Recent Trends in Theoretical Psychology: Selected proceedings of the Fourth Biennial Conference of the International Society for Theoretical Psychology, June 24-28, 1991. Volume IIISpringer Science & Business Media, 16/04/1993 - 537 من الصفحات I was asked and, alas, with little reflection on the magnitude of the task, thoughtlessly consented, to take on the 'simple' job of writing a preface to the collection of essays comprising this volume. That I was asked to carry out this simple task was probably due to one consideration: I was the main representative of the host institution (Clark University) for the 1991 ISTP Conference, at which the talks, foreshadowing and outlining the 'extended remarks' here printed, were originally presented, and hence, as a token of gratitude, I was vouchsafed the honor of setting the stage. It did not dawn on me, until I began piecemeal to receive and accumulate, over a period of months, the remarkably diverse and heterogeneous essays precipitated by the conference, how mind-boggling it would be to pen a preface pertinent to such an aggregate of prima/acie unrelated articles. Typically, prefaces to collections of essays from different hands are attempts by the prefator or a pride of prefators to provide an overview, a concise map, of the complex terrain which readers are invited to enter; or to direct the attention of potential readers to what the editors take to be the essential or central themes of each of the variegated articles: a practice which, not infrequently and often not unjustifiably, irritates and even enrages individual authors, who object to the complexity, profundity, and nuanced character of their thought being reduced to clicMs and editorial equivalents of sound bites. |
A Study in the Pathology of Scholarship | 3 |
Social Discourse and Moral Science | 17 |
A PostFoundationalist Psychology | 31 |
Social Constructionist Psychoanalysis and the Real | 41 |
Determining Subject Grounds for Action | 51 |
Discovery Intentionality and the Constructionist Project in Psychology | 65 |
The Fear of Relativism in PostPositivist Psychology | 77 |
The Structuralist Program as a Methodology for Theoretical Psychology | 85 |
Feminist Critiques of SexGender as a Psychological Variable | 297 |
Psychoanalysis as a Critical Theory of Gender | 307 |
The Ideology of Beauty | 319 |
A Conceptual Model of Emotions in Social Interaction | 325 |
Lewinian Social Psychology and the Study of the Work Process Till 1947 | 335 |
An Historical and Social Psychological Analysis of Conceptual Filtering Consensus Formation Career Gatekeeping and Conservatism in Science | 359 |
Secular Mutations of the Inner Light | 379 |
Research Practice and Practical Politics | 389 |
The Functional Level of Analysis in Psychology | 99 |
The Foundations of a Historical Psychology | 111 |
Psychology of Science as a Contribution to Metascience | 123 |
The Limits of Psychological Critique | 135 |
Is There Anything Beyond the Ideological Critique of Individualism? | 143 |
From Deconstruction to Practice | 153 |
Beyond Objectivsim and Relativism in Dream Interpretation | 163 |
Stratification and Activity | 173 |
Association Free Association and the Logic of Conversation | 179 |
Perspectives on Interpretation for Cognitive Science | 185 |
The MarrJackendoff Theory | 195 |
Social Motives Under Negotiation | 211 |
The Structure of Self in Schizophrenia | 219 |
The Pleasures of the Gulf War | 231 |
Communicative Action and Psychotheraphy | 247 |
Crisis in the Status of Psychological Paradigms | 263 |
Consistency and Chaos in Personality | 275 |
How Mental and Physiological Mechanisms Gear Into One Another | 283 |
What Should Developmental Psychology Be About? | 399 |
Existential Themes in Piagets Genetic Epistemology | 403 |
Hermeneutics and Moral Development | 411 |
The Reception of Vygotskys Ideas in the Nineteen Thirties | 419 |
Family Resemblance as a Model for the Stage Concept | 425 |
Power and Subjectivity in Developmental Psychology | 433 |
Human Destiny or Social Experiment Gone Wrong? | 449 |
On Social Distress Social Misery Social Evil | 459 |
Skepticism and the Sociology of Rational Discourse | 463 |
Moods Social Cognition and Motivation | 471 |
Qualitative Research and Common Sense Psychology | 481 |
A Theoretical View and its Implications | 495 |
Contributions of Sociohistorical Psychology and Phenomenology to Research Methodology | 503 |
Patterns of Meaning and Power in AIDSRelated Psychology | 511 |
The Metaphors of Family Systems Theory | 519 |
527 | |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
action analysis approach argued assumptions behavior Bernie Kaplan Boring Cambridge cognitive cognitive science construction context critical critical psychology critique cultural denotational developmental psychology Dilthey discipline discourse dream emotions empirical epistemology example explanation expressions feminist Fodor foundationalism function Gadamer gender Gergen Habermas hermeneutics historical human ideas identity individual intentionality interaction interpretation Journal knowledge language Lewin lifeworld lived experience logic Lubek meaning mental metaphors methodological mind mood moral nature notion object operational paradigm person perspective phenomena philosophy physical physical symbol system Piaget political position possible postmodern practices principle problems psychic psychoanalysis psychological theories psychopathy qualitative research question rational References relations relationship representation role schizophrenia scientific semantic sense social constructionism social constructionist social motives social psychology social sciences society specific stage concept structuralist structure systems theory textbooks theoretical psychology thinking tradition understanding University Press Westmeyer women York
مراجع لهذا الكتاب
Not Passion's Slave: Emotions and Choice <span dir=ltr>Robert C. Solomon</span> لا تتوفر معاينة - 2003 |