ING PERSON AL SERVICES. 3. RESPECT and vessels, goods, wares, and merchandize of and for the said C D.. and also in and about the causing and procuring divers other persons to insure divers other sums of money upon the said ships and vessels, goods, wares, and merchandize, and had also at the like, &c. advanced and paid divers other sums of money for the said C. D. to divers other persons, as and for certain premiums and rewards for their underwriting and subscribing of the said last-mentioned policies of insurance before that time underwritten and subscribed by them for the insurance of divers other sums of money upon the said last-mentioned ships and vessels, goods, wares, and merchandize, during certain voyages undertaken by the said last-mentioned ships and vessels, and had also at the like, &c. bestowed other his trouble, and used other care and diligence, he the said C. D undertook," &c. (Conclusion as ante, 36.) -[Add one indebitatus assumpsit count for work and labour generally-the money counts-account stated and breach.] 81. For premiums of in surance. (o). [74] ( The indebitatus count is as ante, 35, inserting these words, "for cer⚫tain premiums of insurance before that time and then due and payable from the said C. D. to the said A. B. upon, for, and in respect of his the said A. B. having before *then at the special instance and request of the said C. D. underwritten and subscribed divers policies of insurance for and on the behalf and on the account of the said C. D. for the insurance of divers large sums of money upon divers ships and vessels, and also divers goods and merchandize by the said A. B. before that time insured for the said C. D. and at his special instance and request, and being so indebted," &c. (Conclusion as ante, 35.) The quantum meruit thereon, which is sometimes added, though unnecessarily, is as ante, 36, inserting as follows, "had before that time insured divers other ships, &c. (or, "divers other large sums of money upon divers other ships and vessels," &c.) for the said C. D. he the said C. D. undertook," &c. (Conclusion as ante, 36.) 82. As a The indebitatus count is as ante, 35, inserting these words, " for the ⚫surveyor in drawing work and labour, care, diligence, and attendance of the said A. B. by plans, &c. and him the said A. B. before that time done, performed, and bestowed as for journeys and attend ances. a surveyor in and about the drawing of divers plans, elevations, and sections of buildings, for the said C. D. and at his request, and in and about the surveying and superintending the erection thereof, and of divers other works for the said C. D. and at his special, &c. and in and about the admeasurement and valuation of certain works, and the payment of certain workmen's bills for the said C. D. and in and about other the business of the said C. D. and at his like, &c. and for divers journeys and attendances, before then made, performed, and given by the said (0) This count is sufficient, 2 Lev. 153. Park 26, A. B. in and about the business of the said C. D. and at his like, &c. 3. RESPECTand being so indebted," &c. (Conclusion as ante, 35.)- The quan AL SERVICES. tum meruit thereon is as ante, 36, inserting as follows, "had before that time done, performed, and bestowed other his work and labour, care, diligence, and attendance as a surveyor in and about the drawing of divers other plans, elevations, and sections of buildings for the said C. D. and in and about the surveying and superintending the erection thereof, and of divers other works for the said C. D. and in and about the admeasurement and valuation of certain works, and the payment of certain workmen's bills, for the *said C. D. and in and about other the business of the said C. D. and for the said C. D. and had also at the like special instance, &c. before then made, performed, and given divers other journeys and attendances, in and about other the business of the said C. D., he the said C. D. undertook," &c. (Conclusion as ante, 36.)-[Add one indebitatus assumpsit count for work and labour generally the moncy counts-accounts stated--and breach]. The indebitatus count is as ante, 35, inserting these words, "for the 83. As a work and labour, care, diligence, and attendance of the said A. B. by him schoolmaster, and for books, the said A. B. before that time done, performed, and bestowed for the and entrance said C. D. as a school-master, in and about the teaching and instruct-money (p). ing of a certain infant (7) in reading, writing, arithmetic, good-manners, and other necessary and useful accomplishments and qualifications, and at the special, &c.t and for divers books, pens, and other necessary things, by the said A. B. before that time found and provided, and used and employed, in and about that work and labour for the said C. D. and at his like special, &c. And being so indebted," &c. (Conclusion as ante, 35.) The quantum meruit thereon is as ante, 36, inserting as follows, "had before that time done, performed, and bestowed other his work and labour, care, diligence, and attendance for the said C. D. as a school-master, in and about the teaching and instructing of the said infant in reading, writing, arithmetic, good-manners, and other useful and necessary accomplishments and qualifications; and had also at the like special, &c. before that time found and provided divers other books, pens, and other necessary things, and used and employed the same in and about the said last-mentioned work and labour for the said C. D. he the said C. D. undertook," &c. [Add one indebitatus assumpsit count for work and labour generally-one for goods sold-money paid and account stated and breach. (q) It is usual here to say "of one but this is unnecessary. VOL II. 3. RESPECT- payable from the said C. D. to the said A. B. upon, for, and in respect ING PERSON of the admission of the said infant into the school of the said A. B. for AL SERVICES. 84. As a surgeon and apothecary, • and for medicines (r). 35. As a surgeon, apo The indebitatus count is as ante, 35, inserting these words, "for the thecary, and work and labour, care, diligence, and attendance of the said A. B. by nan-midwife. him the said A. B. before that time done, performed, and bestowed as a surgeon, apothecary, and man-midwife, at the special, &c. in and 3. RESPECTabout the visiting and attending upon E. F. the wife of the said C. D. ING PERSONthen pregnant and labouring with child, and languishing under divers sicknesses and maladies, and in and about the delivering of the said E. F. of the child with which she was then pregnant, and in and about the healing and curing of the said E. F. the wife of the said C. D. of divers disorders, sicknesses, and maladies with which she was during the time aforesaid and afterwards afflicted, and for divers medicines and other necessary things before that time found and provided, and used and applied by the said A. B. in and about the healing and curing the said E F. the wife of the said C. D. of the said sicknesses, disorders and maladies, at the like special instance, &c. and being so indebted," &c. (Conclusion as ante, 35.) - The quantum meruit thereon is as ante, 36, inserting as follows, "had before that time done, performed, and bestowed other his work and labour, care and diligence as a surgeon, apothecary, and man-midwife, in and about the visiting and attending upon the said E. F. the wife of the *said C. D. then pregnant [78] and labouring with child, and languishing under divers sicknesses and maladies, and in and about the delivering of the said E. F. of the child with which she was then pregnant, and in and about the healing and curing of the said E. F. the wife of the said C. D. of divers other disorders, sicknesses, and maladies with which she was, during the time last aforesaid, and afterwards afflicted, and had also at the like special instance, &c. before that time found and provided, and used and applied divers other medicines and necessary things in and about the heal*ing and curing of the said E. F. the wife of the said C. D. of the said last mentioned sicknesses, disorders, and maladies, he the said C. D. undertook," &c. [Add one indebitatus count for work generally-one ditto for goods sold-money paid-account stated and breach]. The indebitatus count is as ante, 35, inserting these words, " for 86. As a • the work and labour, care and diligence of the said A. B. by her the nurse. said A. B. before that time done, performed, and bestowed as a nurse for the said C. D. and at his special, &c. in and about the nursing, attending, and taking care of the said C. D. (or, " of divers persons,") whilst he was sick and labouring under divers diseases, disorders, and maladies, and being so indebted," &c. (Conclusion as ante, 35). The quantum meruit thereon is as ante, 36, inserting as follows, " had before that time done, performed, and bestowed other her work and labour, care and diligence as a nurse, in and about the nursing, attending, and taking care of the said C. D. whilst he was sick and labouring under divers other diseases, disorders, and maladies, he the said C. D. undertook," &c. (Conclusion as ante, 36.) 3. RESPECT- stowed by the said A. B. and his servants, in and about the funeral of one E. F. on the retainer, and at the special instance, &c. and for divers materials and other necessary things used and applied in *and about the furnishing and conducting of the said funeral by the said A. B. before that time found and provided for the said C. D. and at his like special, &c. and being so indebted," &c. (Conclusion as ante, 35.) The indebitatus count is as ante, 35, inserting these words, " for the work and labour, care, diligence, and attendance of the said A. B. by him the said A. B. before that time done and performed, &c. in preaching and celebrating divine service in the parochial church of for the said C. D. and at his special instance, &c. and being so indebted," &c. (Conclusion as ante, 35.) The quantum meruit thereon is a as ante, 36, inserting as follows, "had before that time done and performed, &c. other his work and labour, care, diligence, and attendance, in preaching and celebrating divine service in the parochial church of , &c. aforesaid, for the said C. D. he the said C. D. undertook," &c. (Conclusion as ante, 36.) |