صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]

1788 Ambassador Penfield to the July 20 Transmits copy and translaSecretary of State.

tion of note from Impe-
rial and Royal Minister
for Foreign Affairs of
July 17, 1916, stating the
Imperial and Royal Gov-
ernment agrees with the
Washington Cabinet that
in presentation of the
Petrolite case contradic-
tions occur in several es-
sential points.

1332 The Secretary of State Aug. 18 Directs him to ascertain



whether statement of com-
mander of submarine has
been received.


4453 The Austro-Hungarian Min- Sept. 9 States commander of subma

to Ambassador Penfield

ister for Foreign Affairs
to Ambassador Penfield

rine declared under oath
that he confirms former
exposition of Petrolite case
as correct in all particu-
lars, and the statements
by crew of steamer devi-
ating therefrom do not
conform with the facts.

Case of the "Persia."

the Secretary of State (telegram).


Consul General Skinner to Jan. 1 States that the Peninsular
& Oriental liner Persia
has been reported sunk
with nearly all on board;
Robert McNeely, Ameri-
can consul, on board.


[blocks in formation]

The Secretary of State to Jan. 1 Informs him of attack on

Consul Garrels (tele-



the Persia and instructs
him to report concerning
Consul McNeely and other
Americans on board.


retary of State (tele

Consul Garrels to the Sec- Jan. 1 Reports facts concerning
sinking of the Persia.


Diplomatic Agent Arnold Jan. 2 Sinking of the Persia re


[blocks in formation]

The Secretary of State Jan. 3 Instructs him to make im


to Ambassador Penfield

mediate inquiry at the


Foreign Office concerning

the sinking of the Persia.

1169 Ambassador Penfield to the Jan. 8 Transmits note from Minis


Secretary of State.

try for Foreign Affairs
stating that nothing is
known to the Royal and
Imperial Government con-
cerning circumstances of
sinking of the Persia.


to the sinking of the
Peninsular & Oriental
liner Persia.

Consul Garrels to the Sec- Jan. 8 Transmits report in regard
retary of State.

42 Consul Keblinger to the Jan. 9 Incloses affidavits of sur-
Secretary of State.
vivors of the British
steamer Persia.

Ambassador Gerard to the Jan. 17 Reports having been in-
Secretary of State (tele-

Ambassador Penfield to the Jan. 22 Transmits note from For-
Secretary of State.


formed by German For-
eign Office that a German
submarine did not sink
the Persia.


eign Office disclaiming
participation of Austrian
submarine in sinking of

The Secretary of State Feb. 2 Instructs him to ascertain


whether Turkish subma

rine sank Persia.

to Chargé Philip (telegram).

[blocks in formation]

Chargé Philip to the Sec- Mar. 8 Reports receipt of note ver

retary of State (telegram).

bale from Sublime Porte
stating that the Persia
was not sunk by a sub-
marine flying Turkish flag.

Case of the "Imperator."

Consul General Hurst to Apr. 14 Reports destruction of the

the Secretary of State

Russian barkentine Im





perator by an Austrian

180 Consul General Hurst to May 24 Transmits affidavits of Gusthe Secretary of State.


tave Olson and Einer A.
D. Swensson, seamen, re-
garding the destruction of
the Imperator.

Case of the "Chemung.”

Consul Putnam to the Sec- Nov. 28 Reports sinking of American

retary of State (telegram).


steamer Chemung by Aus-
trian submarine 14 miles
east Cape de Gata.


of the sinking of Che-
mung. Affidavits of crew
being prepared.

Consul Putnam to the Sec- Nov. 29 Gives detailed description
retary of State (tele-

1436 The Secretary of State Dec. 2 Instructs him to bring Che

to Ambassador Penfield (telegram).

mung case to Foreign Minister's attention and ask for immediate investigation and report upon this sinking of an American vessel.


[blocks in formation]

Miscellaneous List of Vessels Attacked

Warfare between Submarines and Armed Merchant Vessels


The Secretary of State to Apr. 22 Request information
the British Ambassador.

con- 225

cerning instructions is-
sued by British Admiral-
ty for armed merchant
vessels in the event of
meeting submarines. In-
closes alleged copies of
such instructions which
have been formerly trans-
mitted to this Govern-
ment by the German Gov-

111 The British Ambassador to Apr. 25 States that the instructions the Secretary of State.


of Oct. 20 for the guid-
ance of British sea cap-
tains contain the orders at
present in force.


ralty Instructions for
armed merchant ships of
Oct. 20, 1915.


The British Ambassador to Apr. 28 Incloses copy of the Admi-
the Secretary of State.

Memorandum from the June 5 States that Admiralty In

British Embassy.

structions of Oct. 20, 1915, enjoin a strict adherence to defensive action only, and no question of the infliction of any penalty for failure to take offensive action can therefore arise.

[blocks in formation]

The Secretary of State to Dec. 23 Refuses to permit passage
the British Ambassador.

of Canadian soldiers over
United States territory.



Display by Naval Vessels of Distinguishing Marks on the High Seas.

J. No. The German Ambassador Dec. 1 Makes request that orders
A 7824 to the Secretary of State.


be issued to commanding
officers of American war-
ships in Mediterranean to
display national flag so
that they may be distin-
guished from enemy war-

1692 The Secretary of State to Dec. 10 Transmits copy of a comthe German Ambassador.


munication from the Sec-
retary of the Navy, indi-
cating reasons why Navy
Department must decline
to issue the orders sug-
gested by Imperial Gov-

2298 Ambassador Gerard to the Jan. 24 Transmits note from Ger

Secretary of State.

man Secretary for Foreign Affairs relating to Germany's suggestion to United States Government that American warships in Mediterranean bear

distinguishing marks.



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