SEISIN-(see "Title Pleaded," and Analytical Table.) in reversion, 258. in fee, of a copyholder, 259. SELF-DEFENCE-(see title "Son assault Demesne.") SERVANT-(See title" Master and Servant.”) assumpsit by, for his wages, 60. for not receiving him into service, or employing him, 151, 2. SET-OFF, plea of, in assumpsit, in general, 488. notice of, with general issue, 488, 490. on a judgment, 491. on a recognizance and simple contract, 492. on a bond, 493. money counts, interest and account stated, 496. for other debts, (see the debts stated in the common assumpsit counts, tive heads of this Index.) plea of, in debt on bond, 517, 8, (see the pleas in Assumpsit.) in covenant, 547. replications in assumpsit, nil debet, 652. nul tiel record to set-off on recognizance, 653. statute of limitations, 653. in debt, 666. SEVERALTY, ESTATE IN, seisin of, &c. 259. SHERIFF, actions against, for escapes on mesne process, 349. for not arresting when sheriff had an opportunity, 351. for false return of non est inventus, 351. debt for escape out of execution, 190. case for the like, 352. for returning nulla bona to fi. fa. 352. for not levying when defendant might, 354. 4 G debt against party unqualified for using a gun, &c. 238, 9. SHORT-ALLOWANCE MONEY, accusation of perjury, theft, &c. 311. pleas in, justifying or excusing slander, 551 to 555, (see title “ Case.”) plea of solvit ad diem to debt on money bond, 521: post diem, 521. to debt on annuity bond, 522. replication denying pleas, 667. SON ASSAULT DEMESNE-(see titles "Trespass" and "Molliter molliter manus imposuit to preserve peace, and son assault demesne, in defence of defendant's father, &c. 574. replications to, de injuria, &c. 689, &c. [Manus Imposuit.”) [574. SOUTHWARK COURT, declaration in, 23. SPECIAL ORIGINAL-(see title "Original Writs.") STANDING OF CARRIAGES, assumpsit for, 45. STALLION, assumpsit for use of, 56. STATUTES-(see title "Uses.") title by private act, how pleaded, 270. C STATUTES-(continued.) declarations on in debt, by landlord against tenant for double value, 234. on a penal statute for killing game, &c. 238. case on, 410. pleas in actions on nil debet, 507. another action depending by another person, 537, 8. STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS-(see title "Limitations.") STEWARD OF A MANOR, STOCK, debt on bond to replace, &c. 200. SUCCESSION. title by as to rectory, 263. SUGGESTION OF DEATH, of one of the defendants between declaration and plea, 453. SURGEON-(see title “Apothecary.”) SUR-REJONDERS, common form of, 720. conclusion to the country, 720. with a verification, 720. rejoinder in replevin, 720. SURRENDER of lease pleaded, 266. of copyhold to use of will, death of testator, and admittance, &c. 278. SURVEYOR, assumpsit by, for his bill, 74. SURVIVING PARTNER-(see titles "Partners," "Assignees," "Exe- [cutors," &c.) TENANCY IN COMMON-(see Analytical Table.) pleaded, 261. TENANTS IN COMMON, estate in, pleaded, 261. demise by, 448. avowries and cognizances by, 562, 3. TENDER, plea of, in assumpsit, and general issue and set-off' as to residue, 479 to 482. denial of tender and nil debet as to set-off, 645. a writ issued before tender, 646. a writ with continuances, 647. a prior demand, 649. a subsequent demand, 650. admission of tender and similiter to general issue, 650. rejoinders, in assumpsit, that when plaintiff issued writ he had no cause of action, 707. the like in the Exchequer, 708. no prior demand, 709. no subsequent demand, 709, 710. replications, in replevin, denial of tender, 714, 5. a subsequent demand, 715. TERM FOR YEARS, pleaded, in possession, 253, 4. 603, 4. in futuro, 258. from year to year, demise for, 565, 603, 4. TIME, [418. n. o. how to be stated in trespass, and as to "on divers days, &c." 414. n. d. TITLE OF DECLARATION, 12. n. a. (see " Declaration.") of pleas, (see "Pleas.") of replications, (see "Replications.") TITLE PLEADED-(see the Analytical Table and the respective titles.) stated in assumpsit, 169. when sufficient merely to state possession, 378. n. i. 400. n. d. estate and quantity of interest, 249 to 257, (see Analytical Table.) assumpsit for, 47 to 49. for passing over a bridge, 47. for goods brought to a market and weighed, 47. for live cattle sold in a market, 47. for passing with carriages through a turnpike-gate, 48. TONNAGE, assumpsit for, 57. denials in general, in covenant of lessors seisin in fee, and notes, 548. of assignment of lease to defendant, 548. in trespass, formal traverse, form of, 698. general observations as to, 699, 698, 9. of prescriptive right of common, 698, 9. traverse of being guilty elsewhere, or at another time, 581. n. f. TREBLE VALUE, averment of, 238, TREES (see title "Waste.") case for cutting of, &c. 390 to 392. TRESPASS-(see the Analytical Table.) declarations in general form of, in the King's Bench, and notes, 14. 414, 5. in the Common Pleas, and notes, 18. 416, 7. in the Exchequer, 20. 417. mode of framing of in general, 417, 8, n. n. to the person, for an assault, battery, &c. and injuring wearing apparel, 417, 8. for a common assault, 419, 420. for a battery on board a ship, 420. by husband and wife against husband and wife, for battery, 420, 421. by husband alone for battery of wife, per quod, &c. 421, 2. for debauching a daughter and servant, 422. by master for battery of his servant, 422, 3. for assault and false imprisonment specially, 423. for false imprisonment generally, 424. to personal property, for chasing sheep off a common, with special damage, 424 |