صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


American Prisoners of War Taken to Germany on German Prize

[blocks in formation]

3809 The Secretary of State Jan. 22 Inquires of him whether

to Ambassador Gerard

there were any American
citizens among prisoners
brought by the Yarrow-
dale to Swinemunde, and,
if so, to give their names
and American addresses.

4919 Ambassador Gerard to the Jan. 24 Reports he had sent note to

Secretary of State (telegram).

German Foreign Office
Jan. 20 asking informa-
tion as to whether there
were any Americans
among prisoners brought
to Swinemunde. No an-
swer having been received,
he was sending another





4929 Ambassador Gerard to the Jan. 26 Reports that a correspond- 237

Secretary of State (tele


ent there had ascertained
from Under Secretary of
State that there were
some Americans among
the 107 neutrals brought
by the Yarrowdale to
Swinemunde, and also
that there was an acri-
monious divergence of
opinion as to what posi-
tion Government should
assume regarding them.

American Prisoners of War Taken to Germany-Continued.

[blocks in formation]

4978 Ambassador Gerard to the Feb. 1 Gives names obtained from

Secretary of State (telegram).

German Foreign Office of
persons from crews of the
sunk armed English mer-
chantmen Georgic, Mount
Temple, and Voltaire, who
claim to be American

4992 Ambassador Gerard to the Feb. 4 Reports he has been in

Secretary of State (telegram).

formed by Count Mont-
gelas of the Foreign Of-
fice that the American
prisoners taken on the
Yarrowdale. will be re-
leased at once.

Consul General Skinner to Feb. 5 Reports arrival of two

the Secretary of State

American citizens in Lon-
don having been sailors
on British steamship Yar-
rowdale, captured, taken
prisoners in Germany
with 85 other American




3650 Consul General Skinner to Feb. 6 Incloses copy of a declara- 240

the Secretary of State.

tion made by Charles David Green and Charles Quinn, members of the crew of the steamship Yarrowdale.


American Prisoners of War Taken to Germany-Continued.

[blocks in formation]

355 Ambassador Willard to the Feb. 17 Reports he has been informed

Secretary of State (telegram).

officially that American prisoners brought in by Yarrowdale and such other non-belligerents would be set at liberty within a very short time.

269 The Secretary of State Feb. 20 Instructs him to transmit




to Ambassador Willard (telegram).


to Spanish Ambassador at Berlin a formal demand for the immediate release of the Yarrowdale pris


370 Ambassador Willard to the Feb. 25 Reports he has been in

Secretary of State (telegram).

formed by Foreign Office that the Yarrowdale prisoners had been released on the 16th.

290 The Secretary of State Feb. 27 Instructs him to request

to Ambassador Willard (telegram).



Foreign Office to instruct Spanish Ambassador at Berlin to telegraph Department full report as regards Yarrowdale pris


386 Ambassador Willard to the Mar. 2 Reports receipt of telegram

Secretary of State (telegram).


from Spanish Ambassador at Berlin which confirmed report that Yarrowdale prisoners had been released Feb. 16 and were

American Prisoners of War Taken to Germany - Continued.

[blocks in formation]

The Minister of Switzer- Mar. 2 Communicates cable of Mar.

land in charge of Ger-
man interests in Amer-
ica to the Secretary of

1 from German Govern-
ment, stating the transfer
of American sailors from
Yarrowdale to frontier
has not as yet been possi-
ble because one of the
British sailors in camp
was found to be suffer-
ing from typhus exanthe-
matique. Their transfer
to Swiss frontier will
probably take place Mar.
7, when quarantine comes
to an end.

481 Minister Egan to the Sec- Mar. 3 Reports arrival in Copen-
retary of State (tele-
hagen of American med-
ical officers released from
prison camp at Karlsruhe,
Germany. Gives names
of vessels captured and
disposition of officers and


399 Ambassador Willard to the Mar. 7 Reports statement by the

Secretary of State (tele-

doctor of the Spanish Em-
bassy at Berlin concern-
ing condition of the Yar-
rowdale prisoners.

408 Ambassador Willard to the Mar. 12 Departure of 59 American





Secretary of State (tele


prisoners from Germany
via Sweden reported.

636 Minister Stovall to the Mar. 12 States 59 American prison


Secretary of State (tele-

ers from Yarrowdale ar-
rived in Zurich Mar. 11.

650 Minister Stovall to the Mar. 16 Informs Department of re


Secretary of State (tele-

ceipt of report from Con-
sul General at Zurich that
no complaint was made by

American Prisoners of War Taken to Germany-Continued.

[blocks in formation]

656 Minister Stovall to the Mar. 18 Reports having personally

Secretary of State (tele-


[blocks in formation]

425 Ambassador Willard to the Mar. 18 States

Secretary of State (tele


American citizen of Yar

rowdale prisoners, left for
Denmark by Warnemunde
Mar. 12.

Consul General Hurst to Apr. 28 States remaining 26 mem

the Secretary of State


bers of Yarrowdale crew
and 8 officers of the cap-
tured American steamer
Seward sailed from Barce-
lona Apr. 27 on steamship
Alicante, due in New York
about May 14.

Deportation of Civilians from Belgium.


4452 Chargé Grew to the Sec-Oct. 10 Reports action of German

retary of State (tele-



military authorities in de

manding lists of unem

ployed Belgians.


3497 The Acting Secretary of Oct. 19 Informs him, if he should

State to Chargé Grew

deem it advisable, he may
draw to Foreign Minis-
ter's attention, informally
and orally, the action of
German military authori-
ties in Belgium.

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