The Compleat History of the Treaty of Utrecht, as Also that of Gertruydenberg: Containing All the Acts, Memorials, Representations, Complaints, Demands, Letters, Speeches, Treaties and Other Authentick Pieces Relating to the the Negotiations There. To which are Added, the Treaties of Radstat and Baden ...

الغلاف الأمامي
A. Roper, and S. Butler, 1715

من داخل الكتاب

عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة

مقاطع مشهورة

الصفحة 126 - ... the high and mighty lords, the states general of the United Netherlands...
الصفحة 115 - ... by treaties, or by any other way obtained, which the most Christian King, the crown of France, or any the subjects thereof, have hitherto had to the said islands, lands, and places, and the inhabitants of the same, are yielded and made over to the Queen of Great Britain, and to her crown, for ever...
الصفحة 140 - It shall not be lawful for any foreign privateers, not belonging to subjects of the Most Christian King nor citizens of the said United States, who have commissions from any other Prince or State in enmity with either nation, to fit their ships in the ports of either the one or the other of the aforesaid parties...
الصفحة 145 - ... free, neither may they be detained on pretence of their being as it were infected by the prohibited goods, much less shall they be confiscated, as lawful prize...
الصفحة 141 - Enemy aforementioned to neutral Places; but also from one Place belonging to an Enemy, to another Place belonging to an Enemy, whether they be under the Jurisdiction of the same Prince or under Several...
الصفحة 116 - But it shall be allowed to the subjects of France to catch fish, and to dry them on land, in that part only, and in no other besides that, of the said island of Newfoundland, which stretches from the place called Cape Bonavista to the northern point of the said island, and from thence running down by the western side, reaches as far as the place called Point Riche.
الصفحة 69 - Anne, by the Grace of God, Queen of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c.
الصفحة 153 - ... to be kept by his crew on board, the marine ordinances and regulations, and enter in the proper office a...
الصفحة 160 - But if any merchant fhip fhall want fuch paffports or certificates, then it may be examined by a proper* judge, but in fuch manner, as if it fhall be found from other proofs and documents, that it does truly belong to the...
الصفحة 145 - France, or the inhabitants of the said United States, unless the lading be brought on shore in the presence of the officers of the court of admiralty, and an inventory thereof made ; but there shall be no allowance to sell, exchange or alienate the same, in any manner, until!

معلومات المراجع