1788 Ambassador Penfield to the July 20 Transmits copy and translaSecretary of State. tion of note from Impe- 1332 The Secretary of State Aug. 18 Directs him to ascertain 193 195 whether statement of com- 195 4453 The Austro-Hungarian Min- Sept. 9 States commander of subma to Ambassador Penfield ister for Foreign Affairs rine declared under oath Case of the "Persia." the Secretary of State (telegram). 1916. Consul General Skinner to Jan. 1 States that the Peninsular 200 The Secretary of State to Jan. 1 Informs him of attack on Consul Garrels (tele- Page. 201 the Persia and instructs 201 retary of State (tele Consul Garrels to the Sec- Jan. 1 Reports facts concerning gram). Diplomatic Agent Arnold Jan. 2 Sinking of the Persia re 201 The Secretary of State Jan. 3 Instructs him to make im 202 to Ambassador Penfield mediate inquiry at the (telegram). Foreign Office concerning the sinking of the Persia. 1169 Ambassador Penfield to the Jan. 8 Transmits note from Minis 202 Secretary of State. try for Foreign Affairs 203 to the sinking of the Consul Garrels to the Sec- Jan. 8 Transmits report in regard 42 Consul Keblinger to the Jan. 9 Incloses affidavits of sur- Ambassador Gerard to the Jan. 17 Reports having been in- Ambassador Penfield to the Jan. 22 Transmits note from For- 205 formed by German For- 210 eign Office disclaiming The Secretary of State Feb. 2 Instructs him to ascertain 211 whether Turkish subma rine sank Persia. to Chargé Philip (telegram). Chargé Philip to the Sec- Mar. 8 Reports receipt of note ver retary of State (telegram). bale from Sublime Porte Case of the "Imperator." Consul General Hurst to Apr. 14 Reports destruction of the the Secretary of State Russian barkentine Im Page. 212 214 214 perator by an Austrian 180 Consul General Hurst to May 24 Transmits affidavits of Gusthe Secretary of State. 215 tave Olson and Einer A. Case of the "Chemung.” Consul Putnam to the Sec- Nov. 28 Reports sinking of American retary of State (telegram). 218 steamer Chemung by Aus- 219 of the sinking of Che- Consul Putnam to the Sec- Nov. 29 Gives detailed description 1436 The Secretary of State Dec. 2 Instructs him to bring Che to Ambassador Penfield (telegram). mung case to Foreign Minister's attention and ask for immediate investigation and report upon this sinking of an American vessel. 219 Miscellaneous List of Vessels Attacked Warfare between Submarines and Armed Merchant Vessels 1916. The Secretary of State to Apr. 22 Request information con- 225 cerning instructions is- 111 The British Ambassador to Apr. 25 States that the instructions the Secretary of State. 225 of Oct. 20 for the guid- 226 ralty Instructions for 228 The British Ambassador to Apr. 28 Incloses copy of the Admi- Memorandum from the June 5 States that Admiralty In British Embassy. structions of Oct. 20, 1915, enjoin a strict adherence to defensive action only, and no question of the infliction of any penalty for failure to take offensive action can therefore arise. The Secretary of State to Dec. 23 Refuses to permit passage of Canadian soldiers over 230 PART VI Display by Naval Vessels of Distinguishing Marks on the High Seas. J. No. The German Ambassador Dec. 1 Makes request that orders 231 be issued to commanding 1692 The Secretary of State to Dec. 10 Transmits copy of a comthe German Ambassador. 1916. munication from the Sec- 2298 Ambassador Gerard to the Jan. 24 Transmits note from Ger Secretary of State. man Secretary for Foreign Affairs relating to Germany's suggestion to United States Government that American warships in Mediterranean bear distinguishing marks. 231 233 |