صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[ocr errors][merged small]
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by baron and feme, feme being sole

against baron and feme, feme being



7. for the use of a way, 39.

8. for the use and occupation of a pew in a church, 40.

9. for use of seat in house to view a public procession, 41.

10. for the use of a tennis court, balls, and racket, 41.

11. for the use, occupation, and profits of an inn, 42.

12. double rent on 11 Geo. 2. c. 19. s. 18., 42.

13. the use of pasture land and eatage of the grass, 43.

14. the use and occupation of unfurnished lodgings, 43.

15. the use and occupation of furnished lodgings, 44.

16. board and lodging, 45.

17. warehouse-room of goods, 45.

18. the standing of a carriage, 45.

19. the moorage of ships, 46.

20. fines on admission to a copyhold, 46.

21. tolls on loaded carriages passing over a bridge, 47.

22. tolls on goods weighed in plaintiff's beam, 47.

23. tolls on live cattle brought to a market and sold there, 47.

24. second count for same tolls, 48.

25. tolls due for passing through a turnpike gate, 48.

26. second count thereon, 49.

27. petty customs, 49.

28. for calls on shares in a bridge, 49.

29. the like in another way, 49.

30. for calls under a Road Act, 50.

$1. for contribution to a party wall, 50.


32. goods sold and delivered to the defendant, 51.

S3. goods sold to defendant, and delivered to a third person, 51.

34. goods bargained and sold to defendant generally, 52.

35. a crop of grass or turnips, &c. bargained and sold, 52.

36. tithes bargained and sold, 55.

37. the like in another form, 53.

38. necessaries found and provided for defendant, 54.

39. necessaries found and provided for third persons, 54.

40. horsemeat and stabling, 54.

50. lighterage, wharfage, and warehouse-room, 59. v

51. the good-will of a business, 59.


52. wages as an hired servant, 60.

53. wages as a sailor against the captain or owner, 60.

54. for short allowance money by a seaman, 60.

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