3236 Ambassador W. H. Page to Nov. 19 Gives location where Amer 89 the Secretary of State ican schooner Helen W. Case of the "Owego." 1916. Consul General Listoe to Aug. 14 States Capt. Barlow, of of 90 the Secretary of State steamship Owego, reports 3296 The Secretary of State Aug. 16 Instructs him to bring to Ambassador Gerard Owego incident to atten- 3390 The Secretary of State Sept. 18 Informs him substance of to Ambassador Gerard German note of Aug. 26 owners. 3434 The Secretary of State Sept. 29 Quotes master's statement to Ambassador Gerard (telegram). of steamship Owego and informs him, if he can see no objection, he is permitted to submit this statement to Foreign Office. 90 91 92 3809 Chargé Bliss to the Secre- Oct. 24 Transmits affidavit of John tary of State. S. Brennan, American 3586 The Secretary of State Nov. 18 Instructs him to bring cases to Chargé Grew (telegram). of Sebek and Delta to at- 4702 Chargé Grew to the Secre- Dec. 8 Quotes note received from Secretary of State (tele- German Foreign Office 93 94 95 Case of the "Barbara." 313 Consul Lathrop to the Sec- Nov. 16 Incloses copy of declaration retary of State. of Alle Dorsey, American 3652 The Secretary of State Dec. 9 Instructs him to make re 96 to Chargé Grew (tele- 1917. 4882 Ambassador Gerard to the Jan. 15 Secretary of State (telegram). 97 Consul Frost to the Secre- Oct. 28 Reports sinking of the Ro Page. 98 tary of State (tele- wanmore west-southwest 3530 The Secretary of State Oct. 30 Quotes telegram from Amer 99 to Chargé Grew (telegram). ican Consul at Queens- 740 Vice Consul Watson to the Oct. 30 Confirms cablegram sent to Secretary of State. 100 Department relating to 103 4639 Chargé Grew to the Secre- Nov. 21 Incloses copy and translatary of State. tion of note from Impe- Case of the "Lanao." Consul Lathrop to the Nov. 6 Reports Philippine steamer 105 Secretary of State (tele- Lanao, of Manila, Saigon 3587 The Secretary of State Nov. 18 Instructs him to bring Page. 106 to Ambassador Gerard Lanao case to German 4716 Chargé Grew to the Secre- Dec. 11 Quotes note received from 106 tary of State (tele the German Foreign Of- Case of the "Marina.” Consul McCunn to the Sec- Oct. 30 Reports sinking of Marina gram). Oct. 28. Consul Frost to the Secre- Oct. 30 Additional report on the sinking of the Marina. Consul Frost to the Secre- Nov. 1 Reports briefly the sub tary of State (tele- stance of the survivors' 4555 Chargé Grew to the Secre- Nov. 3 Quotes translation of a note tary of State (telegram). received from German Foreign Office Nov. 3, relative to the sinking of the British steamers Rowanmore and Marina by German submarines. 107 107 108 108 5283 Ambassador W. H. Page to Dec. 6 Quotes note received from 111 Lord Grey relative to the 111 3667 The Secretary of State Dec. 12 States United States Gov the Secretary of State to Chargé Grew (tele- ernment has inquired of 5436 Ambassador W. H. Page to Dec. 18 Transmits copy of note 3692 The Secretary of State Dec. 20 Informs him that Brit- ish Minister for Foreign Affairs states British Government were not interested in voyage of Marina at time she was at 112 113 |