PART XVIII. SEVERANCE OF DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND TURKEY. Secretary of Embassy Tarler to the Secretary of State. [Telegram.] No. 2639.] AMERICAN LEGATION, The Imperial Government has to-day informed the Embassy that as the Government of the United States has declared itself to be in a state of war with Germany, the Ottoman Government's ally, it finds it necessary to rupture its diplomatic relations with the United States to-day. American interests have been confided to the Swedish Minister. TARLER. The Secretary of State to Ambassador Sharp.1 [Telegram.] DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, April 23, 1917. Turkey has severed relations with the United States. Suspend all activities in her behalf. Follow instructions outlined Department's telegram February fifth regarding German interests. Inform consuls. LANSING. Same to London, Athens, Tokyo. INDEX TO THE SPECIAL SUPPLEMENTS TO THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW FOR JULY, 1915, OCTOBER, 1916, AND OCTOBER, 1917. (NOTE: Although these special supplements are not numbered, for convenience of reference they are referred to in this index as Nos. 1, 2 and 3, the pages in the July, 1915, number being preceded by the figure 1, those in the October, 1916, number by the figure 2, and those in the October, 1917, number by the figure 3.) AMERICAN TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY. Seizure of vessels of.. .2:145 1:263 ARABIA, S. S. Sinking of.... ....3: 115-120 ARABIC, S. S. Sinking of.. .2: 165-167, 170-173, 176, 203-229 ARCTIC OCEAN. German notice extending submarine warfare to. March 23, 1917 3:39-40 ARMED MERCHANT VESSELS: Austrian announcement regarding treatment of.. .2:313 British instructions for defensively armed merchant ships...... ..3:226 Correspondence regarding.. .....1: 222-240; 2:310-341;3:225-228 German memorandum on treatment of, with exhibits.. .2: 314, 339 United States announcement of armed guard on vessels.. ..3:344 United States circular relating to status of........ 1:234 United States memorandum on status of...... ...2:367-372 ARMS AND MUNITIONS. Exportation of: Correspondence with Austria-Hungary. .... ..1:146, 166; 2:354 Correspondence with Germany..... .1:90, 125-129, 217 Letter of Secretary of State to Senate Committee.... ARREST OF AUGUST PIEPENBRINK ON AN AMERICAN VESSEL........ ....1: 259 1:353-360 |