of common in locus in quo, 687. denial of defendant's right of common, 688. in general, similiter, 714. commencement of a replication, 714. conclusion to the country, 714. conclusion with a verification, 714. to tender, denial of, 715. a subsequent demand, 715. that tenancy was determined by a notice to quit, 715, 6. denial of right of common, 717. rejoinders in, 720, 1. REPLEVIN BONDS, declarations on and relating to, debt on, by assignee of sheriff where proceedings removed by refalo, 218. for taking insufficient sureties, 359. - pleas to in general, 527. REPLICATIONS, in abatement, 638 to 640, (see title "Abatement.") in bar, in general, 641 to 643. estoppel, 641. special similiter, 641, 2. commencement of replication to special plea, 642. the like suggesting death of one of defendants since plea, 642. conclusion to the country, 642. with a verification in assumpsit, 643. in assumpsit, 643 to 663, (see title "Assumpsit," and Analyt. Table.) in covenant, 676. in case, 676, 7. pleas in bar in replevin, 678 to 688, (see title “Replevin.”) in trespass, 689 to 700, (see title "Trespass.") new assignments, 700 to 705, (see title "New Assignment.”) REQUEST, statement of in pleading, of a general request or sæpe licet requisitus, 84, RESCUE-(see title "Pound-breach.") of cattle distrained for rent, case for, 345, 6. [85. estate in fee, or in a term, or in a copyhold, pleaded, 258, 9. case for injury to reversionary interest in goods, 377. case by reversioner against stranger, for damage to house in possession of tenant, 383, 4. case against tenant for waste, bad husbandry, &c. 390 to 392. RIEN IN ARRERE, plea of, to debt for rent, 534. plea of, in bar to avowry for rent, 679. RIEN PER DESCENT, OR DEVISE, plea of, by heir, 520. by devisee, 520, 1. replication to plea by heir, that he had assets, 666. the like, assets before commencement of the suit, 667. actions on contracts relating to, assumpsit as to sale of goods, (see title "Goods.") for the price of an estate sold, 37, 38. against a vendor, for not making a good title to freehold, 163. against vendee of a lease, &c. for not completing purchase, 168. SALVAGE, assumpsit for, 63. SCHOOLMASTER AND SCHOOLMISTRESS, assumpsit by, for tuition, &c. 75, 6. SCIENTER stated in pleading, and notes, 315, n. s. 317, n. y. |