PART VII American Prisoners of War Taken to Germany on German Prize 3809 The Secretary of State Jan. 22 Inquires of him whether to Ambassador Gerard there were any American 4919 Ambassador Gerard to the Jan. 24 Reports he had sent note to Secretary of State (telegram). German Foreign Office note. 236 236 237 4929 Ambassador Gerard to the Jan. 26 Reports that a correspond- 237 Secretary of State (tele gram). ent there had ascertained American Prisoners of War Taken to Germany-Continued. 4978 Ambassador Gerard to the Feb. 1 Gives names obtained from Secretary of State (telegram). German Foreign Office of 4992 Ambassador Gerard to the Feb. 4 Reports he has been in Secretary of State (telegram). formed by Count Mont- Consul General Skinner to Feb. 5 Reports arrival of two the Secretary of State American citizens in Lon- 238 239 239 3650 Consul General Skinner to Feb. 6 Incloses copy of a declara- 240 the Secretary of State. tion made by Charles David Green and Charles Quinn, members of the crew of the steamship Yarrowdale. No. American Prisoners of War Taken to Germany-Continued. 355 Ambassador Willard to the Feb. 17 Reports he has been informed Secretary of State (telegram). officially that American prisoners brought in by Yarrowdale and such other non-belligerents would be set at liberty within a very short time. 269 The Secretary of State Feb. 20 Instructs him to transmit Page. 242 242 to Ambassador Willard (telegram). 242 to Spanish Ambassador at Berlin a formal demand for the immediate release of the Yarrowdale pris oners. 370 Ambassador Willard to the Feb. 25 Reports he has been in Secretary of State (telegram). formed by Foreign Office that the Yarrowdale prisoners had been released on the 16th. 290 The Secretary of State Feb. 27 Instructs him to request to Ambassador Willard (telegram). 243 243 Foreign Office to instruct Spanish Ambassador at Berlin to telegraph Department full report as regards Yarrowdale pris 244 386 Ambassador Willard to the Mar. 2 Reports receipt of telegram Secretary of State (telegram). oners. from Spanish Ambassador at Berlin which confirmed report that Yarrowdale prisoners had been released Feb. 16 and were American Prisoners of War Taken to Germany - Continued. The Minister of Switzer- Mar. 2 Communicates cable of Mar. land in charge of Ger- 1 from German Govern- 481 Minister Egan to the Sec- Mar. 3 Reports arrival in Copen- crews. 399 Ambassador Willard to the Mar. 7 Reports statement by the Secretary of State (tele- doctor of the Spanish Em- 408 Ambassador Willard to the Mar. 12 Departure of 59 American 244 245 246 246 Secretary of State (tele gram). prisoners from Germany 636 Minister Stovall to the Mar. 12 States 59 American prison 247 Secretary of State (tele- ers from Yarrowdale ar- 650 Minister Stovall to the Mar. 16 Informs Department of re 247 Secretary of State (tele- ceipt of report from Con- American Prisoners of War Taken to Germany-Continued. 656 Minister Stovall to the Mar. 18 Reports having personally Secretary of State (tele- 247 425 Ambassador Willard to the Mar. 18 States Secretary of State (tele gram). American citizen of Yar rowdale prisoners, left for Consul General Hurst to Apr. 28 States remaining 26 mem the Secretary of State PART VIII bers of Yarrowdale crew Deportation of Civilians from Belgium. 1916. 4452 Chargé Grew to the Sec-Oct. 10 Reports action of German retary of State (tele- 248 249 military authorities in de manding lists of unem ployed Belgians. 249 3497 The Acting Secretary of Oct. 19 Informs him, if he should State to Chargé Grew deem it advisable, he may |