Consul Stephens to the Feb. 4 Reports torpedoing of Amer- 132 Secretary of State (tele- ican steamship Housa tonic by a German submarine. Ambassador W. H. Page to Feb. 6 Reports statement made by 132 Ambassador T. N. Page to Feb. 20 Reports Capt. McDonaugh 133 the Secretary of State of the sunk vessel Lyman 134 Ambassador Penfield to the Feb. 27 Reports the Austrian Min- ister for Foreign Affairs Case of the "Laconia." Consul Frost to the Secre- Feb. 26 Reports torpedoing of steam- ship Laconia. Consul Washington to the Feb. 27 Reports Laconia torpedoed gram). Secretary of State (telegram). 134 134 without warning and gives 135 305 Consul Frost to the Secre- Feb. 28 Transmits affidavits of Rev. tary of State. Joseph Wareing and Rob- 820 Consul Washington to the Mar. 2 Transmits affidavits of Jo Secretary of State. seph W. Coppin and Ger- Page. 137 304 Consul Frost to the Secre- Mar. 151 Transmits six affidavits and 140 tary of State. a sworn memorandum re- Case of the "Algonquin." Consul Stephens to the Mar. 14 Reports sinking of steam- 144 ship Algonquin by Ger- 145 sinking of the steamship Consul Stephens to the Mar. 15 Gives detailed report of the gram). Secretary of State (tele- Case of the "Vigilancia.” Consul Stephens to the Mar. 21 Reports details of the sink Secretary of State (telegram). ing of the steamer Vigi- Case of the “Illinois.” Consul General Skinner to Mar. 19 Reports sinking of Ameri can tanker Illinois. Consul Swalm to the Sec- Mar. 23 Reports details of the sink the Secretary of State (telegram). retary of State (telegram). ing of American steamship Illinois by a German submarine. 1 Received. 145 146 147 Consul Frost to the Secre- Mar. 18 Gives details of sinking of tary of State gram). (tele steamship City of Mem phis together with names 147 Consul Frost to the Secre- Mar. 18 States 33 survivors City of tary of State (tele- Memphis do not include Consul McCunn to the Mar. 20 States Capt. Borum with Secretary of State (telegram). 147 148 eight members of crew of Case of the "Healdton." Consul Mahin to the Secre- Mar. 22 Reports sinking of Standard 149 tary of State (tele gram). Oil ship Healdton. Consul Mahin to the Secre- Mar. 23 Gives details of the sinking 149 tary of State (tele gram). of the vessel Healdton. Vice Consul Krogh to the Mar. 24 Reports statement made by 150 Secretary of State (tele gram). Capt. Charles Christopher in regard to the sinking of the Healdton. Consular Agent Pitel to Apr. 3 Reports sinking of Aztec Page. 152 the Secretary of State (telegram). 1969 Ambassador Sharp to the Apr. 2 States Foreign Office has in 152 1974 Ambassador Sharp to the Apr. 4 Gives detailed report of 153 Secretary of State (tele- Capt. O'Brien regarding Case of the "Missourian." 1 Consul General Wilber to Apr. 5 Quotes telegram from mas the Secretary of State ter of the vessel report ing the sinking of Ameri can steamship Missourian 154 Consul General Wilber to Apr. 51 Confirms preceding telegram. 154 Ambassador T. N. Page (telegram). facts concerning Ancona and whether any Ameri cans were among passen gers. 1 Received. 427 Ambassador T. N. Page to Nov. 10 Gives names of Americans 155 the Secretary of State believed lost on Ancona. (telegram). Official announcement of Nov. 15 Calls attention to falsity of 155 the Austro-Hungarian press reports concerning Admiralty. sinking of the Ancona. Consul White to the Secre- Dec. 6 Transmits statements and 155 tary of State. affidavits of survivors of Case of the "Petrolite." Consul Mason to the Secre- Dec. 10 Reports attack on American tary of State (tele- 1916. Minister Egan (tele- 71 The Secretary of State to Jan. 24 Directs him to obtain state 185 186 ments from officers of 186 904 Minister Egan to the Sec-Feb. 2 Transmits copy of statement retary of State. made by Capt. Thompson, 1116 The Secretary of State Feb. 9 Informs him of statement 189 to Ambassador Penfield (telegram). made by captain of Petrolite, giving details and locality of attack upon steamer. |