صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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3236 Ambassador W. H. Page to Nov. 19 Gives location where Amer


the Secretary of State

ican schooner Helen W.
Martin struck mine.

Case of the "Owego."


Consul General Listoe to Aug. 14 States Capt. Barlow, of



the Secretary of State

steamship Owego, reports
having been fired at 10
times near Isle of Wight
by German submarine.

3296 The Secretary of State Aug. 16 Instructs him to bring

to Ambassador Gerard

Owego incident to atten-
tion of Foreign Minister
at once and request
prompt investigation of
case and prompt state-
ment of the findings..

3390 The Secretary of State Sept. 18 Informs him substance of

to Ambassador Gerard

German note of Aug. 26
regarding Owego case has
been submitted to ship's
Instructs him to
address note to German
Foreign Minister in reply
to his note of Aug. 26.


3434 The Secretary of State Sept. 29 Quotes master's statement

to Ambassador Gerard (telegram).

of steamship Owego and informs him, if he can see no objection, he is permitted to submit this statement to Foreign Office.




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3809 Chargé Bliss to the Secre- Oct. 24 Transmits affidavit of John tary of State.

S. Brennan, American
citizen, who was a mem-
ber of crew of the British
steamship Sebek, alleged
to have been torpedoed by
a submarine Oct. 12.

3586 The Secretary of State Nov. 18 Instructs him to bring cases

to Chargé Grew (telegram).

of Sebek and Delta to at-
tention of German Gov-
ernment in which lives of
American citizens have
been jeopardized by Ger-
man submarines and re-
quest immediate investi-
gation and report.

4702 Chargé Grew to the Secre- Dec. 8 Quotes note received from

Secretary of State (tele-

German Foreign Office
with regard to the sink-
ing of the Sebek.




Case of the "Barbara."

313 Consul Lathrop to the Sec- Nov. 16 Incloses copy of declaration retary of State.

of Alle Dorsey, American
citizen, relative to the
sinking of the British
steamship Barbara.

3652 The Secretary of State Dec. 9 Instructs him to make re


to Chargé Grew (tele-


4882 Ambassador Gerard to the Jan. 15

Secretary of State (telegram).


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Consul Frost to the Secre- Oct. 28 Reports sinking of the Ro



tary of State (tele-

wanmore west-southwest
of Cape Clear by a Ger-
man submarine.

3530 The Secretary of State Oct. 30 Quotes telegram from Amer


to Chargé Grew (telegram).

ican Consul at Queens-
town reporting the sink-
ing of Furness freighter
Rowanmore by German
submarine and instructs
him to bring matter to at-
tention of German Gov-
ernment for investigation
and report as soon as pos-

740 Vice Consul Watson to the Oct. 30 Confirms cablegram sent to Secretary of State.


Department relating to
sinking of Rowanmore
and incloses affidavits of
British officer and Ameri-
can member of crew.


4639 Chargé Grew to the Secre- Nov. 21 Incloses copy and translatary of State.

tion of note from Impe-
rial Foreign Office, dated
Nov. 19, 1916, replying to
American Embassy's in-
quiry in regard to the
sinking of the steamer

Case of the "Lanao."

Consul Lathrop to the Nov. 6 Reports Philippine steamer 105

Secretary of State (tele-

Lanao, of Manila, Saigon
to Havre, stopped by Ger-
man submarine 30 miles
off Cape Vincent, Por-
tugal, Oct. 28. Crew re-

[blocks in formation]

3587 The Secretary of State Nov. 18 Instructs him to bring



to Ambassador Gerard

Lanao case to German
Government's immediate
attention with request that
it be investigated and
prompt report made con-
cerning the sinking of an
American vessel.

4716 Chargé Grew to the Secre- Dec. 11 Quotes note received from


tary of State


the German Foreign Of-
fice Dec. 9, 1916, relative
to the sinking of the

Case of the "Marina.”

Consul McCunn to the Sec- Oct. 30 Reports sinking of Marina
retary of State (tele-


Oct. 28.

Consul Frost to the Secre- Oct. 30 Additional report on the
tary of State (tele-

sinking of the Marina.
Some American fatalities
believed to have occurred.

Consul Frost to the Secre- Nov. 1 Reports briefly the sub

tary of State (tele-

stance of the survivors'
statements as to the sink-
ing of the Marina. Also
that there were 51 Ameri-
cans aboard, 45 of whom
are safe.

4555 Chargé Grew to the Secre- Nov. 3 Quotes translation of a note

tary of State (telegram).

received from German Foreign Office Nov. 3, relative to the sinking of the British steamers Rowanmore and Marina by German submarines.





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5283 Ambassador W. H. Page to Dec. 6 Quotes note received from


Lord Grey relative to the
sinking of the Marina.


3667 The Secretary of State Dec. 12 States United States Gov

the Secretary of State

to Chargé Grew (tele-

ernment has inquired of
British Government con-
cerning status of Marina
and Lord Grey in reply
states Marina was neither
chartered nor requisitioned
by British Government at
the time of her sinking:
Instructs him to bring
case to immediate atten-
tion of the Minister for
Foreign Affairs.

5436 Ambassador W. H. Page to Dec. 18 Transmits copy of note
the Secretary of State.
from Mr. Balfour dated
Dec. 16, relative to the
sinking of the Marina.

3692 The Secretary of State Dec. 20 Informs him that Brit-
to Chargé Grew (tele-

ish Minister for Foreign Affairs states British Government were not interested in voyage of Marina at time she was at



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