: THE Complete History OF THE TREATY OF UTRECHT. VOL. II. PART I. A MEMORIAL containing the Demands of his Most Serene Highness the Prince of Orange and of Naflau-Siegen, presented to their Excellencies the Lords Ambassadors Plenipotentiaries of the Confederated Powers, of France, and of the Neutral Princes, assembled in the Congress of Utrecht, for a General Peace. T S the Business now in hand is the Restoring of Peace to Europe, by refettling Union among the Powers which are at War; and as the A Conferences are renew'd for bringing this great Work to its defired End, and to reinstate every one in his Dominions: His most Serene High-nefs A HISTORY Of the TREATY of UTRECHT, As also that of GERTRU YDENBERG; Containing all the Acts, Memorials, Representations, To which are added, The TREATIES OF Radftat and Baden. In Two Volumes. LONDON, Printed for A. ROPER : And S. BUTLER, |