صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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US 16007.5 (5-6)

1863 Oct 12


7991 52.46



Page 103; for "Evils" read Perils.


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THE SOCIETY met this day at 11 o'clock in their room in the Library Building, the PRESIDENT in the chair; the Hon. JAMES PARKER, Vice President, being also present.

After the reading of the minutes of the last meeting, the Corresponding Secretary laid upon the table a large number of letters received since January, drawing attention particularly to communications from the Rev. GEORGE PIERSON, of Florida, N. Y.; Rev. THOMAS ROBBINS, D. D. of Hartford, Conn.; A. L. ELWYN, M. D., of Philadelphia; Hon. RICH'D S. COXE, and Messrs. PETER Force and J. F. CALDWELL, of Washington city; EDWARD D. MANSFIELD, Esq., Rev. S. W. FISHER, and Mr. EDWARD MILLS, of Cincinnati; Rev. STEPHEN DODD, of East Haven, Conn.; Messrs. JOSEPH H. CRANE, of Dayton, and A. B. NORTON, of Mount Vernon, Ohio: M. ALEX. VATTEMARE, Hon. GEORGE BANCROFT, and Messrs. A. B. DURAND and CHARLES A. DAVIS, of New York; Mr. Thos. D. JAMES, of Albany; Messrs. PETER LOTT, of Quincy, Ill., ALEX. HAMILTON, of St. Louis, Mo., and Rev. E. FAIRCHILD, D. D.-in acknowledgment of their election as Corresponding or Honorary members; and from the Amer. Phil. Society-Missouri Hist. Society-Regents of N. Y. University, and other institutions on matters connected with the operations of the Society. He also stated that since the Annual Meeting the engraved diplomas for the Honorary, Corresponding, and Life Members of the Society had been distributed, and he had received from many of them

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